W3C Sample Code Library libwww WebDAV Access Methods

**      (c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
**      Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.

This module contains methods for accessing URIs using WebDAV methods. It also contains functions for headers definition.

This module is implemented by HTDAV.c and it is a part of the W3C Sample CodeLibrary.

#ifndef HTDAV_H
#define HTDAV_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { 

#ifdef HT_DAV


WebDAV extension protocol defines new headers to be used in its requests. See RFC2518 for details.

typedef struct _HTDAVHeaders HTDAVHeaders;

extern HTDAVHeaders * HTDAVHeaders_new (void);
extern BOOL HTDAVHeaders_delete (HTDAVHeaders *me);

If Header

Manipulates the "If" header, which describes a series of state lists. The caller must assure that the parameter "If" is well-formed. Below, you can see a small description of If header format. See section 9.4 of RFC2518 for details.

If = "If" ":" ( 1*NOTAGGED | 1*TAGGED )



LIST = "(" 1*( ["Not"] (STATE-TOKEN | "[" ENTITY-TAG "]" ) ) ")"


CODED-URL = "<" AbsoluteURI ">"

Note: The caller should free the strings returned by HTDAV_ifHeader method.

extern BOOL HTDAV_setIfHeader (HTDAVHeaders *me, const char *If);
extern BOOL HTDAV_deleteIfHeader (HTDAVHeaders * me);
extern char * HTDAV_ifHeader (HTDAVHeaders *me);

Depth Header

Manipulates the "Depth" header. Depth header is used with methods executed on resource which could have internal members (Collections) to indicate whether the method should be applied to the resource children.

The caller must assure that the parameter "Depth" is "0", "1" or "infinity", and that its value can be applied in the used resquest method (for example, LOCK method does not support Depth value 1).

Note: The caller should free the string returned by HTDAV_DepthHeader method.

extern BOOL HTDAV_setDepthHeader (HTDAVHeaders *me, const char *Depth);
extern BOOL HTDAV_deleteDepthHeader (HTDAVHeaders * me);
extern char * HTDAV_DepthHeader (HTDAVHeaders *me);

Lock-Tocken header

Manipulates the "LockToken" header. It is used in UNLOCK method to identify the lock to be removed. The caller must assure that the parameter is a state token well-formed ( RFC2518 section 9.5).

Note: The caller should free the string returned by HTDAV_LockTokenHeader method.

extern BOOL HTDAV_setLockTokenHeader (HTDAVHeaders *me, const char *LockToken);
extern BOOL HTDAV_deleteLockTokenHeader (HTDAVHeaders * me);
extern char * HTDAV_LockTokenHeader (HTDAVHeaders *me);

Destination Header

Manipulates the "Destination" header. It is used in COPY and MOVE methods to identify a destination resource. The caller must assure that the parameter is an absolute URI.

Note: The caller should free the string returned by HTDAV_DestinationHeader method.

extern BOOL HTDAV_setDestinationHeader (HTDAVHeaders *me, const char *Destination);
extern BOOL HTDAV_deleteDestinationHeader (HTDAVHeaders * me);
extern char * HTDAV_DestinationHeader (HTDAVHeaders *me);

Timeout Header

Manipulates the "Timeout" header. It is used in LOCK requests to indicate the desired timeout value for the requested lock. However, according to the RFC2518, the server is not required to honor this value.

The caller must assure that the parameter follows the specification in the section 9.8 of RFC 2518:

Timeout = "Timeout" ":" 1#TIMETYPE

TIMETYPE = ( "Second-" VAL | "Infinite" | OTHER )

VAL = 1*digit

OTHER = "Extend" Field ; RFC2068 - section 4.2

Note: The caller should free the string returned by HTDAV_TimeoutHeader method.

extern BOOL HTDAV_setTimeoutHeader (HTDAVHeaders *me, const char *Timeout);
extern BOOL HTDAV_deleteTimeoutHeader (HTDAVHeaders * me);
extern char * HTDAV_TimeoutHeader (HTDAVHeaders *me);

Overwrite Header

Manipulates the "Overwrite" header. It is used in COPY and MOVE methods to specify whether the server should overwrite a destination resource.

extern BOOL HTDAV_setOverwriteHeader (HTDAVHeaders *me, BOOL Overwrite);
extern BOOL HTDAV_deleteOverwriteHeader (HTDAVHeaders * me); 
extern BOOL HTDAV_OverwriteHeader (HTDAVHeaders * me); 


WebDAV extension protocol defines new methods: LOCK, UNLOCK, MOVE, COPY, MKCOL, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH (See RFC2518 for details).

