dir dir cd cvs dir dir dir cd .. cd di dir cd xml0517ts dir cd 2001/xml-test-suite/xmlconf/xmltest dir cd not-wf dir cd not-sa dir vi 009.xml cd .. dir cd sa dir vi 009.xml cd.. cd .. dir cd .. dir cd invalid dir dir cd .. cd not-wf dir not-sa dir cd not-sa dir vi 009.xml cd .. dir' quit end exit dir cd .. dir cd invalid dir cd not-sa dir cd ../ dir cd .. dir export CVSROOT export CVS_RSH cvs ci -m "Fixed reference to not-wf/not-sa/009" xmltest.xml cd .. dir cd .. dir cd ibm/not-wf/p32 cd ibm\not-wf\p32 dir cd xmlconf cd ibm/not-wf/p32 dir cvs ci -m "Fixed dtd reference" ibm32n09.xml dir cd .. cd .. cd .. dir cd .. cd xmlconf dir cd xmltest dir cvs ci -m "Fixed id for not-wf/not-sa/009.xml" xmltest.xml dir cd .. dir cp xmlconf.xml xmlconf-20020521.xml dir tar -cvf ibm japanese oasis sun testcases.dtd xmltest xmlconformance.xsl xmlconf.xml xmlconf-20020521.htm tar -cvf xmlts052102.tar ibm japanese oasis sun testcases.dtd xmltest xmlconformance.xsl xmlconf.xml xmlconf-20020521.htm dir dir cd xml0517ts dir dir cd 2001 cd xml-test-suite/xmlconf dir rm *.tar dir rm *.zip dir tar -cvf xmlts0521.tar ibm japanese oasis sun testcases.dtd xmlconf-20020521.htm xmlconf.xml xmlconformance.xsl xmltest dir rm tarfile tar -tvf xmlts0521.tar > tarfile rm *.tar rm *.zip dir tar -cvf xmlts052102.tar ibm japanese oasis sun testcases.dtd xmlconf-20020521.htm xmlconf.xml xmlconformance.xsl xmltest dir dir tar -cvf xmlts052102.tar ibm japanese oasis sun testcases.dtd xmlconf-20020521.htm xmlconf.xml xmlconformance.xsl xmltest dir rm xmlconf-200030520.htm rm xmlconf-200020520.htm rm xmlconf-20010315.htm dir rm xmlconf-200205317.htm rm xmlconf-20020517.htm rm xmlconf-20020517.html dir rm xmlconf-20020517.xml rm xmlconf-20020520.htm dir rm xmlconf-20010315.xml dir rm xmlconf-20020506.htm dir cd x: dir cd / dir cd X: dir cd martinez ri dir cd xmlts dir cd 2001/xml-test-suite\xmlconf cd 2001/xml-test-suite/xmlconf dir mv xmlts052102.tar xmlts052102.tar.old dir mv xmlts052102.zip xmlts052102.zip.old dir tar -cvf xmlts052102.tar ibm japanese oasis sun xmltest testcases.dtd xmlconf-20020521.htm xmlconformance.xsl xmlconf.xml dir tar -tvf xmlts052102.tar >tarfile dir cd dir cd xml0517ts dir cd 2001/xml-test-suite/xmlconf dir export CVSROOT export CVS_RSH dir cvs ci -m "Modified to updated high level profile" xmlconf.xml cvs ci -m "Changed TS report title" xmlconformance.xsl dir cvs remove xlconf-20020506.htm cvs remove xmlconf-20020506.htm cvs ci -m "Removed file" xlmconf-20020506.htm cvs ci -m "Removed file" xmlconf-20020506.htm dir cvs add xmlcon-20020521.htm cvs add xmlconf-20020521.htm cvs ci -m "Latest report" add xmlconf-20020521.htm cvs ci -m "Latest report" xmlconformance.xsl cvs ci -m "Changed TS report title" xmlconformance.xsl dir cd xml0517ts dir cd 2001/xml-test-suite/xmlconf dir cd sun dir cd valid dir cd out dir vi optional1.xml od -xc optional1.xml cd .. dir cd dir cd xml0402ts dir cd 2001/xml-test-suite/xmlconf dir cd sun dir cd valid\out cd valid/out dir od -xc optional.xml javac cd dir c: dir cd / dir cd c: dir cd carmelo's files quit dir cd carmelo's dir cd Carmelo's\ files dir cd dir cd c: dir dir cd cd xml0517ts dir cd 