W3C Lib

W3C PICS library files



CSLUtils.html. This contains definitions of primitive data types and ephemoral types


CSParse.html Included by CSParse and the individual parsers.

CSParse.c Contains the parse engine and the common funtions that the individual parsers use.


CSLL.html Application interface to Label data structures and internals

CSLLSt.html Label data internals

CSLabel.c or CSLabel.html Label parser and iterators

CSLLURLs.c Iterates through a CSLabel, returns list of the SingleLabels

CSLLOut.c Spit out CSLLData through an HTStream, useful for debugging

machine-readable description

CSMR.html Application interface to MR data structures and internals

CSMRSt.html MR data internals

CSMacRed.c or CSMacRed.html MR parser and iterators


Example user description, not specified in any standard.

CSUser.html Application interface to User data structures and internals

CSUserSt.html User data internals

CSUser.c or CSUser.html User parser and iterators

Label parser example

LablPars.c LablPars provide an example of using the Label parser in a minimal program. See the Makefile for an idea of what modules are used and HTFuncs.html for a list of functions imported from libwww.


On Windows platforms, The application interface is implemented as a DLL
CSLApp.html Interface for an application using the full libwww to retrieve URLs. This provides automated label retrieval and user profile validation when a document is loaded.

CSApp.c User selection and MIME header generation and bureau requests.

CSCore.c Provides the ability to load Labels, MR, and Users through standard data flow (HTStream).

CSUsrLst.html and CSUsrLst.c This maintains a list that associates users with URLs. This allows the application to have access to user profiles kept at a central site and allows the users to remember only their name and password. This may be usefull at proxy sites at well.

CSChkLab.c Compare labels ratings to user ratings to permit or deny a document

CSKwik.c Simple HTStream that prints to the console. It is used in conjunction with CSLLOut

HTBrowse.c A slightly modified version of the W3 LineMode browser.


Overview.html Cover page for the PICS docs

Using.html Introduction to the PICS docs

Intrface.html Descritpion of the header file interfaces to the library

HTFuncs.html List of libwww functions needed for the minimal "CSUtils" interface to libpics

ReleaseNotes.html Exciting news about THIS release!

Parsing.html A description of the parsing process. It describes the purpose of the data structures and the process for creating them from a BNF description of the language.

Files.html This file - a description of all the files associated with the PICS library.

Eric Prud'hommeuax, libpics@w3.org, March 96