Interface TestImplementation

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCSSTestImplementation, AbstractTestImplementation, AbstractXSLTTestImplementation, AutoRefreshTest, CachingTest, CharacterEncodingSupportTest, ContentFormatSupportTest, DefaultInputModeTest, ExternalResourcesTest, GraphicsForSpacingTest, ImageMapsTest, ImagesSpecifySizeTest, LinkTargetFormatTest, MainDocumentTest, MeasuresTest, MinimizeTest, NoFramesTest, NonTextAlternativesTest, ObjectsOrScriptTest, PageSizeLimitTest, PageTitleTest, PopUpsTest, ProvideDefaultsTest, StyleSheetsSupportTest, StyleSheetsUseTest, TablesAlternativesTest, TablesLayoutTest, TablesNestedTest

interface TestImplementation

Tests that may be run by the Checker must implement the TestImplementation interface.

A test is thus defined as code that runs on the intermediary moki representation of the Web resource to test (an instance of the PreprocessorResults class) and returns the outcome of test in a TestResult object. The name of the test must be returned by the getTestType() method.

$Revision: 1.1 $
The W3C mobileOK Checker Task Force

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getTestType()
          Returns the name of the test implemented by the class.
 TestResult runTest(PreprocessorResults results)
          Runs the test on the intermediate moki representation of the resource.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getTestType()
Returns the name of the test implemented by the class.

the name of the test.


TestResult runTest(PreprocessorResults results)
                   throws TestException
Runs the test on the intermediate moki representation of the resource.

results - the intermediate moki representation of the resource to check.
the outcome of the test
TestException - an unexpected error occurred while running the test.