W3C Amaya

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Creating HTML Style Elements

Two submenus on the Xhtml menu enable you to add HTML elements to your CSS style sheet: Information Type and Character Elements.

Information Types

The Information Type submenu lists HTML elements that define abstract styles. Three of these styles are also available through buttons: emphasis Emphasis button, strong Strong button and code Code button.

To apply an information type:

  1. Select a character string in your page.
  2. Choose an option from the Information Types submenu.

    The selected character string displays in the chosen style.

Character Elements

The Character Elements submenu enables you to change the style of the text to italic, bold, teletype, superscript, subscript, and so on (these are included to complete the HTML 3.2 implementation).

To apply a character element:

  1. Select a character string in your page.
  2. Choose an option from the Character Elements submenu.

    The selected character string displays the chosen style.

See Also: