UdomBuilder is a tool to automatically generate an html file from a W3C IDL/IDD. The html file is intended to be in a form suitable for the svg specification. The tool can also (optionally) generate a second html file which just contains the IDL definitions. Usage: java -jar UdomBuilder.jar [-notoc] source.idl source.idd [-htmlDOM dom-header.html dom-output.html] [-htmlIDL idl-header.html idl-output.html] IDL-file and IDD-file are the IDL/IDD (eg udom.idl). header-file is a text file containing the beginning of the output file. This is used to add styling to the result (see testHeader.txt for example). output-file is for specifying the resulting file (e.g. udom.html). By default a simple Table of Content is generated. The TOC is constructed from


elements. If a TOC isn't wanted, use the -notoc flag. -htmlIDL must be specified to generate the IDL as html. idlHeader is a text file containing the beginning of the IDL html file (see testIdlHeader.txt for example). idlOutput-file is for specifying the resulting file (e.g. udomIDL.html). Files in directory: README.txt -this file. testHeader.txt -header file for testing the tool. testIdd.idd -idd file for testing the tool. testIdl.idl -idl file for testing the tool. UdomBuilder.jar -the tool. winTestRun.bat -for running the tool on windows with the test files and produce two *Result.html testIdlHeader.txt -header file for IDL doc. Folders in directory: style: contains the svg stylesheets to give the test result a spec-like look. source: contains the java source files, the manifest file + a buildscript for windows (winBuild.bat) This tool is experimental software only and gives no warranty to produce correct output. It might even crash :-) info: ola.andersson@ikivo.com 2005-05-02: Added a really ugly hack that allows you to specify if an IDD section should be put after or before the IDL definition (earlier it was only before). To mark an IDD section for inclusion after the IDL def (normally for examples) you wrap it in ... 2005-08-22 (CraigN): The currently checked in UdomBuilder is broken. Run 'tidy' after running this application, i.e. tidy -m svgudom.html... Put the html files into the master directory, then run master2publish. I think the correct IDL/IDD and header files are in repository\spec\mobile\1.2\IDL. 2006-07-03 (RobinB): The generator has since the dawn of time produced XHTML that isn't NSWF. This is an attempt at fixing it, though to be honest it's hit and miss. 2008-07-10 (CameronM): Tweaked the command line arguments so that the main output is optional. This allows separate generation of the DOM and IDL chapters.