9.1 The vectorEffect element vectoreffects-vectoreffect 9.2 Common vector effect primitive attributes vectoreffects-attr 9.3 The veStrokePath element vectoreffects-strokepath 101 make path of stroke, fill the path (stroke this) 102 make path of stroke with dasharray (and stroke it) 103 make path of strokes with different linecaps 104 make path of miter limit 105 test default parameter value inheritance 106 test width attribute percentages 9.4 The veSetback element vectoreffects-setback [can this take one length as well as four lengths?] 101 test with one length, on compound path 102 test with 4 lengths, on compound path 103 test with 4 lengths, on compound path, with markers 9.5 The veAffine element vectoreffects-affine 101 scale, rotate, skew, and more complex matrix (4 subtests) 9.6 The veReverse element vectoreffects-reverse 101 test with on simple path, with markers 102 test with on compound path, with markers 103 test with on compound path that has holes, with markers, using both even-odd and winding-rule fill 9.7 The veJoin element vectoreffects-join 101 test on two simple paths, with and without markers, with line and none 102 test on two complex paths, with and without markers, with line and none 9.8 The veUnion element vectoreffects-union 101 test on two overlapping shapes that have 50% opacity and a solid stroke, using both even-odd and winding-rule fill 9.9 The veIntersect element vectoreffects-intersect 101 test on two overlapping shapes, using both even-odd and winding-rule fill 102 test on non-overlapping shapes 9.10 The veExclude element vectoreffects-exclude 101 test on two overlapping shapes that have 50% opacity and a solid stroke, using both even-odd and winding-rule fill 9.11 The veFill element vectoreffects-fill 101 test with fill, fill-opacity, including values "currentStroke" and "currentFill" as well as solid fill, gradients, and patterns 102 test with two semi-opaque fills 103 test with empty veFill 9.12 The veStroke element vectoreffects-stroke 101 test with fill, fill-opacity, including values "currentStroke" and "currentFill" as well as solid fill, gradients, and patterns. use a wide stroke and no fill 102 tests with multiple strokes, including some semi-opaque 103 test with empty veStroke 104 test with stroke in front of fill, behind fill, two strokes one in front and one behind. use semi-opaque fill and stroke. 105 test with fill and fill-opacity attributes as well as (different colored) stroke and stroke-opacity, ensure correct one used 9.13 The veMarker element vectoreffects-marker 101 test with start, end, and mid markers (no fill or stroke) 103 test with start, end, and mid markers plus fill, both on top and behind markers 103 test with start, end, and mid markers plus stroke, both on top and behind markers 9.14 The veMarkerPath element vectoreffects-markerpath 101 test with filled and stroked marker path 102 test with marker path intersected with stroke path, and unioned with stroke path 9.15 The vePath element vectoreffects-path 101 reference of a single path, then fill and stroke it 102 reference of a single path,with transform, then fill and stroke it 103 reference of multiple paths, then fill and stroke it 104 reference of a single path, twice, once with transform, then fill and stroke it 105 reference of four paths, one reversed, then fill the result, then stroke each using the original strokes, plus one compound stroke over the whole lot in a different color 9.16 The vePathRef element vectoreffects-pathref [mostly tested under vePath] [so, we can reference primitive shapes and text, as well as paths!!?] 101 three subtests, reference of a single primitive shape, a path and a text element. 102 ? error test, reference ofa group, a symbol, and a use. 9.17 Examples vectoreffects-examples 101 the fourth example; the others are already covered. 102 inset and outset examples (stroke to path, then union and intersect) 9.18 The vector-effect property vectoreffects-property 101 tiny test 'non-scaling-stroke' DONE, SH 102 test that 'non-scaling-stroke' is the same as the vE in the spec 103 test 'default' (check same as vE in spec: fill, stroke, marker) 104 test inherit [URI mostly tested above]