Tiny 1.2 Test Suite Status


empty created reviewed image created image owner reviewed accepted issue


See the contributors list.

Feature: ALL

Test Owner Reviewer Status Description
animate-elem-02-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test 'additive' and 'accumulate' attributes.
animate-elem-03-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test inheritance of animated properties.
animate-elem-04-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test different ways of defining a motion path.
animate-elem-05-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test different ways of defining a motion path.
animate-elem-06-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test different ways of defining a motion path.
animate-elem-07-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test different ways of defining a motion path.
animate-elem-08-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test rotate='auto' and rotate='auto-reverse'
animate-elem-09-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test possible values for 'calcMode'
animate-elem-10-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test possible values for 'calcMode'
animate-elem-11-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test possible values for 'calcMode'
animate-elem-12-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test possible values for 'calcMode'
animate-elem-13-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test 'from', 'by', 'to' and 'values'
animate-elem-14-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test possible values for 'keyTimes'
animate-elem-15-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test possible values for 'keyTimes'
animate-elem-17-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test possible values for 'keyTimes'
animate-elem-19-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test possible values for 'keyTimes'
animate-elem-20-t.svg Chris lilley AE accepted See if animation, triggered by links, works.
animate-elem-201-t.svg ASl AE accepted Test the animate-elements active intervals
animate-elem-202-t.svg DOH AE accepted accumulative animateMotion with rotate
animate-elem-203-t.svg DOH AS accepted additive animateMotion
animate-elem-204-t.svg DOH AS created Advanced test for discrete animateMotion using keyPoints
animate-elem-205-t.svg DOH AS accepted Advanced test for linear animateMotion
animate-elem-206-t.svg DOH AS accepted animateMotion with animated mpath
animate-elem-207-t.svg DOH AE, AS accepted Advanced test for paced animateMotion
animate-elem-209-t.svg DOH AS accepted Compare from-to, from-by and by animate with values animate.
animate-elem-21-t.svg Chris lilley AE accepted See if animation, triggered by links, works.
animate-elem-210-t.svg DOH AS accepted Compare from-to, from-by and by animateColor with values animateColor and animate.
animate-elem-211-t.svg DOH AS accepted Compare from-to, from-by and by animateMotion with values animateMotion.
animate-elem-212-t.svg DOH AS accepted Compare from-to, from-by and by animateTransform rotate with values animateTransform.
animate-elem-213-t.svg DOH AS accepted Compare from-to, from-by and by animateTransform rotate with values animateTransform.
animate-elem-214-t.svg DOH AS accepted Compare from-to, from-by and by animateTransform scale with values animateTransform.
animate-elem-215-t.svg DOH AS accepted Compare from-to, from-by and by animateTransform translate with values animateTransform and animateMotion.
animate-elem-216-t.svg DOH AS accepted Compare from-to, from-by and by animateTransform skewX with values animateTransform.
animate-elem-217-t.svg DOH AS accepted Compare from-to, from-by and by animateTransform skewY with values animateTransform.
animate-elem-218-t.svg DOH AS accepted xml:id or id? Identification of the element, that is target of an animation.
animate-elem-219-t.svg DOH AE accepted Identify the attributeType and the priority of an animation.
animate-elem-22-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo CL accepted Test which verifies that the basic facilities of declarative animation are working.
animate-elem-220-t.svg DOH AE reviewed Precicison test for calcMode spline, keySplines, values animate
animate-elem-221-t.svg DOH ATE reviewed Correct timing with begin, end, dur, fill, max.
animate-elem-223-t.svg DOH [reviewer] created Interactive animation with min and max.
animate-elem-224-t.svg DOH [reviewer] created Advanced tests for combined to-animations.
animate-elem-225-t.svg ED ATE reviewed Test error handling for the begin attribute
animate-elem-227-t.svg CL AE accepted test animateColor with currentColor, inherit and none
animate-elem-23-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test which verifies that the basic facilities of declarative animation are working.
animate-elem-24-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test which verifies that the basic facilities of declarative animation are working.
animate-elem-25-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test animation options for specifying the target attribute/property.
animate-elem-26-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test animation options for specifying the target attribute/property.
animate-elem-27-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test animation options for specifying the target element.
animate-elem-28-t.svg Benoit Bezaire AE accepted Test inheritance of animated properties.
animate-elem-29-t.svg Chris lilley AE accepted See if animation, tiggered by links, works.
animate-elem-30-t.svg OA VH accepted Tests various types of animations on referenced elements
animate-elem-31-t.svg OA VH accepted Tests animation of the display attribute
animate-elem-32-t.svg SH CN accepted Test that viewer supports the animation to and from the degenerate cases of the basic shapes
animate-elem-33-t.svg OA VH accepted Tests AnimateMotion with keyPoints and keyTimes
animate-elem-34-t.svg OA VH accepted Tests animation of attributes 'points' and 'fill-rule'
animate-elem-35-t.svg OA VH accepted Tests animation of attributes stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-linecap and stroke-linjoin
animate-elem-36-t.svg VH CN accepted Animation of transform on structure, hyperlinking and text elements
animate-elem-37-t.svg OA VH accepted Animation of transform on shape elements
animate-elem-38-t.svg OA VH, ED accepted Tests animation of the viewBox attribute
animate-elem-39-t.svg VH CN accepted Animation of xlink:href on the a, image and use elements
animate-elem-40-t.svg VH CN accepted Animation of x/y on use, image, rect and text. Animation of width/height on image and rect.
animate-elem-41-t.svg VH CN accepted Animation of the various graphics properties with the animate element.
