This folder contains the Amaya sources. You will aso neet the libwww sources for compiling the Amaya Application. Extract it in a sibling directory of your Amaya extract tree, configure will look for it there.

One need cvs-1.10, perl, gcc, gmake installed as the main make(1), autoconf, automake and al., X11 and Motif developpement headers and libraries:
export CVSROOT

Just checking out requires 8 Megs for libwww and 38 megs for Amaya Building will easilly double the size, so it's better having 100Megs available.

Extract libwww tree:

cvs -z3 get libwww

Prepare it for compilation:

cd libwww
aclocal; autoheader; automake; autoconf
cd ..

Extract Amaya tree:

cvs -z3 get Amaya

Configure Amaya:

cd Amaya
mkdir `uname`
cd `uname`

Compile Amaya:


If everything went well:


Otherwise join the Amaya mailing-list and post your problems here.

$Date: 1999/04/20 17:59:08 $ $Author: veillard $