File:  [Public] / rpm2html / rpmdata.h
Revision 1.23: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Mar 23 06:59:48 1998 UTC (26 years, 2 months ago) by veillard
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
First steps at adding a distribution tree upon request, Daniel.

 * rpmdata.h : describes the data gathered for each RPM analyzed.
 * Copyright (c) 1997 Daniel Veillard <>
 * See COPYING for the status of this software.
 * $Id: rpmdata.h,v 1.23 1998/03/23 06:59:48 veillard Exp $

#ifndef __RPMDATA_H__
#define __RPMDATA_H__

#include <rpm/header.h>

 * Structure associated to a local directory containing RPM files.

#define MAX_URLS	256
#define MAX_ARCHS	(sizeof(int) * 8)

typedef struct rpm_dir {
    struct rpm_dir *next;	/* next in list */
    char *color;		/* The bgcolor for the pages :-) */
    char *dir;		        /* where to store the HTML files */
    char *subdir;		/* subdirectory for multiple archive */
    char *ftp;		        /* The host URL it's mirrored from */
    char *ftpsrc;		/* The host URL where src.rpm can be found */
    char *host;                 /* Hostname for the server */
    char *mail;			/* mail contact for this directory */
    char *maint;		/* Maintainer name for this directory */
    char *name;			/* Name for this repository */
    char *rpmdir;               /* The local repository */
    char *trust;		/* Confidences in the files */
    char *url;		        /* The output URL */
    int   files;		/* number of files */
    int   installbase;		/* Is this from an installed base */
    int   size;			/* aggregated size of files */
    int   nb_mirrors;		/* numbers of mirrors */
    char *mirrors[MAX_URLS];    /* Urls for download */
    int   build_tree;		/* Should we build the filesystem tree */
    struct rpm_realdir *root;	/* The corresponding filesystem tree */
} rpmDir, *rpmDirPtr;

 * Structure associated to a local directory containing HTML files.
 * We build a tree providing an actual map of the generated site.

typedef struct rpm_subdir {
    struct rpm_subdir *parent;	/* Parent directory ususally .. */
    char  *name;		/* subdirectory name */
    char  *color;		/* Color for the HTML output */
    char  *htmlpath;		/* full path w.r.t. rpm2html_url */
    char  *rpmpath;		/* full path w.r.t. rpm2html_dir */
    int    nb_subdirs;		/* number of subdirectories */
                                /* list of the subdirectories */ 
    struct rpm_subdir *subdirs[MAX_SUB_DIRECTORIES];
} rpmSubdir, *rpmSubdirPtr;

 * Structure associated to a real directory containing files owned
 * by RPM packages. It reflect the content of user's filesystem if
 * it installed the packages.

#define RPM_ELEM_DIRECTORY	0x1   /* File or directory ? */

typedef struct rpm_realdir {
    struct rpm_realdir *parent;	/* Parent directory */
    char  *name;		/* directory name */
    int    nb_elem;		/* number of files (and subdirs)  */
    int    max_elem;		/* size of allocated arrays       */
                                /* pointers to an array of either */
    void **elems;               /* filename or subdir rpm_realdir */
    char **names;               /* pointer to the array of names  */
    char  *flags;               /* pointer to array of flags      */
} rpmRealDir, *rpmRealDirPtr;

 * structure associated with an architecture.

typedef struct rpm_arch {
    struct rpm_arch *next;	/* next in the list */
    char *os;			/* the Operating System name */
    char *arch;			/* the CPU architecture */
} rpmArch, *rpmArchPtr;

