SVG Tiny 1.2 - 20071117

B IDL Definitions

This appendix is normative.

This appendix contains the complete IDL for the SVG UDOM.

The SVG UDOM IDL defines the model for the SVG UDOM. Note that the SVG UDOM IDL is defined such that some interfaces have more than one base class. The different standard language bindings for the SVG UDOM are responsible for defining how to map all aspects of the SVG UDOM into the given language, including how the language should implement interfaces with more than one base class.

  core.package.vendor="W3C";"SVG Tiny";"svgt";

  comment="subsetted Core DOM";"org.w3c.dom";

module dom
    valuetype DOMString sequence<unsigned short>;
    typedef Object DOMObject;
    interface Node;
    interface Element;
    interface Document;
    interface DOMImplementation;

    exception DOMException
        unsigned short code;

    const unsigned short      INDEX_SIZE_ERR                 = 1;
    const unsigned short      DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR             = 2;
    const unsigned short      HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR          = 3;
    const unsigned short      WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR             = 4;
    const unsigned short      INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR          = 5;
    const unsigned short      NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR            = 6;
    const unsigned short      NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR    = 7;
    const unsigned short      NOT_FOUND_ERR                  = 8;
    const unsigned short      NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR              = 9;
    const unsigned short      INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR            = 10;
    const unsigned short      INVALID_STATE_ERR              = 11;
    const unsigned short      SYNTAX_ERR                     = 12;
    const unsigned short      INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR       = 13;
    const unsigned short      NAMESPACE_ERR                  = 14;
    const unsigned short      INVALID_ACCESS_ERR             = 15;
    const unsigned short      VALIDATION_ERR                 = 16;
    const unsigned short      TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR              = 17;

    interface Node
        readonly attribute DOMString namespaceURI;
        readonly attribute DOMString localName;
        readonly attribute Node parentNode;
        readonly attribute Document ownerDocument;
        attribute DOMString textContent;
        Node appendChild(in Node newChild) 
        Node insertBefore(in Node newChild, in Node refChild) 
        Node removeChild(in Node oldChild) 
        Node cloneNode(in boolean deep);

    interface Element : Node, ElementTraversal
        DOMString getAttributeNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName) 
        void setAttributeNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString qualifiedName, 
                            in DOMString value) 
		DOMString getAttribute(in DOMString name);
		void setAttribute(in DOMString name, in DOMString value) 

    interface Document : Node
        readonly attribute DOMImplementation implementation;
        Element createElementNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString qualifiedName) 
        readonly attribute Element documentElement;
        Element getElementById(in DOMString elementId);

    interface ElementTraversal 
        readonly attribute Element firstElementChild;
        readonly attribute Element lastElementChild;
        readonly attribute Element nextElementSibling;
        readonly attribute Element previousElementSibling;

    interface DOMImplementation 


module events
    typedef dom::DOMString DOMString;
    typedef dom::DOMException DOMException;
    typedef dom::Document Document;
    typedef dom::Element Element;
    interface EventTarget;
    interface EventListener;
    interface Event;    

    interface EventTarget
        void addEventListener(in DOMString type, in EventListener listener, in boolean useCapture);
        void removeEventListener(in DOMString type, in EventListener listener, 
                                 in boolean useCapture);
        void addEventListenerNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString type, 
                                in EventListener listener, in boolean useCapture, in DOMObject evtGroup);
        void removeEventListenerNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString type, 
                                   in EventListener listener, in boolean useCapture);

    interface EventListener
        void handleEvent(in Event evt);

    interface Event
        readonly attribute EventTarget target;
        readonly attribute EventTarget currentTarget;
        readonly attribute DOMString type;
        readonly attribute DOMString namespaceURI;
        readonly attribute boolean cancelable;
        readonly attribute boolean defaultPrevented;
        void stopPropagation();
        void preventDefault();

    interface MouseEvent : UIEvent
        readonly attribute long screenX;        
        readonly attribute long screenY;        
        readonly attribute long clientX;        
        readonly attribute long clientY;        
        readonly attribute unsigned short button;    

    interface MouseWheelEvent : MouseEvent     
        readonly attribute long wheelDelta;    

    interface TextEvent : UIEvent    
        readonly attribute DOMString data;    

    interface KeyboardEvent : UIEvent     
        readonly attribute DOMString keyIdentifier;    

    interface UIEvent : Event     
        readonly attribute long detail;    

