Creating new Documents

Amaya allows you to create both local or remote documents. Three types of documents are available:

To create a document:

  1. Choose New from the File menu, and then select the file type that you want to create.
  2. At the prompt, type the URI or the local path name of the new document (a default name is assigned to the document if no name is specified). You can use the file browser to find a local directory.
  3. Choose the location of the new document : Replace current, In new tab or In new Window.
  4. If you are creating a new XHTML document:
    • The Title of this new document is requested. It could be changed later.
    • You may specify the Document profile of the new created document (XHTML Transitional, XHTML 1.1, XHTML strict, XHTML basic, HTML transitional, Compound document).

      If you plan to create a XHTML document including either MathML or SVG elements (Compound document), it is recommended to create a document file with a .xml suffix.

  5. Select a charset to encode strings of the document. Pay attention, this charset should be selected in accordance with the Web server that will serve the document.
    By default .html pages are served with iso-8859-1 and .xml pages are served with utf-8.
  6. Click Open. A new document opens, and a root element is created.