Uses of Interface

Uses of RetrievalElement in org.w3c.mwi.mobileok.basic

Classes in org.w3c.mwi.mobileok.basic that implement RetrievalElement
 class FailedRetrievalElement
          An instance of the class represents an exchange that failed during while trying to retrieve a resource
 class FragmentRetrievalElement
          An instance of the class represents a textual fragment of a retrieved resource.
 class HttpRetrievalElement
          An instance of the class represents an HTTP client/server exchange, i.e.

Fields in org.w3c.mwi.mobileok.basic with type parameters of type RetrievalElement
private  java.util.List<RetrievalElement> Resource.retrievedElements
          Retrieved resource.

Methods in org.w3c.mwi.mobileok.basic that return RetrievalElement
 RetrievalElement Resource.getLastRedirect()
          Returns the exchange that contains the resource itself.
 RetrievalElement Resource.getRedirect(int redirect)
          Returns the exchange of the intermediate redirection identified by its index.

Methods in org.w3c.mwi.mobileok.basic that return types with arguments of type RetrievalElement
 java.util.List<RetrievalElement> Resource.getAllRedirects()
          Returns the complete list of exchanges, including the resource itself.
 java.util.List<RetrievalElement> HttpResourceRetriever.getResource( uri)
 java.util.List<RetrievalElement> ResourceRetriever.getResource( uri)
          Retrieves the Web resource identified by the URI.

Methods in org.w3c.mwi.mobileok.basic with parameters of type RetrievalElement
private  boolean GifImageContent.checkTransparency(RetrievalElement retrieved)
          Checks whether the image/gif image uses transparency.
private  void TextContent.decodeBodyAsUTF8(RetrievalElement retrieved)
          Decodes the resource content as a UTF-8 encoded stream.
static org.w3c.css.css.StyleSheet CSSUtils.getStylesheet( cssUri, CssContent cssContent, RetrievalElement retrieved)
          Parses a CSS content with the W3C CSS validator and returns the result.
private  java.lang.String TextContent.getXMLPrologEncoding(RetrievalElement retrieved)
          Extracts the encoding from the XML declaration.
private  void CssContent.insertLineInCssMessages(RetrievalElement retrieved)
          Appends the index of the line that contains the inline CSS style in each CSS validation error and/or warning message.
private  void TextContent.validateUTF8(RetrievalElement retrieved)
          Validates the UTF-8 encoding of the HTTP Response received.

Method parameters in org.w3c.mwi.mobileok.basic with type arguments of type RetrievalElement
 DecodedContent DecodedContentFactory.decodeContent( uri, java.util.List<RetrievalElement> retrieved, ResourceContext resourceContext)
          Creates an instance of a Resource based on the given parameters.
 DecodedContent MobileOKDecodedContentFactory.decodeContent( uri, java.util.List<RetrievalElement> retrieved, ResourceContext resourceContext)
 void Resource.useRetrievalInformation(java.util.List<RetrievalElement> retrieved)
          Use the given retrieval material as the retrieved information of the resource.

Constructor parameters in org.w3c.mwi.mobileok.basic with type arguments of type RetrievalElement
CssContent( uri, java.util.List<RetrievalElement> retrieved)
          Creates a class instance bound to the URI of a CSS resource.
GifImageContent( uri, java.util.List<RetrievalElement> retrieved)
          Creates a class instance bound to a URI.
ImageContent( uri, java.util.List<RetrievalElement> retrieved)
          Creates a class instance bound to a URI.
JpegImageContent( uri, java.util.List<RetrievalElement> retrieved)
          Creates a class instance bound to a URI.
NotSupportedContent( uri, java.util.List<RetrievalElement> retrieved)
          Creates a class instance bound to a URI.
NotSupportedImageContent( uri, java.util.List<RetrievalElement> retrieved)
          Creates a class instance bound to a URI.
RetrievalFailedContent( uri, java.util.List<RetrievalElement> retrieved)
          Creates a class instance bound to a URI.
TextContent( uri, java.util.List<RetrievalElement> retrieved)
          Creates a class instance bound to a URI.
XhtmlContent( uri, java.util.List<RetrievalElement> retrieved)
          Creates a class instance bound to a URI.