W3C Amaya

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Exiting Anchors, Styled Character Strings, etc.

When a paragraph or another block of text is styled terminated by an anchor or a character string in bold, italic or other such style moving the insertion point to the end and typing new text appends characters to the anchor or the styled string.

To exit an anchor or styled element and enter plain text:

  1. Move the cursor to the end of the anchor or style element, and then press Enter and continue typing after the element.
  2. The same method can be used to enter plain text at the beginning of a block starting with an anchor or styled characters. Move the cursor to the beginning of the anchor or style element, and then press Enter and continue typing before the element.

To get out of a <pre> or a table:

This works also for a table: select the whole table and press Enter to create a new paragraph after the table. You can also get out of a table by pressing Enter until you are out of the table.