

xpointer -- 


struct      xmlLocationSet;
typedef     xmlLocationSetPtr;
xmlLocationSetPtr xmlXPtrLocationSetCreate  (xmlXPathObjectPtr val);
void        xmlXPtrFreeLocationSet          (xmlLocationSetPtr obj);
xmlLocationSetPtr xmlXPtrLocationSetMerge   (xmlLocationSetPtr val1,
                                             xmlLocationSetPtr val2);
xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRange           (xmlNodePtr start,
                                             int startindex,
                                             xmlNodePtr end,
                                             int endindex);
xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRangePoints     (xmlXPathObjectPtr start,
                                             xmlXPathObjectPtr end);
xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRangeNodePoint  (xmlNodePtr start,
                                             xmlXPathObjectPtr end);
xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRangePointNode  (xmlXPathObjectPtr start,
                                             xmlNodePtr end);
xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRangeNodes      (xmlNodePtr start,
                                             xmlNodePtr end);
xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewLocationSetNodes
                                            (xmlNodePtr start,
                                             xmlNodePtr end);
xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewLocationSetNodeSet
                                            (xmlNodeSetPtr set);
xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRangeNodeObject (xmlNodePtr start,
                                             xmlXPathObjectPtr end);
xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewCollapsedRange  (xmlNodePtr start);
void        xmlXPtrLocationSetAdd           (xmlLocationSetPtr cur,
                                             xmlXPathObjectPtr val);
xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrWrapLocationSet    (xmlLocationSetPtr val);
void        xmlXPtrLocationSetDel           (xmlLocationSetPtr cur,
                                             xmlXPathObjectPtr val);
void        xmlXPtrLocationSetRemove        (xmlLocationSetPtr cur,
                                             int val);
xmlXPathContextPtr xmlXPtrNewContext        (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNodePtr here,
                                             xmlNodePtr origin);
xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrEval               (const xmlChar *str,
                                             xmlXPathContextPtr ctx);
void        xmlXPtrRangeToFunction          (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt,
                                             int nargs);
xmlNodePtr  xmlXPtrBuildNodeList            (xmlXPathObjectPtr obj);
void        xmlXPtrEvalRangePredicate       (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt);



struct xmlLocationSet

struct xmlLocationSet {
    int locNr;		      /* number of locations in the set */
    int locMax;		      /* size of the array as allocated */
    xmlXPathObjectPtr *locTab;/* array of locations */


typedef xmlLocationSet *xmlLocationSetPtr;

xmlXPtrLocationSetCreate ()

xmlLocationSetPtr xmlXPtrLocationSetCreate  (xmlXPathObjectPtr val);

Create a new xmlLocationSetPtr of type double and of value val

xmlXPtrFreeLocationSet ()

void        xmlXPtrFreeLocationSet          (xmlLocationSetPtr obj);

Free the LocationSet compound (not the actual ranges !).

xmlXPtrLocationSetMerge ()

xmlLocationSetPtr xmlXPtrLocationSetMerge   (xmlLocationSetPtr val1,
                                             xmlLocationSetPtr val2);

Merges two rangesets, all ranges from val2 are added to val1

xmlXPtrNewRange ()

xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRange           (xmlNodePtr start,
                                             int startindex,
                                             xmlNodePtr end,
                                             int endindex);

Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type range

xmlXPtrNewRangePoints ()

xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRangePoints     (xmlXPathObjectPtr start,
                                             xmlXPathObjectPtr end);

Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type range using 2 Points

xmlXPtrNewRangeNodePoint ()

xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRangeNodePoint  (xmlNodePtr start,
                                             xmlXPathObjectPtr end);

Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type range from a node to a point

xmlXPtrNewRangePointNode ()

xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRangePointNode  (xmlXPathObjectPtr start,
                                             xmlNodePtr end);

Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type range from a point to a node

xmlXPtrNewRangeNodes ()

xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRangeNodes      (xmlNodePtr start,
                                             xmlNodePtr end);

Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type range using 2 nodes

xmlXPtrNewLocationSetNodes ()

xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewLocationSetNodes
                                            (xmlNodePtr start,
                                             xmlNodePtr end);

Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type LocationSet and initialize it with the single range made of the two nodes start and end

xmlXPtrNewLocationSetNodeSet ()

xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewLocationSetNodeSet
                                            (xmlNodeSetPtr set);

Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type LocationSet and initialize it with all the nodes from set

xmlXPtrNewRangeNodeObject ()

xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewRangeNodeObject (xmlNodePtr start,
                                             xmlXPathObjectPtr end);

Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type range from a not to an object

xmlXPtrNewCollapsedRange ()

xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrNewCollapsedRange  (xmlNodePtr start);

Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type range using a single nodes

xmlXPtrLocationSetAdd ()

void        xmlXPtrLocationSetAdd           (xmlLocationSetPtr cur,
                                             xmlXPathObjectPtr val);

add a new xmlXPathObjectPtr to an existing LocationSet If the location already exist in the set val is freed.

xmlXPtrWrapLocationSet ()

xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrWrapLocationSet    (xmlLocationSetPtr val);

Wrap the LocationSet val in a new xmlXPathObjectPtr

xmlXPtrLocationSetDel ()

void        xmlXPtrLocationSetDel           (xmlLocationSetPtr cur,
                                             xmlXPathObjectPtr val);

Removes an xmlXPathObjectPtr from an existing LocationSet

xmlXPtrLocationSetRemove ()

void        xmlXPtrLocationSetRemove        (xmlLocationSetPtr cur,
                                             int val);

Removes an entry from an existing LocationSet list.

xmlXPtrNewContext ()

xmlXPathContextPtr xmlXPtrNewContext        (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNodePtr here,
                                             xmlNodePtr origin);

Create a new XPointer context

xmlXPtrEval ()

xmlXPathObjectPtr xmlXPtrEval               (const xmlChar *str,
                                             xmlXPathContextPtr ctx);

Evaluate the XPath Location Path in the given context.

xmlXPtrRangeToFunction ()

void        xmlXPtrRangeToFunction          (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt,
                                             int nargs);

Implement the range-to() XPointer function

xmlXPtrBuildNodeList ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlXPtrBuildNodeList            (xmlXPathObjectPtr obj);

Build a node list tree copy of the XPointer result. This will drop Attributes and Namespace declarations.

xmlXPtrEvalRangePredicate ()

void        xmlXPtrEvalRangePredicate       (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt);

[8] Predicate ::= '[' PredicateExpr ']' [9] PredicateExpr ::= Expr

Evaluate a predicate as in xmlXPathEvalPredicate() but for a Location Set instead of a node set