Results for tests requiring that dependency schemaImport is satisfied
Implementations | |||||||||||||||
Tests | BaseX 7.7 XQ30 |
EMC/xDB xDB_main_r2411365 XQ30 |
Saxon-EE XP20 |
Saxon-EE XQ10 |
Saxon-EE XP30 |
Saxon-EE XQ30 |
Saxon-EE XQX30 (QT3 v1.1) |
XmlPrime XP30 (QT3 vCVS) |
XmlPrime XQ30 (QT3 vCVS) |
XmlPrime XQX30 (QT3 vCVS) |
XmlPrime XP20 (QT3 vCVS) |
XmlPrime XQX10 (QT3 vCVS) |
XmlPrime XQ10 (QT3 vCVS) |
Zorba 2.9 XQ10 (QT3 vCVS) |
Zorba 2.9 XQ30 (QT3 vCVS) |
X analyzeString-024: import schema ""; let $result := analyze-string("banana", "(b)(anana)") return $result/fn:match[1] instance of schema-element(fn:match) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XP30+ XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X analyzeString-025: import schema ""; analyze-string("banana", "(b)(anana)") instance of schema-element(fn:analyze-string-result) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XP30+ XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X fn-datacomplextype-1: import schema namespace mc =""; fn:data( validate { <mc:weather> <mc:temperature>30</mc:temperature> <mc:precipitation>10</mc:precipitation> </mc:weather> } ) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ST-Data001: import schema namespace mc =""; let $node as element(*, mc:mixedType) := /* return data($node) |
no result | n/a | n/a
Dependency not satisfied |
notXP20 |
Dependency not satisfied |
notXP30 |
Dependency not satisfied |
n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=feature, value=staticTyping, satisfied=true) was not met. |
Dependency (type=feature, value=staticTyping, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X fn-data-1: import schema namespace examples = ""; fn:data(/examples:E6-Root/examples:E6) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-data-002: import schema namespace cd=""; let $x := validate strict {.} return string-length(data($x//cd:complexTypeWithSimpleContent)) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-data-003: import schema namespace cd=""; let $x := validate strict {.} return data($x//cd:unionType) instance of xs:string |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-data-004: import schema namespace cd=""; let $x := validate strict {.} return sum($x//cd:listType) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-data-005: import schema namespace cd=""; let $x := validate strict {.} return count(data($x//cd:unionWithList)) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-data-006: import schema namespace cd=""; let $x := validate strict {.} return string-length($x//cd:extendedComplexTypeWithSimpleUnionContent) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-data-007: import schema namespace cd=""; let $x := validate strict {.} return count(data($x//cd:listOfUnion)[. instance of xs:integer]) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-38: import schema namespace p = ""; let $v := validate strict {<p:elementOnly><p:e/></p:elementOnly>} let $w := validate strict {<p:mixed><p:e/></p:mixed>} let $x := validate strict {<p:empty><p:e/></p:empty>} let $y := validate strict {<p:simple><p:e/></p:simple>} return deep-equal($v/p:e, $w/p:e) or deep-equal($w/p:e, $x/p:e) or deep-equal($v/p:e, $x/p:e) or deep-equal($x/p:e, $y/p:e) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-39: import schema namespace p = ""; let $w := validate strict {<p:mixed><p:e>fraternity</p:e></p:mixed>} let $y := validate strict {<p:simple><p:e>fraternity</p:e></p:simple>} return deep-equal($w/p:e, $y/p:e) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X LocalNameFromQNameFunc021: fn:local-name-from-QName( if( true() ) then (/root/elemStr)[1] else (/root/elemQN)[1] ) |
no result | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc021: fn:namespace-uri-from-QName( if( true() ) then (/root/elemStr)[1] else (/root/elemQN)[1] ) |
no result | n/a | no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XP20 XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X fn-nilled-31: nilled(/root) |
no result | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-32: nilled(/root/branch) |
no result | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-33: nilled(/root/branch/branch[1]) |
no result | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-34: nilled(/root/branch/branch[2]) |
no result | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-35: nilled(/root/branch/branch[2]/twig) |
no result | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-36: /root/branch/branch[2]/nilled() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+ XP30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X fn-nilled-37: /root/branch/branch[2]/twig/nilled() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+ XP30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X fn-nilled-38: data(/root/branch/note[3]) |
no result | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-39: data(/root/branch/branch[2]/twig) |
no result | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-40: import schema namespace ids=""; /ids:root/ids:branch/ids:branch[1] instance of element(ids:branch, ids:root?) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-41: import schema namespace ids=""; /ids:root/ids:branch/ids:branch[1] instance of element(ids:branch, ids:root) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-42: /root/branch/branch[2]/twig instance of element(twig, xs:int?) |
no result | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-43: /root/branch/branch[2]/twig instance of element(twig, xs:decimal?) |
no result | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-44: /root/branch/branch[2]/twig instance of element(twig, xs:int) |
no result | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-45: /root/branch/branch[2]/twig instance of element(twig, xs:decimal) |
no result | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-46: nilled(/root/branch/date) |
no result | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-47: data(/root/branch/date) |
no result | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-48: import schema namespace ids=""; /root/branch/date instance of element(*, ids:date) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-49: import schema default element namespace ""; /root/branch/date instance of element(*, date?) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-50: nilled(/root/branch/size) |