animate-elem-44-t.svg SH OA accepted Tests animation of attributes 'd' of path element
animate-elem-46-t.svg VH CN accepted Animation of text properties: text-anchor, font-size, font-family, font-style and font-weight
animate-elem-52-t.svg OA VH accepted Test of eventbase targets
animate-elem-53-t.svg OA VH accepted Tests animation of attributes points with calc-mode
animate-elem-60-t.svg VH CN, AS reviewed Test on various begin attribute values
animate-elem-61-t.svg VH AS reviewed Test on multiple begin conditions in begin attribute
animate-elem-62-t.svg VH CN, AS reviewed Test on the various end attribute values
animate-elem-63-t.svg VH CN, AS reviewed Test multiple on multiple end conditions in the end attribute
animate-elem-64-t.svg VH CN accepted Basic Test on dur attribute
animate-elem-65-t.svg VH CN accepted Basic tests on the min attribute
animate-elem-66-t.svg VH CN accepted Basic test on the max attribute and combinations of the min and max attributes
animate-elem-67-t.svg VH CN accepted Basic test on restart attribute
animate-elem-68-t.svg VH CN accepted Basic test on the repeatCount attribute
animate-elem-69-t.svg VH CN accepted Basic test on the repeatDur attribute
animate-elem-70-t.svg VH CN accepted Basic test on the animation's fill attribute
animate-elem-77-t.svg NR CN accepted Test on the animation of text properties and inheritance of animated text properties
animate-elem-78-t.svg NR CN accepted Test on the animation of graphic properties and the inheritance of animated graphics properties
animate-elem-80-t.svg VH CN accepted Test on the animateTransform type attribute
animate-elem-81-t.svg VH CN accepted Test on the animateTransform additive behavior
animate-elem-82-t.svg VH CN accepted Test on the animateTransform additive behavior
animate-elem-83-t.svg VH CN accepted Path element's d attribute animation test.
animate-elem-84-t.svg CL CC accepted test animation of keywords that resolve to rgb colors
animate-elem-85-t.svg CL DJ accepted test animation with currentColor
animate-elem-86-t.svg ED AS reviewed Tests fill='freeze'
coords-constr-201-t.svg AE ED accepted Tests constrained transformations
coords-constr-202-t.svg AE ED accepted Tests constrained transformations
coords-constr-203-t.svg AE ED accepted Tests constrained transformations
coords-constr-204-t.svg ED AG accepted Test for animateMotion and transformRef.
coords-coord-01-t.svg CN DJ accepted Tests the default initial coordinate system used by renderer.
coords-pAR-201-t.svg ED AG accepted Validates viewBox specification and the preserveAspectRatio attribute on the animation element.
coords-trans-01-t.svg Vincent Hardy AE accepted Validates elementary transforms and transformation nesting
coords-trans-02-t.svg Vincent Hardy AE accepted Validates elementary transforms and transformation nesting
coords-trans-03-t.svg Vincent Hardy AE accepted Validates elementary transforms and transformation nesting
coords-trans-04-t.svg Vincent Hardy AE accepted Validates elementary transforms and transformation nesting
coords-trans-05-t.svg Vincent Hardy AE accepted Validates elementary transforms and transformation nesting
coords-trans-06-t.svg Vincent Hardy AE accepted Validates elementary transforms and transformation nesting
coords-trans-07-t.svg CN OA accepted tests elementary transforms and transform nesting
coords-trans-08-t.svg CN OA accepted tests elementary transforms and transform nesting
coords-trans-09-t.svg CN OA accepted tests elementary transforms and transform nesting
coords-units-01-t.svg VH AG accepted This test validates the processing rules for converting coordinates and length defined in fractions of the current object's bounding box to user space coordinates and length. Note that this test assumes that linear and radial gradients are implemented.
coords-viewattr-05-t.svg Vincent Hardy AG accepted Validates viewBox specification and the preserveAspectRatio attribute
extend-namespace-02-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test the use of multiple namespaces.
fonts-desc-02-t.svg CN CN accepted Test the CSS2 font-maching algorithm against a set of SVG fonts.
fonts-desc-03-t.svg CN CL accepted Test the CSS2 font-maching algorithm against a set of SVG fonts.
fonts-desc-05-t.svg CN CL accepted Test the CSS2 font-maching algorithm against a set of SVG fonts.
fonts-elem-01-t.svg Dean Jackson AE accepted Basic test of embedded fonts using glyph outlines
fonts-elem-02-t.svg Dean Jackson AE accepted Basic test of embedded fonts using glyph outlines
fonts-elem-03-t.svg Dean Jackson AE accepted Basic test of external embedded fonts with font-face-src
fonts-elem-05-t.svg VH CN accepted Basic test of embedded fonts using glyph outlines
fonts-elem-06-t.svg VH CN accepted validates that the font element's horiz-adv-x is used
fonts-elem-201-t.svg CM AG reviewed Test for SVG fonts defined with names that match generic font families
fonts-glyph-02-t.svg CN CL accepted Test on arabic-form
fonts-glyph-03-t.svg CN CL accepted Test on the lang attribute
fonts-glyph-04-t.svg CN CL accepted Test the glyph selection rules
fonts-glyph-201-t.svg CL AG accepted ligature matching in document order
fonts-glyph-202-t.svg CL AG reviewed longest substring ligature matching
fonts-glyph-203-t.svg CL ATE, CM accepted test path commands in glyphs
fonts-kern-01-t.svg VH CN accepted Test handling of hkern elements in SVG Fonts
fonts-overview-201-t.svg CL AE accepted units-per-em values
interact-dom-02-t.svg Vincent Hardy DOH accepted Checks if DOM/ECMA Script binding is supported. Checks that the DOM API supports event listener registration/unregistration.
interact-event-201-t.svg ASl AE accepted Testing event bubbling on focus event
interact-event-202-t.svg ASl AE accepted Event bubbling with 'use'
interact-event-203-t.svg ASl AE accepted Shadow tree event listener chain
interact-event-204-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo DOH accepted Test 'load' event attribute.
interact-focus-201-t.svg BitFlash ASL accepted Test Focusable Property on Animated Elements.
interact-focus-202-t.svg BitFlash ASL accepted Test Focusable Property - Anchor Element
interact-focus-203-t.svg BitFlash ASL accepted Test Focusable Elements Outside the Viewport
interact-focus-204-t.svg BitFlash ASL accepted Test Focusable Elements - Focus Direction
interact-focus-205-t.svg BitFlash ASL accepted Test Focusable Elements - Nested Elements
interact-focus-206-t.svg BitFlash ASL accepted Test Focusable Elements - Invisible Items
interact-focus-207-t.svg BitFlash ASL accepted This test tests Initial focus within the svg document
interact-focus-208-t.svg BitFlash ASL reviewed Test Focusable Elements - tspan Element
interact-focus-209-t.svg BitFlash ASL reviewed Test Focusable Elements - tspan in a textArea
interact-focus-210-t.svg BitFlash ASL accepted Test Focusability with the 'use' Element
interact-focus-211-t.svg BitFlash ASL accepted Test Focusability with the 'use' Element
interact-focus-212-t.svg ASl AE accepted Tests focus navigation with use element
interact-order-04-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo DOH accepted Test event bubbling of event attributes.
interact-order-05-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo DOH accepted Test event bubbling of event attributes.
interact-order-06-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo DOH accepted Test event bubbling of event attributes.
