RDF Parser Based on Expat and SiRPAC

Written and integrated into libwww by John Punin - thanks!

This module is implemented by HTRDF.c, and is a part of the W3C Sample Code Library.

This RDF parser is based on Janne Saarela's Java based SiRPAC and James Clark's expat XML parser which isincluded in the libwww CVS code base where I compile is as one library: libexpat.a. See the external modules that libwww works with for details.

#ifndef HTRDF_H
#define HTRDF_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { 

#include "HTHash.h"

#define RDFMS "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
#define RDFSCHEMA "http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-rdf-schema#"
#define XMLSCHEMA "xml"

RDF Triple Class

typedef struct _HTTriple HTTriple;

extern HTTriple * HTTriple_new (char * p, char * s, char * o);
extern BOOL HTTriple_delete (HTTriple * me);
extern void HTTriple_print (HTTriple * me);
extern char * HTTriple_subject (HTTriple * me);
extern char * HTTriple_predicate (HTTriple * me);
extern char * HTTriple_object (HTTriple * me);

RDF Element Class

typedef struct _HTElement HTElement;

extern HTElement * HTElement_new (char * sName, HTAssocList * al);
extern HTElement * HTElement_new2 (char * sContent);
extern BOOL HTElement_addData (HTElement *me, char * sContent);
extern BOOL HTElement_delete (HTElement * me);
extern BOOL HTElement_addChild (HTElement * me, HTElement * element);
extern BOOL HTElement_addAttribute (HTElement * me, char * sName, char * sValue);
extern BOOL HTElement_removeAttribute (HTElement * me, char * sName);
extern char * HTElement_getAttribute (HTElement * me, char * sName);
extern char * HTElement_getAttribute2 (HTElement * me, char * sNamespace, char * sName);
extern BOOL HTElement_addTarget (HTElement * me, HTElement * element);
extern HTElement * HTElement_target (HTElement * me);
extern BOOL HTElement_instanceOfData (HTElement * me);

RDF Parser & Compiler Definition

These methods create and deletes an RDF Parser/Compiler (SIRPAC)

Create and Delete Parser Instance

typedef struct _HTRDFParser HTRDF;

extern HTRDF * HTRDF_new (void);
extern BOOL HTRDF_delete (HTRDF * me);

Callback Handler Announcing a new RDF Parser Object

When a RDF parser object is created, the stream checks to see if there are any callbacks registered which should be notified about the new stream instance. If that is the case then this callback is called and a pointer to the RDF parser passed along. The output stream is the target that was originally set for the request object before the request was issued.

typedef void HTRDFCallback_new (
	HTStream *		me,
	HTRequest *		request,
	HTFormat 		target_format,
	HTStream *		target_stream,
	HTRDF *                 rdfparser,
	void *                  context);

Register RDF Parser Creation Notification Callback

@@@Should be handled via XML names spaces@@@

extern BOOL HTRDF_registerNewParserCallback (HTRDFCallback_new *, void * context);

Callback Handler Announcing a new RDF Triple

Handler announcing that a new triple has been generated.

typedef void HTTripleCallback_new (
	HTRDF *		rdfp,
	HTTriple *	t,
	void *		context);

Register RDF Triple Creation Notification Callback

extern BOOL HTRDF_registerNewTripleCallback (
	HTRDF *			me,
	HTTripleCallback_new * 	cbf,
	void * 			context);

Set Address

Saves the name of the source document for later inspection if needed

extern BOOL HTRDF_setSource (HTRDF * me, char * source);

Resolve Symbolic References

Go through the m_vResolveQueue and assign direct object reference for each symbolic reference

extern BOOL HTRDF_resolve(HTRDF *me);

Find Suitable Start Element

Given an XML document (well-formed HTML, for example), look for a suitable element to start parsing from

extern BOOL HTRDF_processXML(HTRDF *me, HTElement *root);

Return the root element pointer.

This requires the parsing has been already done.

extern HTElement * HTRDF_root(HTRDF *me);

Return the full namespace URI for a given prefix sPrefix.

The default namespace is identified with xmlns prefix. The namespace of xmlns attribute is an empty string.

extern char * HTRDF_namespace (HTRDF * me, char * sPrefix);

Parsing Literal or Resource?

