On Unix platforms

  1. Download full unix sources of Amaya :


  2. Untar sources :

    tar xzvf amaya-fullsrc-xxx.tgz

  3. Configure and compile Amaya :

    cd Amaya
    mkdir WX
    cd WX
    ../configure --with-wx

  4. Installing Amaya :

    make install

On Windows

  1. Download full windows sources of Amaya :


  2. Install the sources :

    Click on amaya-fullsrc-xxx.exe and follow the instructions.
    I suggest you to install it on C:\src

  3. Compile freetype :

    Open the workspace C:\src\freetype-2.1.9\builds\win32\visualc\freetype.dsw
    Run in the menu : Build -> Batch Build -> Rebuild All
    (check all items if they are not checked)

  4. Compile wxWidgets :

    Open the workspace C:\src\wxWidgets\build\msw\wx.dsw
    Run in the menu : Build -> Batch Build -> Rebuild All
    (check all items if they are not checked)

  5. Compile Amaya :

    Open the workspace C:\src\Amaya\WindowsWX\amaya.dsw
    Select the build mode (Debug or Release) : Build -> Set Active Configuration
    Press F7 to lauch compilation.
    When amaya schema compilator popup, presse again F7, then exit the amaya compilator when it is finished.
    Wait for Amaya compilation finishing.

  6. Running Amaya :

    Go to C:\src\Amaya\WindowsWX\bin
    Execute amaya.exe