interact-pevents-01-t.svg ED AG reviewed Tests 'pointer-events' on text
interact-pevents-02-t.svg ED AE accepted Tests 'pointer-events' on text
interact-pevents-03-t.svg ED AG reviewed Tests where text is considered intersected by the cursor when letter-spacing is used
interact-pevents-04-t.svg ED DOH reviewed Tests pointer events with text
interact-pevents-05-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted Tests the pointer-events attribute with different 'visible' values.
interact-pevents-06-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted Tests the pointer-events attribute with different painting values
interact-pevents-07-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted Testing pointer-events and rendering order
interact-pevents-08-t.svg ED DOH accepted Tests when text is considered hit by pointer-events
interact-zoom-01-t.svg CL CM accepted Check that zooming and panning is supported
interact-zoom-02-t.svg CL CM accepted Check that zooming and panning is supported
interact-zoom-03-t.svg CL CM accepted Check that zooming and panning can be disabled
text-intro-01-t.svg CL AE accepted Check that UTF-16 is supported
jpeg-required-201-t.svg CL ED accepted baseline JPEG test
jpeg-required-202-t.svg CL ED accepted baseline JPEG test
jpeg-required-203-t.svg CL ED accepted baseline JPEG test
jpeg-required-204-t.svg CL ED accepted baseline JPEG test
jpeg-required-205-t.svg CL ED accepted baseline JPEG test
jpeg-required-206-t.svg CL ED accepted baseline JPEG test
jpeg-required-207-t.svg CL ED accepted baseline JPEG test
jpeg-required-208-t.svg CL ED accepted baseline JPEG test
jpeg-required-209-t.svg CL ED accepted baseline JPEG test
jpeg-required-210-t.svg CL ED accepted baseline JPEG test
linking-a-03-t.svg Lofton Henderson CL accepted Basic in-bound link object addressing formats.
linking-a-04-t.svg Lee Klosterman DOH, AS reviewed Verify basic out-bound links and the 'a' element.
linking-a-05-t.svg CN MI, AS reviewed Verify basic out-bound links and the 'a' element
linking-a-08-t.svg CL AE accepted test links on text elements
linking-a-09-t.svg CL [reviewer] created test links on tspan elements
linking-a-201-t.svg CL AG reviewed Verify target attribute has priority over xlink attribute on the 'a' element
linking-frag-201-t.svg BitFlash ED accepted Testing Links to External 'svgView' with Transforms
linking-frag-202-t.svg BitFlash ED accepted Testing Links to External 'svgView' with Transforms
linking-frag-203-t.svg Doug Schepers CL accepted Testing Links to Internal Fragment Identifiers
linking-frag-204-t.svg Doug Schepers CL accepted Testing Links to Internal Fragment Identifiers
linking-refs-201-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted External Animated Use Elements
linking-refs-202-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted Images with 'use' Element
linking-refs-203-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted External Fragments with 'use' Element
linking-refs-204-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted External Fragments with 'use' Element
linking-refs-205-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted Images with 'use' Element
linking-refs-206-t.svg CL AE accepted Check xlink role and arcrole are stored in the DOM
linking-uri-01-t.svg Lee Klosterman AG reviewed Link test of the 'view' element and its attributes, 1 of 2, internal.
linking-uri-02-t.svg Lee Klosterman AG reviewed Link test of the 'view' element and its attributes, 2 of 2, external.
linking-uri-03-t.svg Lee Klosterman DOH accepted Verify xlink attributes on the 'a' element.
media-alevel-201-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted Testing 'audio' Element with the 'audio-level' Attribute
media-alevel-202-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted Testing 'audio' Element with the 'audio-level' Attribute
media-alevel-203-t.svg ASl reviewed accepted Test of audio level animation
media-alevel-204-t.svg ASl AE accepted test of two simultaneous audio elements with animated audio-level
media-alevel-205-t.svg ASl AE accepted Simple test of audio-level
media-alevel-206-t.svg ASl AE accepted inheritence of audio-level
media-alevel-207-t.svg ASl AE accepted audio-level set to 0
media-alevel-208-t.svg ASl AE accepted Tests repeat of audio.
media-anim-201-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted Test the Animation element with external references
media-anim-202-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted Animation Elements with External References
media-anim-203-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted Animation Elements with External References
media-anim-204-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted Animation Elements with External References
media-anim-205-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted Animation Elements with External References
media-anim-206-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted Animation Elements with External References
media-anim-207-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted Animation Elements with External References
media-anim-208-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted Animation Elements with External References
media-anim-209-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted Animation Elements with External References
media-anim-210-t.svg BitFlash DOH accepted Animation Elements with External References
media-anim-211-t.svg AE DOH accepted Tests syncbase behavior togheter with pause/resume element
media-anim-212-t.svg AE DOH accepted tests invalid animation xlink:href values
media-anim-213-t.svg Ola Andersson AS accepted A basic test of the animation element.
media-audio-201-t.svg ASl AE accepted Test of audio elements running simultaneously
media-audio-202-t.svg ASl AE accepted Simple test of audio element with repeatCount
media-audio-203-t.svg ASl AE accepted Simple test of audio with repeatCount indefinite
media-audio-204-t.svg ASl AE accepted Test of audio with repeat count constrained by end attribute
media-audio-205-t.svg ASl AE accepted Simple test of audio with timing attribute
media-audio-206-t.svg ASl AE accepted Test of audio and timing attributes
media-audio-207-t.svg ASl AE accepted Test of audio and repeats with constrained timing via the end attribute
media-audio-208-t.svg ASl AE accepted Test of audio element with sync-based timing
media-audio-209-t.svg ASl AE] accepted Test of audio element with repeatCount
media-audio-210-t.svg ASl AE accepted Test audio elements and repeatCount
media-audio-211-t.svg ASl AE accepted Test of audio element in def, but not used in the renderable document.
media-audio-212-t.svg ASl AE accepted Audio with animated display and visibility attribute.