 * structure associated with an rpm

#define MAX_RES		64
#define MAX_REQU	64

typedef struct rpm_data {
    struct rpm_data *next;	/* next in the full list of RPMs */
    struct rpm_data *nextSoft;	/* next software */
    struct rpm_data *nextArch;	/* RPM for same software on other archs */
    struct rpm_data *nextHash;	/* next in the hash list */
    rpmDirPtr dir;		/* directory infos */
    char *subdir;		/* subdirectory holding the rpm */
    char *filename;		/* name of the file */
    char *name;			/* name of the software */
    char *version;		/* version of the software */
    char *release;		/* software release */
    char *url;                  /* URL for the software */
    char *arch;                 /* the architecture system */
    char *os;                   /* the target system */
    char *distribution;		/* general OS distribution */
    char *vendor;		/* general OS vendor */
    char *packager;		/* the packager */
    char *group;		/* type of software */
    char *summary;		/* 1 line summary */
    char *description;          /* short description */
    char *copyright;            /* software copyright */
    char *changelog;            /* changelog */
    char *srcrpm;		/* source RPM */
    time_t date;		/* date of packaging */
    time_t stamp;		/* modification file of the archive */
    int_32 size;		/* size of the software */
    char *host;			/* build host */
    int   nb_resources;	/* #of resources provided */
    struct rpm_resource *
       resources[MAX_RES + 1];/* list of them */
    int   nb_requires;	        /* #of resources required */
    struct rpm_resource *
          requires[MAX_REQU];	/* list of them */
    char *filelist;             /* the filelist */
} rpmData, *rpmDataPtr;

 * structure associated with a resource

#define MAX_PROVIDE 75

typedef struct rpm_resource {
    struct rpm_resource *next;	/* next in the list */
    char *name;			/* name of the resource */
    int   nb_provider;		/* #of resources provided */
    time_t stamp;		/* max stamp of the provider */
    struct rpm_data *
          provider[MAX_PROVIDE];/* list of them */
} rpmRess, *rpmRessPtr;

extern const char *archNames[MAX_ARCHS];
extern int nbArchs;

extern rpmDataPtr rpmList;
extern rpmDataPtr rpmSoftwareList; /* avoid different archs clash */
extern rpmRessPtr ressList;
extern rpmArchPtr archList;
extern rpmDataPtr rpmInstalledList;
extern rpmRessPtr ressInstalledList;
extern rpmDirPtr dirList;
extern rpmSubdirPtr dirTree;
extern rpmRealDirPtr treeRoot;

extern rpmSubdirPtr rpmNewSubdir(rpmSubdirPtr dir, const char *name,
     const char *htmlpath, const char *rpmpath, const char *color);
extern void rpmRemoveSubdir(rpmSubdirPtr tree);
extern void rpmFreeSubdir(rpmSubdirPtr tree);

extern void rpmAddSoftware(rpmDataPtr rpm);
extern void rpmDataPrint(rpmDataPtr rpm);
/* extern void rpmDataPrintAll(void); */
extern rpmRessPtr rpmRessAdd(char *ress, rpmDataPtr rpm, int installed);
extern rpmRessPtr rpmRequAdd(char *requ, rpmDataPtr rpm, int installed);
extern rpmArchPtr rpmArchAdd(char *os, char *arch);
extern rpmDataPtr rpmOpen(char *nameRpm, rpmDirPtr dir, rpmSubdirPtr tree);
extern rpmDataPtr rpmDirScanAll(void);
extern char *extractEMail(char *string);

extern rpmDataPtr rpmAddList(rpmDataPtr old, rpmDataPtr newlist);

extern rpmDataPtr rpmGroupSort(rpmDataPtr list, int installed);
extern rpmDataPtr rpmDistribSort(rpmDataPtr list, int installed);
extern rpmDataPtr rpmVendorSort(rpmDataPtr list, int installed);
extern rpmDataPtr rpmDateSort(rpmDataPtr list, int installed);
extern rpmDataPtr rpmNameSort(rpmDataPtr list, int installed);

rpmRealDirPtr rpmCreateRealRoot(void);
void rpmAddRealFile(rpmRealDirPtr root, const char *file, rpmDataPtr rpm);
#endif /* __RPMDATA_H__ */
