The following are known Amaya MathML issues:
display, alttext, mathvariant, mathsize, mathcolor,
mathbackground, fontsize, fontweight, fontstyle, fontfamily, color,
linethickness, numalign, denomalign, bevelled, notation, lquote, rquote,
lspace, rspace, largeop, movablelimits, subscriptshift, superscriptshift,
form, width
(mspace only), height
(mspace only),
(mspace only), align, rowalign, columnalign,
frame, framespacing, displaystyle, side, rowspan, columnspan, rowspacing,
columnspacing, rowlines, columnlines
, id
, and
attributes are available, with the same semantics as
in HTML: you can associate CSS styles with MathML elements
and style
attributes) and a MathML
element can be the target of a link (id
attribute).Therefore, SuchThat, DownTee, Or, And, Not, Exists,
ForAll, Element, NotElement, NotSubset, Subset, SubsetEqual, Superset,
SupersetEqual, DoubleLeftArrow, DoubleLeftRightArrow, DoubleRightArrow,
LeftArrow, LeftRightArrow, RightArrow, Congruent, GreaterEqual, le,
NotEqual, Proportional, VerticalBar, Union, Intersection, PlusMinus,
CirclePlus, Sum, Integral, CircleTimes, Product, CenterDot, Diamond,
PartialD, DoubleDownArrow, DoubleUpArrow, DownArrow, UpArrow,
ApplyFunction, TripleDot, DifferentialD, ImaginaryI, ExponentialE,
InvisibleComma, UnderBar, OverBar, ThinSpace, ThickSpace, Hat, OverBar,
UnderBar, prime, Prime.