Methods to determine whether we are parsing parseType="Literal" or parseType="Resource"

extern BOOL HTRDF_parseLiteral(HTRDF *me);
extern BOOL HTRDF_parseResource(HTRDF *me);

Resolve Later

Add the element e to the m_vResolveQueue to be resolved later.

extern void HTRDF_resolveLater(HTRDF *me,HTElement *e);

Register ID

Add an element e to the Hashtable m_hIDtable which stores all nodes with an ID

extern void HTRDF_registerID(HTRDF *me, char * sID,HTElement *e);

Register Resource

Add an element e to the Vector m_vResources which stores all nodes with an URI

extern void HTRDF_registerResource(HTRDF *me,HTElement *e);

Look for Node

Look for a node by name sID from the Hashtable m_hIDtable of all registered IDs.

extern HTElement *HTRDF_lookforNode(HTRDF *me, char * sID);

If Element from RDF Schema?

Check if the element e is from the namespace of the RDF schema by comparing only the beginning of the expanded element name with the canonical RDFMS URI

extern BOOL HTRDF_isRDF(HTRDF *me, HTElement *ele);
extern BOOL HTRDF_isRDFroot(HTRDF *me, HTElement *ele);

Is the element a Description?

extern BOOL HTRDF_isDescription(HTRDF *me, HTElement *ele);

Is the element a Predicate?

This method matches all properties but those from RDF namespace

extern BOOL HTRDF_isTypedPredicate(HTRDF *me, HTElement *e);

Is the element a Container?

extern BOOL HTRDF_isContainer(HTRDF *me, HTElement *e);

Is the element a Bag?

extern BOOL HTRDF_isBag(HTRDF *me, HTElement *e);

Is the element an Alternative?

extern BOOL HTRDF_isAlternative(HTRDF *me, HTElement *e);

Is the element a Sequence?

extern BOOL HTRDF_isSequence(HTRDF *me, HTElement *e);

Is the element a ListItem?

extern BOOL HTRDF_isListItem (HTRDF *me, HTElement *e);

Start processing an RDF/XML document instance from the root element rdf.

extern BOOL HTRDF_processRDF(HTRDF *me, HTElement *ele);

processDescription manages Description elements

The Description element itself
Is this is a nested description
Do we need to reificate
Do we create a bag container
An ID for the description
extern char * HTRDF_processDescription (
	HTRDF *		me,
	HTElement *	description,
	BOOL		inPredicate,
	BOOL		reificate,
	BOOL		createBag);

Manage the typedNode production in the RDF grammar.

extern char * HTRDF_processTypedNode(HTRDF *me, HTElement *e);

Special method to deal with rdf:resource attribute

extern char * HTRDF_getResource(HTRDF *me,HTElement *e);

Create a new reification ID

Using a name part and an incremental counter m_iReificationCounter.

extern char * HTRDF_newReificationID (HTRDF *me);

Create a new triple

and add it to the m_triples List

extern void HTRDF_addTriple (HTRDF *me, char * sPredicate, char * sSubject,
			     char * sObject);

Create New Bag

allows one to determine whether SiRPAC produces Bag instances for each Description block. The default setting is not to generate them.

extern void HTRDF_createBags (HTRDF *me, BOOL b);

Set Output Stream

Set output stream for RDF parser

extern void HTRDF_setOutputStream (HTRDF *me, HTStream *ostream);

RDF Converter Streams

A set of converter streams using the HTRDF Parser object

RDF To Triple Converter

This stream converter converts an RDF stream to triples that are passed to the application using the new triples callback handler. The RDF object itself can be obtained using the new RDF parser object callback

extern HTConverter HTRDFParser_new;

Print RDF Triple Converter

This stream converter converts an RDF stream to triples and sends them downstrem as (predicate, subject, object). This can for example be used to print them out to stdout etc.

extern HTConverter HTRDFToTriples;

Parse a file of RDF

This function parses a file of RDF in a synchronous, non-blocking way. In other words, the file is not asynchronously loaded. If new_triple_callback is NULL, the default triple handler is invoked. The context pointer will be available in the triple callback function. Returns YES if the file is successfully parsed; otherwise NO is returned and an error message is logged.

extern BOOL HTRDF_parseFile (const char *file_name, 
                             HTTripleCallback_new * new_triple_callback,
                             void *context);

Parse a buffer of RDF

This function parses a buffer of RDF in a synchronous, non-blocking way. If new_triple_callback is NULL, the default triple handler is invoked. The context pointer will be available in the triple callback function. Returns YES if the buffer is successfully parsed; otherwise NO is returned and an error message is logged.

extern BOOL HTRDF_parseBuffer (const char *buffer, 
		               const char *buffer_name, 
                               int buffer_len, 
                               HTTripleCallback_new * new_triple_callback,
                               void *context);
#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif  /* HTRDF_H */

@(#) $Id: HTRDF.html,v 2.9 2005/11/11 14:03:15 vbancrof Exp $