no result | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-51: data(/root/branch/size) |
no result | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-52: import schema namespace ids=""; /ids:root/ids:branch/ids:size instance of element(*, ids:size) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-nilled-53: import schema namespace ids=""; /ids:root/ids:branch/ids:size instance of element(*, ids:size?) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-nilled-001: import schema namespace tc=""; fn:nilled(/tc:root/tc:nillable[1]) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-nilled-002: import schema namespace tc=""; fn:nilled(/tc:root/tc:nillable[2]) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-nilled-003: import schema namespace tc=""; fn:nilled(/tc:root/tc:nillable[3]) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-nilled-004: import schema namespace tc=""; let $v := validate { <tc:nillable xsi:nil="false" /> } return fn:nilled($v) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-nilled-005: import schema namespace tc=""; let $v := validate { <tc:nillable xsi:nil="true" /> } return fn:nilled($v) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-nilled-006: import schema namespace tc=""; let $v := validate { <tc:nillable /> } return fn:nilled($v) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-1: import schema namespace myns=""; fn:not(exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) eq exactly-one(//*:NOTATION3[1])) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-2: import schema namespace myns=""; exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) eq exactly-one(//*:NOTATION2[1]) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-3: import schema namespace myns=""; exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) eq exactly-one(//*:NOTATION4[1]) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-4: import schema namespace myns=""; exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) ne exactly-one(//*:NOTATION3[1]) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-5: import schema namespace myns=""; exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) ne exactly-one(//*:NOTATION2[1]) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-6: import schema namespace myns=""; exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) ne exactly-one(//*:NOTATION4[1]) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-7: import schema namespace myns=""; fn:not(exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) eq exactly-one(//*:NOTATION3[1])) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-8: import schema namespace myns=""; fn:not(exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) eq exactly-one(//*:NOTATION2[1])) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-9: import schema namespace myns=""; fn:not(exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) ne exactly-one(//*:NOTATION3[1])) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-10: import schema namespace myns=""; fn:not(exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) ne exactly-one(//*:NOTATION2[1])) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-11: import schema namespace myns=""; fn:boolean(exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) eq exactly-one(//*:NOTATION2[1])) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-12: import schema namespace myns=""; fn:boolean(exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) ne exactly-one(//*:NOTATION2[1])) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-13: import schema namespace myns=""; (exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) eq exactly-one(//*:NOTATION2[1])) and fn:true() |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-14: import schema namespace myns=""; (exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) ne exactly-one(//*:NOTATION2[1])) and fn:true() |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-15: import schema namespace myns=""; (exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) eq exactly-one(//*:NOTATION2[1])) or fn:true() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-16: import schema namespace myns=""; (exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) ne exactly-one(//*:NOTATION2[1])) or fn:true() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-17: import schema namespace myns=""; (exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) eq exactly-one(//*:NOTATION2[1])) and fn:false() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-18: import schema namespace myns=""; (exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) ne exactly-one(//*:NOTATION2[1])) and fn:false() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-19: import schema namespace myns=""; (exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) eq exactly-one(//*:NOTATION2[1])) or fn:false() |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-20: import schema namespace myns=""; (exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) ne exactly-one(//*:NOTATION2[1])) or fn:false() |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-21: import schema namespace myns=""; exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) eq exactly-one(//*:NOTATION2[1]) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Comp-notation-22: import schema namespace myns=""; exactly-one(//*:NOTATION1[1]) ne exactly-one(//*:NOTATION2[1]) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X CastableAs651: import schema namespace d=""; 93.7 castable as d:canonicalDecimal |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X CastableAs652: import schema namespace d=""; -93.7 castable as d:canonicalDecimal |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X CastableAs653: import schema namespace d=""; 12 castable as d:canonicalDecimal |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X CastableAs654: import schema namespace d=""; -12 castable as d:canonicalDecimal |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X CastableAs655: import schema namespace d=""; 93.7 castable as d:canonicalDouble |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X CastableAs656: import schema namespace