The parameter file infos.txt
- talkTitle: title of the talk
- author (, author2): name of the author (and co-author)
- authorUrl (, author2Url): link on the author's (and
co-author's) name, can be left blank
- logoFile (, logoFile2): the name of the logo (and second
logo) at the bottom of the slides
- logoLink (, logoLink2): link on the logo (and second
logo) at the bottom of the slides
- logoAlt (, logoAlt2): alt text for the logo (and second
logo) at the bottom of the slides
- cssStandardFiles: list of standard
CSS files used for
the presentation
- cssUserFiles: list of your own
CSS files to overload
the standard files
- baselang: primary language of the slides,
e.g., en-US, fr-CA, ja, ...
- charset: character encoding of the slides,
e.g., ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, EUC-JP, ...
- prevKey, nextKey, tocKey, styleKey:
accesskey for navigation buttons
- all paths in these parameters should be relative, all
parameters have default values
- when using Slideme, infos.txt will be built for you