In the word "ROTATE", each of the letters "ROTA" is rotated 10
degrees more than the previous letter, with the first letter being
rotated at 0 degrees. The letters "TE" have the same 30 degree rotation.
The first 5 letters in the word "MultiXY" are shifted in the x and y
by 20 pixels more (in user space) than the previous letter, with the
first letter beginning at coordinate 240, 60. The letters 'X' and 'Y'
will have the same y coordinate as the letter 'i' in "Multi".
The first 10 letters (including the space) in the word "Both Together"
are rotated and shifted. Each of the rotated letters is rotated -10
degrees more than the previous letter, with the first letter being
rotated a 0 degrees. Subsequent letters after the first 10 rotated at
-90 degrees. Each of the shifted letters is shifted by 20 pixels more
than the previous letter in the x direction and -10 pixels more than
the previous letter in the y direction, with the first letter
beginning at the coordinate 10, 300. Subsequent letters after the
first 10 will have the same y coordinate as the letter 't' is