    interface ProgressEvent : Event     
        readonly attribute boolean lengthComputable;        
        readonly attribute unsigned long loaded;        
        readonly attribute unsigned long total;    

    interface ConnectionEvent : Event 
         const unsigned short NO_ERR = 0;
         const unsigned short NETWORK_ERR = 1;
         readonly attribute unsigned short errorCode;
         readonly attribute sequence<octet> receivedData;


module smil
    typedef events::Event Event;

    interface ElementTimeControl
        void beginElementAt(in float offset);
        void beginElement();
        void endElementAt(in float offset);
        void endElement();

    interface TimeEvent : Event     
        readonly attribute long detail;    


module global
    typedef dom::DOMString DOMString;        
    typedef dom::DOMException DOMException;    
    typedef events::EventTarget EventTarget;
    interface Connection;
    interface Timer;

    interface Global 

    exception GlobalException
        unsigned short code;

    const unsigned short NOT_CONNECTED_ERR = 1;
    const unsigned short ENCODING_ERR = 2;
    const unsigned short DENIED_ERR = 3;
    const unsigned short UNKNOWN_ERR = 4;

    interface Connection : EventTarget 
        readonly attribute boolean connected;
        void connect(in DOMString host, in unsigned short port) 
        void send(in sequence<octet> data) 
        void close();

    interface Timer : events::EventTarget
       attribute long delay;
       attribute long repeatInterval;
       readonly attribute boolean running;    
       void start();
       void stop();


module svg
    typedef dom::DOMString DOMString;
    typedef dom::DOMException DOMException;
    typedef dom::DOMObject DOMObject;    
    typedef dom::Document Document;
    typedef dom::Element Element;
    typedef dom::Node Node;
    typedef global::Connection Connection;
    typedef global::Timer Timer;
    typedef global::Global Global;
    typedef events::Event Event;
    typedef events::EventListener EventListener;
    typedef events::EventTarget EventTarget;
    interface SVGSVGElement;
    interface SVGRGBColor;
    interface SVGRect;
    interface SVGPoint;
    interface SVGPath;
    interface SVGMatrix;
    interface SVGLocatableElement;
    interface SVGElement;
    interface SVGTimedElement;
    interface SVGAnimationElement;
    interface SVGDocument;
    interface SVGGlobal;

    exception SVGException
        unsigned short code;

    const unsigned short SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR         = 0;
    const unsigned short SVG_INVALID_VALUE_ERR      = 1;
    const unsigned short SVG_MATRIX_NOT_INVERTABLE  = 2;

    interface SVGDocument : Document, EventTarget 
        readonly attribute SVGGlobal global;

    interface SVGElementInstance : EventTarget 
        readonly attribute SVGElement correspondingElement;
        readonly attribute SVGElement correspondingUseElement;

    interface SVGSVGElement : SVGLocatableElement, SVGTimedElement
        const unsigned short NAV_AUTO           = 1; 
        const unsigned short NAV_NEXT           = 2; 
        const unsigned short NAV_PREV           = 3; 
        const unsigned short NAV_UP             = 4; 
        const unsigned short NAV_UP_RIGHT       = 5; 
        const unsigned short NAV_RIGHT          = 6; 
        const unsigned short NAV_DOWN_RIGHT     = 7;
        const unsigned short NAV_DOWN           = 8;
        const unsigned short NAV_DOWN_LEFT      = 9;
        const unsigned short NAV_LEFT           = 10;
        const unsigned short NAV_UP_LEFT        = 11;
        attribute float currentScale;
        attribute float currentRotate;
        readonly attribute SVGPoint currentTranslate;
        readonly attribute SVGRect viewport; 
        float getCurrentTime();
        void setCurrentTime(in float seconds);
        SVGMatrix createSVGMatrixComponents(in float a, in float b, in float c, in float d, 
                                            in float e, in float f);
        SVGRect createSVGRect();
        SVGPoint createSVGPoint();
        SVGPath createSVGPath();
        SVGRGBColor createSVGRGBColor(in float red, in float green, in float blue) 
        void moveFocus(in unsigned short motionType) 
        void setFocus(in EventTarget theObject) 
        EventTarget getCurrentFocusedObject();

    interface SVGRGBColor
        attribute unsigned long red;
        attribute unsigned long green;
        attribute unsigned long blue;

    interface SVGRect
        attribute float x;
        attribute float y;
        attribute float width;
        attribute float height;