d=""; -93.7 castable as d:canonicalDouble |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X CastableAs657: import schema namespace d=""; 0.0e0 castable as d:canonicalDouble |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X CastableAs658: import schema namespace d=""; -0.0e0 castable as d:canonicalDouble |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X CastableAs659: import schema namespace d=""; 1e7 castable as d:canonicalDouble |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X CastableAs660: import schema namespace d=""; -1e7 castable as d:canonicalDouble |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X CastableAs661: import schema namespace d=""; 1e-7 castable as d:canonicalDouble |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X CastableAs662: import schema namespace d=""; -1e-7 castable as d:canonicalDouble |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Castable-UnionType-1: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; "123" castable as s:myUnionType1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X Castable-ListType-2: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; "1.1 2.1 3.1" castable as s:intListType1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAsNamespaceSensitiveType-6: import schema namespace ntn="" at "notation.xsd"; declare function local:is-jpg($q as xs:NOTATION) as xs:boolean { $q eq ntn:pictures("ntn:jpg") }; local:is-jpg(validate { <ntn:notation xmlns:ntn="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" CastExpr/notation.xsd">ntn:jpg</ntn:notation> }) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAsNamespaceSensitiveType-7: import schema namespace ntn="" at "notation.xsd"; declare function local:is-jpg($q as ntn:pictures) as xs:boolean { $q eq ntn:pictures("ntn:jpg") }; local:is-jpg(validate { <ntn:notation xmlns:ntn="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" CastExpr/notation.xsd">ntn:jpg</ntn:notation> }) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAsNamespaceSensitiveType-8: import schema namespace ntn="" at "notation.xsd"; declare function local:is-jpg($q as ntn:pictures) as xs:boolean { $q eq ntn:pictures("ntn:jpg") }; local:is-jpg(xs:untypedAtomic("ntn:picture")) |
no result | wrongError
expected: XPTY0117 actualCode: XPTY0004 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
Expected error: XPTY0117. Found error: FORG0001 |
X CastAsNamespaceSensitiveType-9: import schema namespace ntn="" at "notation.xsd"; declare function local:is-jpg($q as ntn:pictures) as xs:boolean { $q eq ntn:pictures("ntn:jpg") }; local:is-jpg(<tag>ntn:picture</tag>) |
no result | wrongError
expected: XPTY0117 actualCode: XPTY0004 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
Expected error: XPTY0117. Found error: FORG0001 |
X CastAsNamespaceSensitiveType-10: import schema namespace ntn="" at "notation.xsd"; declare function local:is-jpg($q as ntn:qnames) as xs:boolean { $q eq ntn:qnames("ntn:jpg") }; local:is-jpg(validate { <ntn:qname xmlns:ntn="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" CastExpr/notation.xsd">ntn:jpg</ntn:qname> }) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAsNamespaceSensitiveType-11: import schema namespace ntn="" at "notation.xsd"; declare function local:is-jpg($q as ntn:qnames) as xs:boolean { $q eq ntn:qnames("ntn:jpg") }; local:is-jpg(xs:untypedAtomic("ntn:picture")) |
no result | wrongError
expected: XPTY0117 actualCode: XPTY0004 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X CastAsNamespaceSensitiveType-12: import schema namespace ntn="" at "notation.xsd"; declare function local:is-jpg($q as ntn:qnames) as xs:boolean { $q eq ntn:qnames("ntn:jpg") }; local:is-jpg(<tag>ntn:picture</tag>) |
no result | wrongError
expected: XPTY0117 actualCode: XPTY0004 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X cbcl-cast-derived-001: import schema namespace derivedType=""; 16 cast as derivedType:integer, 16 cast as derivedType:double, 16 cast as derivedType:decimal, 16 cast as derivedType:float, "aaaaaaaaaaaa" cast as derivedType:base64Binary, "aaaaaaaaaa" cast as derivedType:hexBinary, "" cast as derivedType:anyURI, true() cast as derivedType:boolean, xs:dateTime("2001-01-01T09:00:00") cast as derivedType:dateTime, xs:time("10:00:00") cast as derivedType:time, "valid value 1" cast as derivedType:string, "value1" cast as derivedType:QName, "derivedType:value1" cast as derivedType:NOTATION, "---01" cast as derivedType:gDay, "--12-25" cast as derivedType:gMonthDay, "--12" cast as derivedType:gMonth, "2004" cast as derivedType:gYear, "2004-02" cast as derivedType:gYearMonth, "P1D" cast as derivedType:duration, "1" cast as derivedType:positiveInteger, "-1" cast as derivedType:nonPositiveInteger, "1" cast as derivedType:nonNegativeInteger, "-1" cast as derivedType:negativeInteger, "1" cast as derivedType:long, "1" cast as derivedType:short, "1" cast as derivedType:unsignedByte, "1" cast as derivedType:byte, "1" cast as derivedType:unsignedInt, "1" cast as derivedType:unsignedLong, "1" cast as derivedType:unsignedShort |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qname-cast-1: xs:QName("value1") cast as xs:QName |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qname-cast-2: import schema namespace myType=""; let $var := myType:QNameBased("value1") return $var cast as xs:QName |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qname-cast-3: import schema namespace myType=""; let $var := myType:QNameBased("value1") return $var cast as myType:QNameBased |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qname-cast-4: import schema namespace myType=""; let $var := xs:QName("value1") return $var cast as myType:QNameBased |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X notation-cast-2: import schema namespace myType = ""; myType:NOTATIONBased("myType:value1") cast as xs:NOTATION |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X notation-cast-3: import schema namespace myType = ""; myType:NOTATIONBased("myType:value1") cast as myType:NOTATIONBased |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds1: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:integer) cast as xs:integer |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds2: import schema namespace atomic=""; ((/atomic:root/atomic:integer) cast as