WISH/TOOLS - lookup daemon searching for expired files - import from rsync or mirrors logs - Check for signatures, add an Authenticate base TODO - Add Peoples with more fields than purely the fields found form the RPM informations (PGP keys, email, URL, ...) - Add missing fields to the Distribs base (color ...) - add Requires - add Provides - add functions to delete from the database: sql_remove_package() with id or path key, propagating to Files and Requires cleanup of tables - add cleanup from the sql command line tool - add export functions for config files from the database - add import function from RDF files DONE - added Files, starting to be able to do interesting queries: Select Packages.Name,Packages.Version,Packages.Release from Packages,Files where Files.Path='/usr/bin/xml-config' and Packages.ID=Files.ID and Packages.Version >='2.0.0'; I was afraid of the speed requirements for the inserts, but not it looks Okay. - added Mirrors base - added Metadata base - added capacity to launch rpm2html from the database instead of the configuration file 9the DB contains those). - added automatic import of configuration/distribution informations - started playing adding a Vendor table filled with RedHat