    interface SVGPoint
        attribute float x;
        attribute float y;
        SVGPoint matrixTransform(in SVGMatrix matrix);

    interface SVGPath
        const unsigned short MOVE_TO = 77;
        const unsigned short LINE_TO = 76;
        const unsigned short CURVE_TO = 67;
        const unsigned short QUAD_TO = 81;
        const unsigned short CLOSE = 90;
        readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfSegments;
        unsigned short getSegment(in unsigned long cmdIndex) 
        float getSegmentParam(in unsigned long cmdIndex, in unsigned long paramIndex) 
        void moveTo(in float x, in float y);
        void lineTo(in float x, in float y);
        void quadTo(in float x1, in float y1, in float x2, in float y2);
        void curveTo(in float x1, in float y1, in float x2, in float y2, in float x3, in float y3);
        void close();

    interface SVGMatrix
        float getComponent(in unsigned long index) 
        SVGMatrix mMultiply(in SVGMatrix secondMatrix);
        SVGMatrix inverse() 
        SVGMatrix mTranslate(in float x, in float y);
        SVGMatrix mScale(in float scaleFactor);
        SVGMatrix mRotate(in float angle);

    interface SVGLocatable
        SVGRect   getBBox();
        SVGMatrix getScreenCTM();
        SVGRect   getScreenBBox();

    interface SVGLocatableElement : SVGElement, SVGLocatable

    interface TraitAccess
        DOMString getTrait(in DOMString name) 
        DOMString getTraitNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString name) 
        float getFloatTrait(in DOMString name) 
        sequence<float> getFloatListTrait(in DOMString name) 
        SVGMatrix getMatrixTrait(in DOMString name) 
        SVGRect getRectTrait(in DOMString name) 
        SVGPath getPathTrait(in DOMString name) 
        SVGRGBColor getRGBColorTrait(in DOMString name) 
        DOMString getPresentationTrait(in DOMString name) 
        DOMString getPresentationTraitNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString name) 
        float getFloatPresentationTrait(in DOMString name) 
        sequence<float> getFloatListPresentationTrait(in DOMString name) 
        SVGMatrix getMatrixPresentationTrait(in DOMString name) 
        SVGRect getRectPresentationTrait(in DOMString name) 
        SVGPath getPathPresentationTrait(in DOMString name) 
        SVGRGBColor getRGBColorPresentationTrait(in DOMString name) 
        void setTrait(in DOMString name, in DOMString value) 
        void setTraitNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString name, in DOMString value) 
        void setFloatTrait(in DOMString name, in float value) 
        void setFloatListTrait(in DOMString name, in sequence<float> value) 
        void setMatrixTrait(in DOMString name, in SVGMatrix matrix) 
        void setRectTrait(in DOMString name, in SVGRect rect) 
        void setPathTrait(in DOMString name, in SVGPath path) 
        void setRGBColorTrait(in DOMString name, in SVGRGBColor color) 

    interface SVGElement : Element, EventTarget, TraitAccess
        attribute DOMString id;

    interface SVGTimedElement : SVGElement, smil::ElementTimeControl
        void pauseElement();
        void resumeElement();
        readonly attribute boolean isPaused; 

    interface SVGAnimationElement : SVGTimedElement

    interface SVGVisualMediaElement : SVGLocatableElement, SVGTimedElement 

    interface SVGGlobal : Global
       Connection createConnection();
       Timer createTimer(in long initialInterval, in long repeatInterval) 
       void gotoLocation(in DOMString newIRI);
       readonly attribute Document document;
       readonly attribute Global parent;
       DOMString binaryToString(in sequence<octet> octets, in DOMString encoding) 
       sequence<octet> stringToBinary(in DOMString data, in DOMString encoding) 
       void getURL(in DOMString iri, in AsyncStatusCallback callback);
       void postURL(in DOMString iri, in DOMString data, in AsyncStatusCallback callback, 
                    in DOMString type, in DOMString encoding);
       Node parseXML(in DOMString data, in Document contextDoc);

    interface AsyncStatusCallback 
        void operationComplete(in AsyncURLStatus status);

    interface AsyncURLStatus 
        readonly attribute boolean success;
        readonly attribute DOMString contentType;
        readonly attribute DOMString content;

    interface EventListenerInitializer2
        void initializeEventListeners(in Element scriptElement);
        EventListener createEventListener(in Element handlerElement);
