Searching and Replacing Text
You can search and replace text with the Search dialog by
choosing Find from the Edit menu or
clicking the Search button
. You can
also use the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl f.
This dialog enables you to search or replace text using different
- You must enter the character string for which you want to search in the
Search for field.
- If the Ignore case button is selected, a
case-insensitive search is performed; otherwise, the string is searched
for as it appears within the Search for field.
- Strings can also be replaced using the same operation. You enter the
replacement text in the Replace by field and select a
replacement mode from the Replace box. The replacement
modes are:
- No replace: No replacement occurs even if the
Replace field contains a character string. It is just a simple
- Replace on request: When the string is found,
Amaya selects it. The user can then click one of the following
- Confirm to replace and carry out the search
- Do not replace to search for the next instance
without replacing the string that was found.
- Automatic replace: All instances of the
searched-for string are automatically replaced within the portion of
document defined in the Search where box.
- The Search where box enables you to specify the part
of document in which the search will occur:
- Before selection: The search starts at the
beginning of the selected part and moves backward to the beginning of
the document.
- Within selection: The search only occurs within
the selected part, from its beginning to its end.
- After selection: The search starts at the end of
the selected part and moves forward to the end of the document.
- In the whole document: The search is carried out
in the whole document from the beginning to the end regardless of
which part is selected.
To initiate the search operation, click the Confirm
button at the bottom of the dialog. If Amaya finds the searched-for string,
it is selected and the document is positioned so as to make this string
visible. You can then search for the next instance of this string by clicking
the Confirm button again. If the string is not found, Amaya
displays a Not found dialog-box.
Search or replace can be abandoned at any time by clicking the
Cancel button.
Replacement operations can be undone by choosing Undo
from the Edit menu, or by using the keyboard shortcut
Ctrl z.