

raster image of linking-frag-201-t

Testing Links to external and internal 'svgView' with Transforms.

The first part of the test is passed if the rect links on the top line go to the linking-frag-202-t.svg file and adjust the resulting view according to their respective text; - The rect with 'Rotate' must link to the linking-frag-202-t.svg file and rotate resulting view - The rect with 'Shift' must link to the linking-frag-202-t.svg file and shitf the resulting view - The rect with 'Scale' must link to the linking-frag-202-t.svg file and scale the resulting view - The rect with 'skewX' must link to the linking-frag-202-t.svg file and skew the resulting view along the X axis - The rect with 'skewY' must link to the linking-frag-202-t.svg file and skew the resulting view along the Y axis - The rect with 'identity' must link to the linking-frag-202-t.svg file and restore the view to an identity transformation.

The second part of the test is passed if the rect links on the bottom line link to this file and adjust the resulting view according to their respective text; - The rect with 'Rotate' must link to this file and rotate resulting view - The rect with 'Shift' must link to this file and shitf the resulting view - The rect with 'Scale' must link to this file and scale the resulting view - The rect with 'skewX' must link to this file and skew the resulting view along the X axis - The rect with 'skewY' must link to this file and skew the resulting view along the Y axis - The rect with 'identity' must link to this file and restore the view to an identity transformation.