LOCK Requests

A LOCK request create or refresh a lock over the destiny URI. If it wants to create a new lock, the request should have a XML body (parameter "xmlbody"), but if it is a refresh request, this body may be NULL and the header "If" should be set in HTDAVHeaders object.

extern BOOL HTLOCKDocumentAnchor(HTRequest * request, HTAnchor * dst,
                                 HTParentAnchor *xmlbody, HTDAVHeaders *headers);
extern BOOL HTLOCKAnchor (HTRequest * request,HTAnchor * dst,
                                 char * xmlbody, HTDAVHeaders * headers); 
extern BOOL HTLOCKAbsolute (HTRequest * request, const char * uri,
                                 char * xmlbody, HTDAVHeaders * headers);
extern BOOL HTLOCKRelative (HTRequest * request, const char * relative,
                                 HTParentAnchor * base, char * xmlbody,
                                 HTDAVHeaders * headers);

UNLOCK Requests

An UNLOCK request removes a lock from the destiny URI. The request must contain the Lock-Token header set in HTDAVHeaders object (so, the HTDAVHeaders * headers parameter can't be NULL).

extern BOOL HTUNLOCKAnchor (HTRequest * request, HTAnchor * dst,
                            HTDAVHeaders * headers);
extern BOOL HTUNLOCKAbsolute (HTRequest * request, const char * uri,
                            HTDAVHeaders * headers);
extern BOOL HTUNLOCKRelative (HTRequest * request, const char * relative,
                            HTParentAnchor * base, HTDAVHeaders * headers);


PROPFIND requests returns properties defined for the resource. The request may contain xml entity body with a "propfind" element, which may include an "allprop" element (to get all properties), a "propname" element (the name of all properties defined), and a "prop" element containing the desired properties.

extern BOOL HTPROPFINDAnchor (HTRequest * request, HTAnchor * dst,
                          const char * xmlbody, HTDAVHeaders * headers);
extern BOOL HTPROPFINDDocumentAnchor (HTRequest * request, HTAnchor * dst,
                          HTParentAnchor * xmlbody, HTDAVHeaders * headers);
extern BOOL HTPROPFINDAbsolute (HTRequest * request, const char * uri,
                          const char * xmlbody, HTDAVHeaders * headers);
extern BOOL HTPROPFINDRelative (HTRequest * request, const char * relative,
                          HTParentAnchor * base, const char * xmlbody,
                          HTDAVHeaders * headers);


PROPPATCH requests sets or removes properties defined for the resource. The request MUST contain xml message body (parameter xmlbody) with a "propertyupdate" element, which may include a "set" element (to set the properties) or a "remove" element (to remove the properties).

extern BOOL HTPROPPATCHAnchor (HTRequest * request, HTAnchor * dst,
                         const char * xmlbody,HTDAVHeaders * headers);
extern BOOL HTPROPPATCHDocumentAnchor (HTRequest * request,HTAnchor * dst,
                         HTParentAnchor * xmlbody,HTDAVHeaders * headers);
extern BOOL HTPROPPATCHAbsolute (HTRequest * request, const char * uri,
                         const char * xmlbody, HTDAVHeaders * headers);
extern BOOL HTPROPPATCHRelative (HTRequest * request, const char * relative,
                         HTParentAnchor * base, const char * xmlbody,
                         HTDAVHeaders * headers);

MKCOL Requests

MKCOL requests are used to create Collections. The resource indicated by the Request-URI (parameters HTAnchor *dst or char *absolute/relative) MUST not exist, but all the resource's ancestros MUST exist.

extern BOOL HTMKCOLAnchor (HTRequest * request, HTAnchor * dst,
                         HTDAVHeaders * headers);
extern BOOL HTMKCOLAbsolute (HTRequest * request, const char * uri,
                         HTDAVHeaders * headers);
extern BOOL HTMKCOLRelative (HTRequest * request, const char * relative,
                         HTParentAnchor * base, HTDAVHeaders * headers);

COPY Requests

COPY requests copies the Request-URI (parameters HTAnchor *src or char *absolute/relative) to the resource indicated in Destinarion header. The HTDAVHeaders *headers parameter MUST be a non-null object and it MUST have the Destination header set. Other headers may also be used, like Depth (0 or infinity), If and Overwrite headers.

extern BOOL HTCOPYAnchor (HTRequest * request, HTAnchor * src,
                        const char * xmlbody, HTDAVHeaders * headers);
extern BOOL HTCOPYDocumentAnchor (HTRequest * request, HTAnchor * src,
                        HTParentAnchor * xmlbody, HTDAVHeaders * headers);
extern BOOL HTCOPYAbsolute (HTRequest * request, const char * uri,
                        const char * xmlbody, HTDAVHeaders * headers);
extern BOOL HTCOPYRelative (HTRequest * request, const char * relative,
                        HTParentAnchor * base, const char * xmlbody,
                        HTDAVHeaders * headers);

MOVE Requests

MOVE requests moves the Request-URI (parameters HTAnchor *src or char *absolute/relative) to the resource indicated in Destinarion header. The HTDAVHeaders *headers parameter MUST be a non-null object and it MUST have the Destination header set. Other headers may also be used, like Depth ("0" or "infinity" - if the resource is a Collection, Depth must only be "infinity"), If and Overwrite headers.

extern BOOL HTMOVEAnchor (HTRequest * request, HTAnchor * src,
                        const char * xmlbody, HTDAVHeaders * headers);
extern BOOL HTMOVEDocumentAnchor (HTRequest * request, HTAnchor * src,
                        HTParentAnchor * xmlbody, HTDAVHeaders * headers);
extern BOOL HTMOVEAbsolute (HTRequest * request, const char * uri,
                        const char * xmlbody, HTDAVHeaders * headers);
extern BOOL HTMOVERelative (HTRequest * request, const char * relative,
                        HTParentAnchor * base, const char * xmlbody,
                        HTDAVHeaders * headers);

#endif /* HT_DAV */

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* HTDAV_H */

$Id: HTDAV.html,v 1.4 2005/11/11 14:03:15 vbancrof Exp $