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Wed Apr 3 16:03:17 2002 UTC (22 years, 2 months ago) by jmoreau
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CVS tags: arelease, HEAD
Initial revision.

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<issues update="$Date: 2002/04/03 16:03:17 $">

    <title>http:urlEncoded, http:urlReplacement issues</title>
    <originator><a href="">Gisle Aas</a></originator>
    [<a href="">email</a>]
    <pre>The spec does not say much about how values of abstract types are
to be stringified when the type is something else xsd:string.
Should it just be stringified as XML (and then URLencoded)?

If it is xsd:string, then it is unclear how chars outside the ASCII
range are to be handled. UTLencoded UTF8 perhaps?

Is it legal for the part referenced to reference a schema element
instead of a type?

For http:urlReplacement it not not clear what URL escaping should
be done on the replacement text.

- Is an embedded "?" to be expanded into "?" or "%3f".
- Is an embedded "%3f" to be expanded into "%3f" or "%253f"

For http:urlReplacement it is not clear what should happen for
"search patterns" where there is no correspondingly named part in
the message.</pre>

    <title>Default for transport of &lt;soap:binding&gt;</title>
    <originator><a href="">Gisle Aas</a></originator>
    [<a href="">email</a>]
    <pre>The _transport_ attribute of &lt;soap:binding&gt; is optional, but it is
not clear to me what the default is.

Is "" the default?

If so, shouldn't the schema in section A-4.1 declare this value as
the default?</pre>

    <title>nowhere to specify actor URI in WSDL ?</title>
    <originator><a href="">Simon Fell</a></originator>
    [<a href="">email</a>]
    Is there anyway to specify the actor URI for a header in WSDL, i can't
              spot anything ?

    <title>Binding operations in portType</title>
    <originator><a href="">Simon Fell</a></originator>
    [<a href="">email</a>]
    Does a binding have to specify all the operations in a portType ? I
              thought not, but i can't spot anything in the spec that says one way
              or the other.

    <title>Missing &lt;document&gt; tag</title>
    <originator><a href="">Graham Glass</a></originator>
    [<a href="">email</a>]
    I'd like to see changed with the WSDL specification
is the ability to add &lt;documentation&gt; tags to a &lt;part&gt;. right now, you can't
officially comment arguments to an operation, which seems like an error.

    <title>Higher-level support for SOAP extensions/modules</title>
    <originator><a href="">Glen Daniels</a></originator>
    [<a href="">email</a>]
At present, it is possible with WSDL 1.1 to specify particular
headers which should be included with particular messages.  This
was, I believe, a reasonable first stab at integrating headers with
a description language, but it falls far short of being able to
support the kind of rich semantic additions that are going to be
coming down the line as SOAP extensions over the next few

Without going into too much detail, I'd like to see us require the
ability to specify that a particular SOAP "module" is offered by,
or required by, particular services or operations.  SOAP 1.2 (part
1, sec 3) discusses the concept of SOAP "features", which are
semantic extensions named with a URI and implemented by either SOAP
extensions (headers) or bindings.  Bindings already have a
requirement for URI naming, and I'm attempting to push for
extensions to do the same.  Once we have URIs for such things, it
becomes possible to say something like "this operation supports the
'' extension", which
would imply some set of headers/exchanges mandated by that
specification.  It's unclear to me as to whether we would require a
schema description of every possible header which such an extension
might produce, but that's another facet of this which we should

This is also a potentially complex issue in that it gets into
situations where messages that are not actually specified directly
in the WSDL may become part of the exchange due to the extension
specs, but I think we need to figure this stuff out if we hope to
live in a world with true "orthogonal extensibility" and some hope
of negotiation/interop.

    <title>Parameter Order missing from schema</title>
    <originator><a href="">Jacek Kopecky</a></originator>
    [<a href="">email</a>]
    This is an editorial issue for WSDL 1.1 - the schema doesn't
    declare the parameterOrder attribute.

    <title>&lt;part&gt; name attribute</title>
    <originator><a href="">Gisle Aas</a></originator>
    [<a href="">email</a>]
According to the schema in section A-4.1 the 'name' attribute of
&lt;part&gt; is optional.

This is not indicated in the grammar in section 2.1 and section 2.3.
Section 2.3 also states that "The part _name_ attribute provides a
unique name among all the parts of the enclosing message".

I believe the schema is wrong and that the definition of "partType"
should be changed to:

&lt;complexType name="partType"&gt;
&lt;extension base="wsdl:openAtts"&gt;
&lt;attribute name="name" type="NMTOKEN" use="required"/&gt;
&lt;attribute name="type" type="QName" use="optional"/&gt;
&lt;attribute name="element" type="QName" use="optional"/&gt;

    <title>&lt;import&gt; grammar</title>
    <originator><a href="">Giles Aas</a></originator>
    [<a href="">email</a>]
According to the schema in section A-4.1 the &lt;import&gt; element might
take an subordinate documentation element. The grammar in section 2.1
ought to be changed to say:

&lt;wsdl:import namespace="uri" location="uri"&gt; *
&lt;wsdl:documentation .... /&gt;?

In WSDL 1.1 (2001-03-15) it simply says.

&lt;import namespace="uri" location="uri"/&gt;*

The namespace qualifier for &lt;import&gt; is also missing in the current

    <title>Example 3 element order bug</title>
    <originator><a href="">Gisle Aas</a></originator>
    [<a href="">email</a>]
In example 3 the &lt;types&gt; element comes after &lt;service&gt;. This is not
allowed according to the WSDL schema (A 4.1) or the grammar in section

    <title>Example 1 type</title>
    <originator><a href="">Gisle Aas</a></originator>
    [<a href="">email</a>]
    <pre>In example 1 of WSDL 1.1 (2001-03-15) the binding reference from the
port does not resolve because of a typo. The binding name should be:

The example is missing "Soap" in there.