xs:float) eq xs:float(12678967543233) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds3: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:integer) cast as xs:boolean |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds4: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:integer) cast as xs:double |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds5: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:integer) cast as xs:decimal |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds6: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:integer) cast as xs:string |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds7: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:string) cast as xs:string |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds8: import schema namespace atomic=""; ((/atomic:root/atomic:float) cast as xs:float) eq xs:float(1267.43233E12) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds9: import schema namespace atomic=""; ((/atomic:root/atomic:float) cast as xs:string) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds10: import schema namespace atomic=""; xs:float(((/atomic:root/atomic:float) cast as xs:double)) eq xs:float(1267.43233E12) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds11: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:float) cast as xs:boolean |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds12: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:double) cast as xs:double |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds13: import schema namespace atomic=""; ((/atomic:root/atomic:double) cast as xs:string) eq xs:string("A String Function") |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds14: import schema namespace atomic=""; ((/atomic:root/atomic:double) cast as xs:float) eq xs:float(1267.43233E12) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds15: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:double) cast as xs:boolean |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds16: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:decimal) cast as xs:string |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds17: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:decimal) cast as xs:float |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds18: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:decimal) cast as xs:double |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds19: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:decimal) cast as xs:decimal |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds20: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:decimal) cast as xs:integer |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds21: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:decimal) cast as xs:boolean |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds22: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:integer) cast as xs:string |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds23: import schema namespace atomic=""; ((/atomic:root/atomic:integer) cast as xs:float) eq xs:float(12678967543233) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds24: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:integer) cast as xs:double |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds25: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:integer) cast as xs:decimal |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds26: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:integer) cast as xs:integer |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds27: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:integer) cast as xs:boolean |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds28: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:dateTime) cast as xs:string |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds29: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:dateTime) cast as xs:dateTime |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds30: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:dateTime) cast as xs:time |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds31: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:dateTime) cast as xs:date |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds32: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:date) cast as xs:string |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds33: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:date) cast as xs:dateTime |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds34: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:date) cast as xs:date |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds35: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:time) cast as xs:string |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds36: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:time) cast as xs:time |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds37: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:boolean) cast as xs:string |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds38: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:boolean) cast as xs:float |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds39: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:boolean) cast as xs:double |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds40: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:boolean) cast as xs:decimal |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds41: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:boolean) cast as xs:integer |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X casthcds42: import schema namespace atomic=""; (/atomic:root/atomic:boolean) cast as xs:boolean |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X user-defined-1: import schema namespace myType=""; let $value := myType:sizeType(1) return ($value eq 1) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X user-defined-2: import schema namespace myType=""; let $value := myType:sizeType(20) return $value |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X user-defined-3: import schema namespace myType=""; let $value := myType:sizeType(1) + myType:sizeType(2) return $value |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X