media-audio-213-t.svg ASl AE accepted Use on audio with animated display and visibility
media-audio-214-t.svg AE CM reviewed Tests audio elements with incorrect xlink:href values
media-audio-215-t.svg AG AZ accepted Tests the audio-level property for nested audio elements and clamping of audio-level
media-video-201-t.svg bf ASL accepted Video Width and Height
media-video-202-t.svg bf ASL accepted Video Width and Height
media-video-203-t.svg bf ASL accepted Video with TransformBehavior Set to Pinned and Overlay
media-video-204-t.svg bf DOH accepted Video with PreserveAspectRatio Attribute
media-video-205-t.svg bf DOH accepted Video with PreserveAspectRatio Attribute
media-video-206-t.svg bf DOH accepted Video with PreserveAspectRatio Attribute
media-video-207-t.svg bf DOH accepted Video with PreserveAspectRatio Attribute
media-video-208-t.svg bf DOH accepted Video with PreserveAspectRatio Attribute
media-video-209-t.svg bf DOH accepted Video with PreserveAspectRatio Attribute
media-video-210-t.svg bf DOH accepted Video with PreserveAspectRatio Attribute
media-video-211-t.svg bf DOH accepted Video with PreserveAspectRatio Attribute
media-video-212-t.svg bf DOH accepted Video with rendering order
media-video-213-t.svg bf DOH accepted Rotation with Video and Image
media-video-214-t.svg bf DOH accepted Transformation and rendering order on Video
media-video-215-t.svg ASl AE accepted Changing the xlink:href attribute on a video element
media-video-216-t.svg ASl AE accepted Video and transformBehavior
media-video-217-t.svg ASl AE accepted Video with animated display and visibility attribute
media-video-218-t.svg ASl AE accepted Use on video with animated display and visibility
media-video-219-t.svg ASl AE accepted Remove and insert video from document tree
media-video-220-t.svg ASl AE accepted Remove and insert video from document tree
media-video-221-t.svg ASl AE accepted Animated xlink:href on use that links to video
media-video-222-t.svg AE ASL accepted invalid xlink:href on video
metadata-example-01-t.svg CL DS accepted Verify that the viewer is not perturbed by the presence of metadata.
paint-color-01-t.svg Chris Lilley, AG accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to process the color property
paint-color-03-t.svg Chris Lilley NR accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to render colors, specified as CSS attributes, using any of the equivalent forms.
paint-color-04-t.svg CL NR accepted Tests system colors
paint-color-05-t.svg CN CL accepted This tests the correct behavior or currentcolor when specified in multiple places.
paint-color-201-t.svg CL AN accepted test the sixteen color names for Tiny
paint-fill-01-t.svg Kevin McCluskey, NR accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle colour and 'none' values on the 'fill' property.
paint-fill-02-t.svg Kevin McCluskey, NR accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'currentColor' value on the 'fill' property.
paint-fill-03-t.svg Kevin McCluskey, NR accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'fill-rule' property.
paint-fill-04-t.svg Tim Thompson NR accepted Test inheritance of painting properties.
paint-fill-05-t.svg CN DJ accepted Test using fill-opacity values for rect element.
paint-grad-04-t.svg Haroon Sheikh NR accepted Test that checks the capability of the stop element in linear and radial gradients.
paint-grad-05-t.svg Haroon Sheikh NR accepted Test that checks the capability of the stop opacity in linear and radial gradients.
paint-grad-07-t.svg Haroon Sheikh NR accepted Test that the viewer has basic capability to handle linear gradients on fills and stroke of objects . This means it needs to understand the following elements : <linearGradient>, <stop> and the following properties : stop-color, fill:url(# ), stroke(url# )
paint-grad-08-t.svg Haroon Sheikh AG accepted Test that the viewer has basic capability to handle linear gradients on fills and stroke of objects and text. This means it needs to understand the following elements : <linearGradient>, <stop> and the following properties : stop-color, fill:url(# ), stroke(url# )
paint-grad-09-t.svg Haroon Sheikh AG accepted Test that the viewer can handle the gradientUnits attribute on linear gradients.
paint-grad-11-t.svg Haroon Sheikh AG accepted Test that the viewer has basic capability to handle radial gradients on fills and stroke of objects and text. This means it needs to understand the following elements : <radialGradient>, <stop> and the following properties : stop-color, fill:url(# ), stroke(url# )
paint-grad-12-t.svg Haroon Sheikh AG accepted Test that the viewer can handle the gradientUnits attribute on radial gradients.
paint-grad-15-t.svg CN CL accepted Test linear and radial gradient defaults.
paint-grad-16-t.svg CN CL accepted Test gradient stop rules.
paint-grad-17-t.svg ED AE accepted Test that checks that a gradient with objectBoundingBox is not applied on an element without width or height.
paint-grad-18-t.svg CC ED accepted Tests inherit and currentColor on gradient stops
paint-grad-19-t.svg CC ED accepted Tests animation of gradients
paint-grad-201-t.svg BitFlash AG accepted Test Stop Opacity Attribute
paint-grad-202-t.svg BitFlash NR accepted Stop Opacity Attribute with Text
paint-grad-203-t.svg ASl NR accepted Gradients with different gradientUnits
paint-grad-204-t.svg ASl NR accepted LinearGradient with only one stop-color
paint-grad-205-t.svg ASl NR accepted LinearGradient with no stop-color
paint-nsstroke-201-t.svg BitFlash NR accepted Non-scaling Stroke
paint-nsstroke-202-t.svg BitFlash NR accepted Non-scaling Stroke
paint-nsstroke-203-t.svg BitFlash NR accepted Non-scaling Stroke
paint-other-201-t.svg BitFlash NR accepted Test solidColor paint server.
paint-other-202-t.svg BitFlash NR accepted Test 'solidColor' paint server with 'solid-opacity' attribute.
paint-other-203-t.svg ASl NR accepted Tests animation of solid-color and solid-opacity
paint-stroke-01-t.svg Kevin McCluskey, NR accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'stroke' and 'stroke-width' properties.
paint-stroke-02-t.svg Kevin McCluskey, NR accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'stroke', 'stroke-width' and 'stroke-linejoin' properties.
paint-stroke-03-t.svg Kevin McCluskey, NR accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle the <stroke properties>
paint-stroke-04-t.svg Kevin McCluskey, NR accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'stroke', 'stroke-width', 'stroke-dasharray' and 'stroke-dashoffset' properties.
paint-stroke-05-t.svg BB CL accepted Shows how a user agent may render thin strokes
paint-stroke-06-t.svg CN CL accepted Test some effects of stroke-dasharray.
paint-stroke-07-t.svg CN CL accepted Test effect of different stroke-miterlimits.
paint-stroke-08-t.svg CN CL accepted Test effects of stroke-opacity range
paint-stroke-201-t.svg DOH NR accepted Stroking for circle, large stroke-width, small r.
