Profiles in Amaya

This document: Amaya/doc/profiles.html
Date: 31/08/1999
Author: Luc Bonameau (Luc.Bonameau@inrialpes.fr)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. How to use it
3. An example of profile configuration file
4. Structure of the ProfileDefs file

5. How to administrate the profile feature

1. Introduction

The profile feature allows the user to change the Amaya interface according to his needs.

The user can select the functions he wishes to be proposed in the menus and in the toolbar of the interface.

The selection of these functions is done by editing a single file describing as much profiles as wanted.

2. How to use it

2.1. Creation of profiles

Note : **All these operations can be achieved with Amaya. You can open, edit and save your profile configuration even if the extension of the file isn't html.

2.2. Profile selection

A dialog box was added in Amaya in order to handle profile selection.

3. An example of profile configuration file

This example belows shows two profiles definitions : Amaya4Kids and Editor_Novice (between brackets).

All strings preceded by a plus (+) are modules (defined in ProfileDefs) and others are functions.

[Amaya4Kids] <--- Profile title

+editbase <-- module



CreateHeading1 <-- function



[Editor_Novice] <--- Profile title






4. Structure of the ProfileDefs file

The ProfileDefs file contain units of modules definition separated by comments lines beginning with one or more hashes '#' (like ####VIEWS). These comments are there to help you searching your module (or function).

Beginning of module definition is set by a name between brackets (like [views] or [zoom])

All the modules or functions under this starting module element belong to the module as long as another starting module element starts. To insert a module into a module, preceed the name of the module by a plus ('+').

The structure is recursive (modules contains functions and modules that can contain other functions and modules ...)

WARNING : Marks '&' before a function's name are marks used by internal profile function. You don' have to bither with it (they are used to determine which functions are edition function). DO NOT INCLUDE THIS SYMBOL IN YOUR PROFILE CONFIGURATION FILE.

######### VIEWS

[views] <-- Module (definition)

+zoom <-- Module (insertion)


TtcSwitchButtonBar <-- Function
















&CreateParameter <-- Edition function (do not include the '&' symbol in your profiles definition file)

5. How to administrate the profile feature

The file Amaya/config/ProfileDefs must be updated every time a new function appears in the interface. The new function must be inserted in that file in the correct (logical) place.