<a href="">Simon Fell</a> also notes that examples 2,4 and 5 have the same problem.</pre>

    <title>Grammar for Attribute Extensibility</title>
    <originator>Kevin Liu</originator>
    [<a href="">email</a>]
    In section 2.1, extensibility is expilictly stated for all the 
              elements, but not for attributes. 

              In the WSDL Schema, PartType is extended from "openAtts". This means 
              anyAttributes can be defined in addition to the three optional 
              attributes specified for Part (name, type, element). Though it 
              mentions in section 2.3 that "other message-typing attributes may be 
              defined as long as they use a namespace different from that of WSDL", 
              it would be better for those who use the grammar as a convenient 
              reference if this is also reflected in section 2.1.

    <title>xsd:binary in example</title>
    <originator>Jeff Lansing</originator>
    [<a href="">email</a>]
    The sample in <a href="">section 4.1</a> of the spec uses xsd:binary which doesn't exist, its not clear what the
                     correct type to use in its place would be.

    <title>HTTP Binding</title>
    <originator><a href="">Gisle Aas</a></originator>
    [<a href="">email</a>]
    <pre>The spec does not say much about how values of abstract types are to
be stringified when the type is something else xsd:string. Should it
just be stringified as XML (and then URLencoded)?

If it is xsd:string, then it is unclear how chars outside the ASCII
range are to be handled. UTLencoded UTF8 perhaps?

Is it legal for the part referenced to reference a schema element
instead of a type?

For http:urlReplacement it not not clear what URL escaping should be
done on the replacement text.

- Is an embedded "?" to be expanded into "?" or "%3f".
- Is an embedded "%3f" to be expanded into "%3f" or "%253f"

For http:urlReplacement it is not clear what should happen for "search
patterns" where there is no correspondingly named part in the message.</pre>

    <title>Encoding Style</title>
    <originator><a href="">Rine Holt</a></originator>
    [<a href="">email</a>]
    SOAP defines EncodingStyle as being scoped at the element + child level [the same as
                     namespaces], meaning that a single SOAP message may contain different parts with different
                     encoding styles, but in WSDL this is scoped at the message level, i.e. the whole message uses a
                     particular encoding style, so there are potential SOAP messages that can't be modelled in WSDL.

    <originator>Matt Long</originator>
    [<a href="http://wsdl.SoapWare.Org/stories/storyReader$15">email</a>]
    <pre>I ran across this example at

The example is correct but does emphasize a concern.

1) when a part is typed "element" and referenced to schema

2) and the binding's soap:body "namespace" attribute is used

Spec reads Section 3.5

...although the namespace attribute only applies to content not

defined by the abstract types. ...

A case becomes present where the namespace attribute can be
declared and the element's namespace *is* explicitly declared by
the targetNamespace of the schema (assuming XSD) which is the
namespace to be used and *NOT* the text of the soap:body namespace
attribute. However, if the schema was non-XSD *and* no
targetNamespace (or such) could be isolated, the value of the
namespace would default to the "namespace" attribute.

This seems confusing and it would seem in the interests of best
practices to


1) declare the namespace attribute of the soap:body element equal
to the intended namespace


2) omit the namespace attribute *if* the element is explictly
declared in schema.

(I would think (1) would clear any garbled confusion in either

    [<a href="http://wsdl.SoapWare.Org/stories/storyReader$14">email</a>]<br/>
    Possibly one of the most talked about parts of WSDL:
<li>What is the standard way to describe an array?</li>
<li>How many other valid ways are there to describe an array?</li>
<li>How do i define more complex types?</li>
<li>Does the new WSDL 1.1 approach to arrays support all the different array types in SOAP?</li>
                     [needs review]

    <title>SOAPAction [2]</title>
    <originator><a href="">Glen Daniels</a></originator>
    <pre>&lt;quote section="3.4 soap:operation"&gt;
The soapAction attribute specifies the value of the SOAPAction
header for this operation. This URI value should be used directly
as the value for the SOAPAction header; no attempt should be made
to make a relative URI value absolute when making the request. For
the HTTP protocol binding of SOAP, this is value required (it has
no default value). For other SOAP protocol bindings, it MUST NOT be
specified, and the soap:operation element MAY be omitted.

It's my opinion that WSDL should not specify the absolute exclusion
of the SOAPAction for non-HTTP bindings. What if an SMTP binding
wants to use exactly the same URI, but encapsulate it in an
"X-SOAPAction" header?</pre>

    <title>SOAPAction [1]</title>
    <originator><a href="">Simon Fell</a></originator>
    <pre>&lt;quote section="3.4 soap:operation"&gt;
The soapAction attribute specifies the value of the SOAPAction
header for this operation. This URI value should be used directly
as the value for the SOAPAction header; no attempt should be made
to make a relative URI value absolute when making the request. For
the HTTP protocol binding of SOAP, this is value required (it has
no default value). For other SOAP protocol bindings, it MUST NOT be
specified, and the soap:operation element MAY be omitted.

Does this mean the SOAPAction value should include the quotes
needed ?, i.e. if you're expecting a SOAP request

POST .... 
SOAPAction: "/foo/bar"

do you include the quotes in the soap:operation ?, e.g. 

&lt;soap:operation soapAction="/foo/bar" /&gt;

or not?, if not and the soapAction is mandatory for HTTP bindings,
how do you specify that you want an empty SOAPAction header ? e.g.

POST ....
SOAPAction: </pre>

  <!-- Maintainers -->

    <fullname>Hugo Haas</fullname>