paint-stroke-202-t.svg DOH NR accepted Direction of stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset for basic shapes.
paint-stroke-203-t.svg DOH NR reviewed Stroking for ellipse, large stroke-width, small rx or ry.
paint-stroke-204-t.svg DOH NR accepted Precision tests for stroke-linejoin
paint-stroke-205-t.svg DOH NR accepted Path length zero subpaths stroking and stroke-linecap
paint-stroke-206-t.svg DOH NR reviewed Stroking for rectangles with rounded corners, small width.
paint-stroke-207-t.svg DOH NR accepted Centering of stroke on the outline of rectangles.
paint-vfill-201-t.svg BitFlash NR accepted Viewport Fill Attribute
paint-vfill-202-t.svg ASl AE accepted Viewport-fill on transparent image
paint-vfill-203-t.svg ASl AE accepted Animation of viewport fill and opacity
paint-vfill-204-t.svg ASl AE accepted Viewport fill and opacity inheritance
paint-vfill-205-t.svg ASl AE accepted Viewport fill and opacity
paint-vfill-206-t.svg BitFlash NR accepted Viewport Fill Attribute
paths-data-01-t.svg Lofton Henderson AN,AE accepted Test that the viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'path' element and data (d) attribute in combination with the cubic Bezier curveto, both regular and shorthand/smooth forms - C, c, S, s (along with Mm and Zz).
paths-data-02-t.svg Lofton Henderson AN,AE accepted Test that the viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'path' element and data (d) attribute in combination with the quadratic Bezier curveto commands, both regular and shorthand/smooth forms - Q, q, T, t (along with Mm and Zz).
paths-data-04-t.svg Lofton Henderson AN,AE accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle the <path> element and data (d) attribute in combination with the moveto, lineto, and closepath commands - M, L, Z, m, l, and z.
paths-data-05-t.svg Lofton Henderson AN,AE accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle the <path> element and data (d) attribute in combination with the moveto, lineto, and closepath commands - M, L, Z, m, l, and z.
paths-data-06-t.svg Lofton Henderson AN,AE accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle the <path> element and data (d) attribute in combination with the moveto, lineto, and closepath commands - M, L, Z, m, l, and z.
paths-data-07-t.svg Lofton Henderson AN,AE accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle the <path> element and data (d) attribute in combination with the moveto, lineto, and closepath commands - M, L, Z, m, l, and z.
paths-data-08-t.svg SH CN,AN accepted tests support for moveto and closepath path commands
paths-data-09-t.svg SH CN,AN accepted tests moveto and closepath path commands
paths-data-10-t.svg SH CN,AN accepted tests paths with closepath vs. same start and end point
paths-data-12-t.svg CN ED,AN accepted Test using multiple coord sets to build a polybézier, and implicit values for initial S.
paths-data-13-t.svg CN ED,AN accepted Test multiple coridinates for V and H
paths-data-14-t.svg CN ED,AN accepted Test implicit values for moveto.
paths-data-15-t.svg CN AN,ED accepted Test using multiple coord sets to build a polybézier, then T with no preceeding Q or T.
render-elems-01-t.svg Vincent Hardy NR accepted This test validates that shapes can be both filled.
render-elems-02-t.svg Vincent Hardy NR accepted This test validates that shapes can be both stroked.
render-elems-03-t.svg Vincent Hardy NR accepted This test validates that shapes can be both filled and stroked.
render-elems-06-t.svg Vincent Hardy NR accepted This test validates that text can be both filled.
render-elems-07-t.svg Vincent Hardy NR accepted This test validates that text can be both stroked.
render-elems-08-t.svg Vincent Hardy NR accepted This test validates that text can be both filled and stroked.
render-groups-01-t.svg VH, AS NR, DS accepted This test validates the rendering order of graphic elements and the concept of grouping.
render-groups-03-t.svg Vincent Hardy NR accepted This test validates the rendering order of graphic elements.
script-element-201-t.svg ED DS, AE accepted Test that when a script element has both an xlink:href attribute and child character data, the executable content for the script is retrieved from the IRI of the xlink:href attribute, and the child content is not added to the scripting context.
script-element-202-t.svg ED AE accepted Test that scripts are not processed until added to the DOM tree.
script-element-203-t.svg ED AE accepted Tests script element processing
script-handle-05-t.svg ED, VH, March AE accepted This test validates scripting support by using a simple mouse event handler and manipulating the DOM with the ECMA binding DOM API.
script-handle-06-t.svg ED, Vincent Hardy, March AE accepted This test validates basic support for the mouse events defined in SVG.
script-handle-07-t.svg Vincent Hardy, March AE accepted This test validates basic support for the mouse events defined in SVG.
script-handle-08-t.svg ED, Vincent Hardy, March AE accepted This test validates basic support for the mouse events defined in SVG.
script-handle-201-t.svg ASl AE accepted Test with two event handlers on the same object
script-handle-202-t.svg ASl AE accepted Tests event handling with SMIL and scripting
script-listener-201-t.svg ED AE accepted Test xml prefix declarations for XML Events.
script-listener-202-t.svg ED AE accepted Test listener with IDREF in handler attribute.
shapes-circle-01-t.svg Lofton Henderson AE accepted Test ability to handle the 'circle' basic shapes element.
shapes-circle-02-t.svg CN DJ,AN accepted Defaults test with circle.
shapes-circle-03-t.svg AN AE accepted Testing the correct stroking of the circle element.
shapes-ellipse-01-t.svg Kelvin R. Lawrence AN accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle the <ellipse> element.
shapes-ellipse-02-t.svg CN DJ,AN accepted Defaults test with ellipse.
shapes-ellipse-03-t.svg AN AE accepted Testing the correct stroking of the ellipse element.
shapes-intro-01-t.svg SH AN,CN accepted Test that viewer supports the degenerate cases of the basic shapes
shapes-line-01-t.svg Lofton Henderson AN accepted Test ability to handle the 'line' basic-shapes element.
shapes-line-02-t.svg AN AG accepted Test the default attributes of the line element.
shapes-polygon-01-t.svg Kelvin R. Lawrence AN accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'polygon' element.
shapes-polygon-02-t.svg AN AG accepted Test points attribute syntax. Test that empty and invalid points attributes result in not rendering 'polygon' elements.
shapes-polyline-01-t.svg Lofton Henderson, AN accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'polyline' element.
shapes-polyline-02-t.svg AN AG accepted Test points attribute syntax. Test that empty and invalid points attributes result in not rendering 'polyline' elements.