2001/xml-test-suite/xmlconf dir cd ibm dir cd not-wf dit dir cd p32 dir export CVSROOT export CVS_RSH cvs ci -m "Modified to point to the right dtd." ibm32n09.xml cd c: dir cd carmelo dir javac addlfcr.java rm new-optional.xml dit dir java addlfcr optional.xml od -xc optional.xml dir javac addlfcr.java javac addlfcr.java dir od -xc new-optional.xml c: cd c: dir cd carmelo dir vi new-optional.xml vi optional.xml vi optional.xml vi new-optional.xml vi optional.xml dir vi new-optional.xml vi new-optional.xml vi new-optional.xml od -xc optional.xml vi new-optional.xml od -xc optional.xml cd dir cd xml0517ts dir dir cd 2001 dir cd xml-test-suite dir cd xmlconf dir cd ibm cd not-wf dir cd p32 dir cd .. dir cd .. dir cd not-wf dir cd cd p28a cd p28a dir cd out dir cd .. dir vi ibm28an01.xml dir cd out dir rm ibm28an01.xml export CVSROOT export CVS_RSH cvs remove ibm28an01.xml cvs ci -m "Removed output file, test is not-wf" ibm28an01.xml cd .. cd .. dir cd p32 dir cd .. cd .. dir cd invalid dir cd p32 dir cd out dir rm ibm32i02.xml cvs remove ibm32i02.xml cvs ci -m "Removed output file, test was reclassified to not-wf" ibm32i02.xml cd .. dir cd .. dir cd .. dir cvs ci -m "Removed reference to output file for ibm28an01 and ibm32n09" ibm_oasis_not-wf.xml dir cd .. cd .. dir cd xmlconf dir dir cd xml0517ts di dir dir cd 2001 dir cd xml-test-suite/xmlconf/japanese dir vi pr-xml-little-endian.xml vi pr-xml-little-endian.xml vi spec.dtd od -xc pr-xml-little-endian.xml od -xc pr-xml-little-endian.xml dir cd xml0517ts dir cd 2001/xml-test-suite dir cd xmlconf fir dit dir cd japanese dir hod -o pr-xml-little-endian.xml cd dir cd \ dir cd .. cd / dir cd c: dir cd downloaded\ files dir tar -xvf hod-1.1.tar.gz cd dir cd xml0517ts dir cd 2001/xml-test-suite/xmlconf/japanese dir hod dir hod -o pr-xml-little-endian.xml hod pr-xml-little-endian.xml hod pr-xml-little-endian.xml hod pr-xml-little-endian.xml dir hod pr-xml-little1-endian.xml hod pr-xml-little-endian1.xml export CVSROOT export CVS_RSH dir cvs ci -m "Added missing character at the end to make it a full utf-16 character" pr-xml-little-endian.xml dir cd .. dir dir runxalan xmlconf.xml xmlconformance.xsl xmlconf-20020606.htm dir cd .. dir cd .. dir dir cd xml-test-suite dir cd .. dir dir cd xml-test-suite dir cd xmlconf dir dir cd ibm dir cd .. cd sun dir cd .. cd japanese dir cd .. cd oasis dir cd .. dir cd xmltest dir cd .. cd .. cd .. dir tar -cvf xml-test-suite tar -cvf xmlts20020606.tar xml-test-suite dir dir rn 20020606.zip xmlts20020606.zip rename 20020606.zip xmlts20020606.zip cp 20020606.zip xmlts20020606.zip dir rm 20020606.zip dir tar -tvf xmlts20020606.tar dir dir cd xml0517ts dir dir cd 2001 dir cd xml-test-suite dir cd xmlconf dir cd ibm\ dir cd ibm cd valid dir cd p03 dir dir cd / dir cd home dir cd administrator dir mkdir libxml2-2.4.24 dir dir cd libxml2-2.4.24 dir gunzip -c libxml2-2/4/24.tar.gz | tar xvf - gunzip -c libxml2-2.4.24.tar.gz | tar xvf - dir cd libxml2-2.4.24 dir ./configure --help ./configure --with-xpath --with-xptr --with-xinclude --with-html dir make make install dir cd xml0517ts dir cd 2001 dir cd xml-test-suite dir cd xmlconf dir cd ibm dir