W3C Amaya

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Creating a Target Anchor

A target anchor is a piece of text that is referred to by a link (a source anchor). Before creating a link to a text string, you must first turn it into a target anchor.

To create a target anchor:

  1. Click and drag to select the appropriate text string.

  2. Choose Create Target from the Links menu.The selected text is now a target. In Formatted view, if Show Targets is turned on, the target text is preceded by an icon. In the Links view, icons that identify target anchors are always displayed.

  3. When a target anchor is created, Amaya automatically generates the attribute NAME value by:

    • Extracting a word longer than 3 characters from the anchor text.


    • Generating a number.

    In both cases, Amaya guarantees that the generated value is unique within the document.