shapes-rect-01-t.svg Kelvin R. Lawrence AN accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle the <rect> element.
shapes-rect-02-t.svg CN DJ,AN accepted Testing the default attributes on the rect element.
shapes-rect-03-t.svg AN AE accepted Testing the correct stroking of the rect element.
struct-common-201-t.svg CL AE reviewed test id and xml:id modification
struct-cond-01-t.svg Tim Thompson AE accepted Test to determine if a simple switch element can be probably evaluated.
struct-cond-02-t.svg Chris Lilley, AE accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to switch on user langauge
struct-cond-03-t.svg CL CN accepted Tests the switch element with requiredFeature
struct-cond-204-t.svg AE CL reviewed Required Formats Attribute
struct-cond-205-t.svg ED AE accepted Tests all the feature strings.
struct-cond-206-t.svg ED,AE [reviewer] created Tests all the feature strings.
struct-cond-207-t.svg ED,AE [reviewer] created Tests that the general feature strings map to the corresponding sub-feature strings.
struct-defs-01-t.svg Tim Thompson AE accepted Test to determine if the defs element is used as a container correctly
struct-defs-201-t.svg ED AE accepted Tests display=none on the defs element.
struct-discard-201-t.svg BitFlash AS accepted Discard Element
struct-discard-202-t.svg ED AE created Tests various values for the begin attribute on the discard element.
struct-discard-203-t.svg ED AE reviewed Tests the discard acts the same as removeChild.
struct-discard-204-t.svg ED AE accepted Tests the xlink:href on discard is not animatable.
struct-discard-205-t.svg ED AE accepted Tests that discard elements are discarded.
struct-discard-206-t.svg ED AE accepted Tests that discard elements can be discarded before activation.
struct-discard-207-t.svg ED AE accepted Tests the discard acts the same as removeChild.
struct-frag-02-t.svg VH CN accepted validates the use of the preserveAspectRatio
struct-frag-03-t.svg VH CN accepted validates the use of the preserveAspectRatio
struct-frag-04-t.svg VH CN accepted validates svg element with no viewbox
struct-frag-05-t.svg CL CN accepted support for namespace prefixes
struct-frag-06-t.svg VH CL accepted tests required XML features, such as entities and the internal DTD subset
struct-group-01-t.svg Tim Thompson AS accepted Test that the g element functions correctly as a container.
struct-group-03-t.svg VH CN accepted property inheritance
struct-image-01-t.svg Tim Thompson AS accepted Test that the jpg and png image formats are understood.
struct-image-03-t.svg Chris Lilley AS accepted Test gamma correction of PNG images based on gAMA chunk. Derived from original HTML test by Dave Martindale.
struct-image-04-t.svg Tim Thompson AS accepted Test that jpg and png image formats are understood when inlined with the data: URI scheme.
struct-image-06-t.svg VH CN accepted image preserveAspectRatio
struct-image-07-t.svg VH CN accepted image support for xml:base
struct-image-08-t.svg CL ED accepted Alpha PNG test
struct-image-09-t.svg CL ED accepted tRNS PNG test
struct-image-10-t.svg CL ED accepted Greyscale PNG test
struct-progressive-201-t.svg AE DOH accepted Tests progressive rendering
struct-progressive-202-t.svg AE DOH accepted Tests progressive rendering
struct-progressive-203-t.svg AE DOH accepted Tests progressive rendering
struct-progressive-204-t.svg AE DOH accepted Tests progressive rendering
struct-svg-201-t.svg ASl AE accepted Tests that the snapshotTime attribute is set
struct-svg-202-t.svg ASl AE accepted Tests the default value for attribute snapshotTime
struct-svg-203-t.svg ED AE accepted Test svg element in svg.
struct-svg-205-t.svg ED AE reviewed Test animateMotion and animateTransform on the svg element.
struct-use-01-t.svg VH CN accepted Tests that the viewer can handle various types of use references
struct-use-03-t.svg VH CN accepted tests x/y attribs on use element
struct-use-04-t.svg BB CL accepted Tests external references on the use element
struct-use-05-t.svg BB CL accepted Tests external references and computed inherited values
struct-use-09-t.svg AN, DS AE, AG accepted Tests the use element in symbol definition
struct-use-201-t.svg ED AE accepted Test reference restrictions on the 'use' element.
struct-use-202-t.svg ED AE accepted Test reference restriction B on the 'use' element.
struct-use-203-t.svg BB CL, AS accepted Tests external references on the use element
struct-use-204-t.svg BB CL, AS accepted Tests external references on the use element
struct-use-205-t.svg ED AE accepted Test SVGElementInstance and events
struct-use-recursion-01-t.svg DS AE accepted Test for recursion in 'use' elements.
struct-use-recursion-02-t.svg DS AE accepted Test for recursion in 'use' elements referencing external files.
struct-use-recursion-03-t.svg DS AE accepted Test for recursion in 'use' elements referencing external files.
styling-inherit-01-t.svg Chris Lilley AE,AN accepted Verify property inheritance
styling-inherit-02-t.svg CL AE, ED reviewed Inheritance test for stop-color
styling-inherit-03-t.svg CL ED accepted test animation and inheritance on solid-color
styling-pres-01-t.svg Chris Lilley AE accepted Check !important in presentation attribute is an unsupported value
text-align-01-t.svg JF AE accepted Test 'text-anchor' property (horizontal).
text-align-07-t.svg CN AE accepted Test horizontal baselines across script and font size changes.
text-align-08-t.svg CN CL accepted Test horizontal baselines across script and font size changes (SVG Font).
text-align-201-t.svg DS CL accepted Test viewer basic capability to handle 'text-anchor' property.
text-align-202-t.svg CL AE accepted test alignment on RTL text
text-align-203-t.svg LH AG reviewed Test viewer basic capability to handle 'text-anchor' property.
text-area-201-t.svg AE ASL accepted Testing 'textArea' with fixed 'width' and 'height'
text-area-202-t.svg AE ASL reviewed Testing 'textArea' with fixed 'width' and 'height'
text-area-203-t.svg AE ASL accepted TextArea with Animated Width and Height
text-area-204-t.svg AE ASL accepted TextArea with Animated Font-size
text-area-205-t.svg AE ASL accepted TextArea with Height Set to Auto
text-area-206-t.svg AE ASL accepted TextArea with Line-increment and Tbreak
text-area-207-t.svg AE ASL accepted TextArea Transformed by Rotation
text-area-208-t.svg AE ASL reviewed TextArea with Both Width and Height Set to Auto
text-area-209-t.svg AE ASL accepted TextArea Testing Word Breaks and Tbreak
text-area-210-t.svg AE ASL accepted Testing 'rotate' attribute
text-area-211-t.svg bf ASL reviewed Testing 'tbreak' attribute while animating 'font-size' in 'tspan' in 'textArea'
text-area-212-t.svg bf ASL reviewed Testing 'tbreak' attribute while animating 'font-size' in 'tspan' in 'textArea'
text-area-213-t.svg BitFlash ASL accepted TextArea with Animated Width and Height
text-area-220-t.svg BitFlash ASL accepted Testing 'rotate' attribute
text-area-221-t.svg BitFlash ASL accepted TextArea with Line-increment and Text-anchor
text-area-222-t.svg BitFlash ASL accepted Testing 'textArea' with fixed 'width' and 'height'
text-area-223-t.svg ED AG reviewed Test whitespace-handling in textArea
text-area-224-t.svg ED [reviewer] created Test whitespace-handling in textArea
text-area-225-t.svg ED [reviewer] created Test arabic in textArea
text-edit-201-t.svg ED AE,AN accepted Test editable in textArea
text-fonts-01-t.svg Chris Lilley, DS accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle different font families
text-fonts-02-t.svg Chris lilley, DS accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle different font weights
text-fonts-03-t.svg MI CL accepted Testing font-family attribute
text-fonts-202-t.svg CL DS accepted Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle different font weights
text-fonts-203-t.svg CL AG reviewed Test that viewer has the capability to handle six font weights
text-intro-01-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test left-to-right aspect of internationalized text.
text-intro-04-t.svg Jon Ferraiolo AE accepted Test basic of internationalized text.
text-intro-05-t.svg CL ED accepted Tests Arabic text using various platform fonts
text-intro-06-t.svg CL AG reviewed test mandatory arabic ligatures
text-intro-201-t.svg Doug Schepers CL accepted Test for basic capability to handle 'text' elements and text presentation attributes.
text-text-04-t.svg VH AE accepted Tests that the viewer can handle the rotate attribute on the text element
text-text-05-t.svg VH [reviewer] created Tests that the viewer can handle the rotate attribute on the text element
text-text-06-t.svg VH AE accepted x/y glyph positioning on ligatures
text-text-07-t.svg MI AE accepted Tests multiple x, y, rotate
text-text-08-t.svg SH DJ accepted tests text opacity properties
text-text-09-t.svg CL AE accepted Tests multiple x, y, rotate
text-tselect-03-t.svg ED CL accepted Tests bidirectional text selection
text-ws-01-t.svg Lofton Henderson, VH accepted Test that viewer correctly handle whitespace and the 'space' attribute.
text-ws-02-t.svg Lofton Henderson, VH accepted Test that viewer correctly handle whitespace and the 'space' attribute.
types-data-201-t.svg DOH [reviewer] created allowed range for number (length, coordinate)
types-data-202-t.svg DOH [reviewer] created allowed range for number (length, coordinate), scientific notation
udom-conform-201-t.svg CM ED reviewed Test that '#text' trait access works on text content elements
udom-dom-201-t.svg CM AE accepted Test that the DOMException interface and its constants exist
udom-dom-202-t.svg CM AE accepted Test the attributes of the Node interface
udom-dom-203-t.svg CM AE accepted Test that the Node.textContent attribute works
udom-dom-204-t.svg CM ED reviewed Test the operation of Node.appendChild
udom-dom-205-t.svg CM ED reviewed Test the operation of Node.insertBefore
udom-dom-206-t.svg CM AE accepted Test the operation of Node.removeChild
udom-dom-207-t.svg CM AE accepted Test the operation of Node.cloneNode
udom-dom-208-t.svg CM AE reviewed Test the operation of Element.getAttribute(NS)
udom-dom-209-t.svg CM ED reviewed Test the operation of Element.setAttribute(NS)
udom-dom-210-t.svg CM AE accepted Test the operation of Document.createElementNS
udom-dom-211-t.svg CM AE accepted Simple test of the Document.documentElement attribute
udom-dom-212-t.svg CM [reviewer] created Test the operation of Document.getElementById
udom-dom-213-t.svg CM ED accepted Test the ElementTraversal interface attributes
udom-event-201-t.svg CM AE accepted Test the simple operation of the EventTarget interface methods
udom-event-202-t.svg CM ED,AE accepted Test the simple attributes of the Event interface
udom-event-203-t.svg CM ED,AE accepted Test the stopPropagation method of the Event interface
udom-event-204-t.svg CM AE accepted Test the defaultPrevented attribute and preventDefault method of the Event interface
udom-event-205-t.svg CM AE reviewed Test the attributes of the MouseEvent interface
udom-event-206-t.svg CM [reviewer] created Test the WheelEvent interface and its dispatch
udom-event-207-t.svg CM AE accepted Test the TextEvent interface
udom-event-208-t.svg CM ED reviewed Test the UIEvent interface and the dispatch order of mouse events
udom-event-209-t.svg CM ED accepted Test an EventListener given by an object with a .handleEvent property
udom-event-210-t.svg ED CL reviewed Tests the mousewheel event
udom-glob-201-t.svg CM AE accepted Test that the GlobalException interface and its constants exist
udom-glob-202-t.svg AE CL accepted Test that the method gotoLocation works for a simple case
udom-glob-203-t.svg AE AG accepted Testing SVGGlobal postURL's callback status
udom-glob-204-t.svg AE CL accepted Testing SVGGlobal getURL's callback status
udom-node-201-t.svg ASl CM accepted CloneNode with use elements
