
raster image of fonts-desc-02-t

This tests the behaviour of CSS font matching based on font-variant attribute.

The first line of text should be 'square' 'triangle'. The small-caps font should match the second text element.

The second line of text should be 'square' 'triangle'. The second line is used to ensure that the order of font specification does not effect the selection of these fonts.

The third line of text should be 'square', 'diamond', 'square', 'diamond'. This shows that the correct font is selected when a font in the list does not support the variant required. If the small cap is synthsesised, it wil show as an upward triangle.

The last line of test can be 'square', 'a', 'a' (from a fallback font), 'diamond'. The first 'a' can be replaced with a smallcaps 'A', if there is a smallcaps font installed or if synthesis is supported. The last character can be replaced with a upward pointing triangle to detect font synthesis. The non-smallcaps fonts have an uppercase "A" (which looks like a larger upward pointing triangle) to detect such synthesis.