user-defined-4: import schema namespace myType=""; let $value := myType:stringBased("valid value 4") return $value |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X user-defined-5: import schema namespace myType=""; fn:concat(myType:stringBased("valid value 4"),myType:stringBased("valid value 1")) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X user-defined-6: import schema namespace myType=""; (myType:sizeType(2) cast as xs:integer) eq 2 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X user-defined-7: import schema namespace myType=""; myType:sizeType(2) castable as xs:integer |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X user-defined-8: import schema namespace myType=""; (myType:sizeType(16) cast as myType:floatBased) eq 16 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X user-defined-9: import schema namespace myType=""; myType:sizeType(16) castable as myType:floatBased |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X user-defined-10: import schema namespace myType=""; myType:sizeType(16) + myType:floatBased (16) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-1: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; 123 cast as s:myUnionType1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-2: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; "123" cast as s:myUnionType1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-3: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; 123.12 cast as s:myUnionType1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-4: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; "123.12" cast as s:myUnionType1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-5: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; "IB123456789" cast as s:myUnionType2 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-5a: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; "AD123456789" cast as s:myUnionType2 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-6: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; s:myUnionType1(123.12) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-7: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; let $f := s:myUnionType1#1 return $f(123.12) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-8: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; let $f := function-lookup(QName("", "myUnionType1"), 1) return $f(123.12) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-9: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; let $f := s:myUnionType1(?) return $f(123.12) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-10: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; namespace-uri-from-QName("xs:integer" cast as s:sensitiveUnion) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-11: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; namespace-uri-from-QName(s:sensitiveUnion('xs:integer')) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-12: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; s:sensitiveUnion('xs:integer') instance of s:sensitiveUnion |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-13: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; declare function local:f($f as function(*)) as item()* { <a xmlns:pre="">{namespace-uri-from-QName($f('pre:local'))}</a> }; local:f(function-lookup(xs:QName('s:sensitiveUnion'), 1)) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-14: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; declare function local:f($f as function(*)) as item()* { <a xmlns:pre="">{namespace-uri-from-QName($f('pre:local'))}</a> }; local:f(s:sensitiveUnion#1) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-15: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; declare function local:f($f as function(*)) as item()* { <a xmlns:pre="">{namespace-uri-from-QName($f('pre:local'))}</a> }; local:f(s:sensitiveUnion(?)) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-16: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; s:lowercaseName('xs:integer') instance of s:sensitiveUnion |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-17: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; s:lowercaseName('xs:integer') instance of s:lowercaseName |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X CastAs-UnionType-18: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; let $f as function(xs:anyAtomicType?) as s:sensitiveUnion? := s:sensitiveUnion#1 return $f('candlewick') |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-19: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; node-name(<a/>) castable as s:sensitiveUnion |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-20: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; local-name-from-QName(s:sensitiveUnion(node-name(<a/>))) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-21: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; s:sensitiveUnion(xs:ID("zorobastic")) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-22: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; s:lowercaseName('xs:QName') |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X CastAs-UnionType-23: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; s:lowercaseName(xs:NCName('ABC123')) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X CastAs-UnionType-24: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; let $cast := s:lowercaseName#1 return $cast(xs:NCName('ABC123')) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X CastAs-UnionType-25: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; let $e := <p:a xmlns:p=""/> return node-name($e) castable as s:sensitiveUnion |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-26: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; let $f as function(xs:anyAtomicType?) as s:sensitiveUnion? := s:lowercaseName#1 return $f('candlewick') |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-27: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; "a b c" cast as s:unionOfLists |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-28: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; let $result := ("a b xs:integer" cast as s:unionOfLists) return count($result) eq 3 and ($result instance of