udom-node-202-t.svg ASl CM accepted Test cloneNode and 'deep' parameter
udom-node-204-t.svg ASl AE accepted Tests uDOM Node accessor parentNode
udom-over-01-t.svg ED AE accepted Checks if SVG DOM ECMA Script binding is supported
udom-smil-201-t.svg CM ED accepted Test ElementTimeControl's beginElement and beginElementAt methods
udom-smil-202-t.svg CM ED accepted Test ElementTimeControl's beginElement and beginElementAt methods with different begin instance time lists
udom-smil-203-t.svg CM ED accepted Test ElementTimeControl's endElement and endElementAt methods
udom-svg-201-t.svg CM ED accepted Test that the SVGException interface and its constants exist
udom-svg-202-t.svg CM AE accepted Test the global attribute of the SVGDocument interface
udom-svg-203-t.svg ED ATE reviewed Test for getURL and parseXML
udom-svg-204-t.svg CM AE accepted Test the SVGElementInstance interface
udom-svg-205-t.svg CM AE accepted Test the SVGSVGElement NAV_ constants
udom-svg-206-t.svg CM CL reviewed Test SVGSVGElement.currentScale
udom-svg-207-t.svg ASl AE reviewed Test active intervals with pause/resume element and restart 'always'
udom-svg-208-t.svg ASl AE accepted Tests syncbase behavior togheter with pause/resume element
udom-svg-209-t.svg ASl AE accepted Test raising of begin, end and repeat events togheter with pause/resume element
udom-svg-210-t.svg ASl AE accepted Test active intervals with pause/resume element and restart 'whenNotActive'
udom-svg-211-t.svg ASl AE accepted Test active intervals with pause/resume element and restart 'never'
udom-svg-212-t.svg CM CL reviewed Test that SVGSVGElement.viewport is read only
udom-svg-213-t.svg CM CL reviewed Test that SVGSVGElement.getCurrentTime returns a sensible value
udom-svg-214-t.svg CM CL reviewed Test SVGSVGElement.createSVGMatrixComponents()
udom-svg-215-t.svg CM CL reviewed Test SVGSVGElement.createSVGRect()
udom-svg-216-t.svg CM ED accepted Test SVGSVGElement.createSVGPath()
udom-svg-217-t.svg CM [reviewer] created Simple SVGGlobal.getURL() tests
udom-svg-218-t.svg CM AE, AG accepted More SVGGlobal.getURL() tests
udom-svg-219-t.svg CM [reviewer] created Test SVGSVGElement.currentRotate
udom-svg-220-t.svg CM ATE reviewed Test trait access for 'accumulate'
udom-svg-221-t.svg CM ATE reviewed Test trait access for 'additive'
udom-svg-222-t.svg CM ATE reviewed Test trait access for 'attributeName'
udom-svg-223-t.svg CM ATE reviewed Test trait access for 'baseProfile'
udom-svg-224-t.svg CM AE accepted Test trait access for 'begin'
udom-svg-225-t.svg ED AE accepted Test getScreenCTM when the CTM is being animated
udom-svg-226-t.svg BitFlash AG accepted Test SVGSVGElement.getCurrentTime
udom-svg-227-t.svg BitFlash CL accepted Test SVGSVGElement.setCurrentTime
udom-svg-228-t.svg BitFlash AG accepted Test
udom-svg-229-t.svg BitFlash ED created Test SVGSVGElement.setCurrentTime
udom-svg-230-t.svg BitFlash AG reviewed Test SVG Traits
udom-svg-231-t.svg BitFlash AG accepted Test SVG Traits
udom-svg-232-t.svg BitFlash CL accepted Test SVG Traits
udom-svg-233-t.svg BitFlash AG accepted Test SVG Traits
udom-svg-234-t.svg BitFlash DS accepted Test SVG Traits
udom-svg-235-t.svg BitFlash CL accepted Test SVG Traits
udom-svg-236-t.svg BitFlash AZ accepted Test SVG Traits
udom-svg-237-t.svg BitFlash CM accepted Test SVG Traits
udom-svgcolor-201-t.svg BitFlash CL accepted Test SVGRGBColort
udom-svglocatable-201-t.svg BitFlash ED accepted Test SVGLocatable.getBBox.
udom-svglocatable-202-t.svg BitFlash ED accepted Test SVGLocatable.getScreenBBox.
udom-svglocatable-203-t.svg BitFlash ED accepted Test SVGLocatable.getScreenCTM
udom-svglocatable-204-t.svg AN AE accepted Tests the interface SVGLocatable
udom-svgmatrix-201-t.svg BitFlash ED accepted Test SVGMatrix.getComponent
udom-svgmatrix-202-t.svg BitFlash ED accepted Test SVGMatrix.inverse
udom-svgmatrix-203-t.svg BitFlash ED accepted Test SVGMatrix.mMultiply
udom-svgmatrix-204-t.svg BitFlash ED accepted Test SVGMatrix.mRotate
udom-svgmatrix-205-t.svg BitFlash ED reviewed Test SVGMatrix.mScale
udom-svgmatrix-206-t.svg BitFlash ED reviewed Test SVGMatrix.mTranslate
udom-svgmatrix-207-t.svg ED [reviewer] created Test SVGMatrix with special float values
udom-svgpath-201-t.svg BitFlash AN accepted Testing the SVGPath interface: .close(), .moveTo(), .lineTo(), .quadTo()
udom-svgpath-202-t.svg BitFlash ED,AN accepted Test SVGPath.close(), .moveTo(), .lineTo()
udom-svgpoint-201-t.svg BitFlash ED accepted Test SVGPoint
udom-svgpoint-202-t.svg BitFlash ED created Test SVGPoint
udom-svgrect-201-t.svg BitFlash AZ,AN accepted Test SVGRect object
udom-svgtimedelement-202-t.svg ASl [reviewer] created Test raising of begin, end and repeat events togheter with pause/resume element
udom-svgtimedelement-203-t.svg ASl [reviewer] created Test active intervals with pause/resume element and restart 'always'
udom-svgtimedelement-204-t.svg ASl [reviewer] created Test active intervals with pause/resume element and restart 'whenNotActive'
udom-svgtimedelement-205-t.svg ASl [reviewer] created Test active intervals with pause/resume element and restart 'never'
udom-textcontent-201-t.svg ASl AE accepted Test on textContent on element with several children containing text nodes
udom-textcontent-202-t.svg ASl CM accepted Test to set textContent, which removes other element children
udom-traitaccess-201-t.svg ASl AE reviewed Trait access in uDOM
udom-traitaccess-202-t.svg ASl AE reviewed Trait access on solidColor
udom-traitaccess-203-t.svg ASl ED accepted Trait access on solidColor solid-opacity
udom-traitaccess-204-t.svg ASl ED accepted Tests set/get access on 'fillrule' trait.
udom-traitaccess-205-t.svg ASl CM accepted Test to check trait access with setRGBColorTrait on viewport-fill
udom-traitaccess-206-t.svg ASl CM accepted Test to check trait access with setTrait on viewport-fill
udom-traitaccess-207-t.svg ASl ED accepted Test to check trait access with setFloatTrait on viewport-fill-opacity
$Id: test_status12T.html,v 1.6 2008/06/12 06:41:08 agrasso Exp $