README for rpm2html Version 0.85 Rpm2html tries to solve 2 big problems one face when grabbing a RPM package from a mirror on the net and trying to install it: - it gives more information than just the filename before installing the package. - it tries to solve the dependancy problem by analyzing all the Provides and Requires of the set of RPMs. It shows the cross references by the way of hypertext links. The second point will only be efficient if the actual number of RPM indexed is important. I can see various usages for this software: - indexing mirrors sites (e.g. Sunsite, RedHat and their mirrors world wide). - indexing CD-ROM before shipping to provide an easier view of the packages available using the standard tool (an HTML browser). - exporting as a set of HTML pages the current setup of a linux machine, this may prove useful for system administration. Check INSTALL for installation instruction. Read BUGS to learn about registered misbehaviours Daniel $Id: README,v 1.10 1998/03/28 19:28:40 veillard Exp $