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CVS log for libwww/Library/src/HTAAUtil.html

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Default branch: MAIN
Current tag: Amaya-6-1

Revision 2.38: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Jan 27 08:52:02 1999 UTC (25 years, 3 months ago) by kahan
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: repeat-requests, before_webdav, Release-5-4-0, Release-5-3-1, Release-5-2-8, Release-5-2-6, Before-New-Trace-Messages, Amaya_2_4, Amaya-6-3, Amaya-6-1, Amaya-5-2, Amaya-4-3-2, Amaya-4-3-1, Amaya-4-3, Amaya-4-1-2, Amaya-4-1-0, Amaya-4-0-0, Amaya-3-2-1, Amaya-3-2, Amaya
Diff to: previous 2.37: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 2.37: +10 -1 lines
* Modified the authentication module interface so that it's possible to use a
  filter for authentication information. This removed the dependency problems
  we had with the Windows DLLs

Note that the API for HTAA_newModule changed to allow registering the filter
for the authentication information. If you were previously
 using the library's initialization functions (e.g., HTAAInit), the change will
be transparent for you. Otherwise, you'll have to take into account the new

PUBLIC HTAAModule * HTAA_newModule (const char *        scheme,
                                    HTNetBefore *       before,
                                    HTNetAfter *        after,
                                    HTNetAfter *        update,
                                    HTUTree_gc *        gc)

If you don't have a filter for the authentication information, just use the NULL
parameter. You may look at HTInit.c:HTAAInit() to see how it is done.

-Jose Kahan

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