Q{}sensitiveUnion*) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-29: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; let $result := s:unionOfLists("a b xs:integer") return count($result) eq 3 and ($result instance of Q{}sensitiveUnion*) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-30: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; let $fn := s:unionOfLists#1 let $result := $fn("a b xs:integer") return count($result) eq 3 and ($result instance of Q{}sensitiveUnion*) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-31: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; let $fn := function-lookup(QName('', 'unionOfLists'), 1) let $result := $fn("a b xs:integer") return count($result) eq 3 and ($result instance of s:sensitiveUnion*) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-32: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; let $fn as function(xs:string?) as xs:anyAtomicType* := function-lookup(QName('', 'unionOfLists'), 1) let $result := $fn(xs:untypedAtomic("a b xs:integer")) return count($result) eq 3 and ($result instance of s:sensitiveUnion*) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X CastAs-UnionType-33: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; let $element := validate type xs:QName {<a xmlns:p="">p:space</a>} return local-name-from-QName(s:sensitiveUnion($element)) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-34: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; s:restrictedUnion('2012-10-08') |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-UnionType-35: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; s:restrictedUnion('1912-10-08') |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X CastAs-ListType-1: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; s:decimalListType1("2 2.3") |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-2: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; s:myRestrictedList1("123 987 567 456") |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-3: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; s:myRestrictedList1("123 987 567 456 877") |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X CastAs-ListType-4: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; "text1 text2 text3" cast as s:strListType1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-5: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; "1.1 2.1 text3" cast as s:decimalListType1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-6: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; "1.1 2.1 3.1" cast as s:intListType1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-7: "a b c" cast as xs:IDREFS |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XP30+ XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-8: xs:IDREFS("") |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XP30+ XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-9: let $f := xs:IDREFS#1 return $f("a b c") |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XP30+ XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-10: let $f := function-lookup(QName('', 'IDREFS'), 1) return $f("a b c") |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-11: let $f := xs:IDREFS(?) return $f("a b c") |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-12: "a b c" cast as xs:NMTOKENS |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XP30+ XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-13: xs:NMTOKENS("") |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XP30+ XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-14: "a b c" cast as xs:ENTITIES |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XP30+ XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-15: xs:ENTITIES(" ") |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XP30+ XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-16: xs:ENTITIES(" a b c 12 ") |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XP30+ XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-17: xs:ENTITIES(xs:anyURI("abcd")) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XP30+ XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-18: let $f := xs:ENTITIES#1 return $f(xs:anyURI("abcd")) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XP30+ XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-19: let $f := xs:ENTITIES#1 return $f(($f("abcd"), $f("defg"))) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XP30+ XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-20: let $v as xs:NMTOKENS := xs:NMTOKENS("a b c") return count($v) |
no result | wrongError
expected: XPST0051 actualCode: XPTY0004 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-21: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; let $result := ("a b xs:integer" cast as s:listOfUnions) return count($result) eq 3 and $result[1] eq "a" and $result[1] instance of xs:NCName and $result[1] instance of s:sensitiveUnion |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-22: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; ("123 987 567 456") cast as s:myRestrictedList1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-23: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; ("123 987 567 456 877") cast as s:myRestrictedList1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X CastAs-ListType-24: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; let $f := function-lookup(QName('', 'myRestrictedList1'), 1) return $f("123 987 567 456") |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-25: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; s:myRestrictedList1("123 987 567 456 877") |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X CastAs-ListType-26: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; let $f as function(xs:string) as xs:integer* := function-lookup(QName('', 'myRestrictedList1'), 1) return $f("123 987 567 456") |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X CastAs-ListType-27: let $f as function(xs:anyAtomicType) as xs:NMTOKEN* := xs:NMTOKENS#1 let $v as xs:NMTOKEN* := $f("a b c") return count($v) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X CastAs-ListType-28: "a b c" castable as xs:NMTOKENS |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-29: "a b 12" castable as xs:IDREFS |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-30: " " castable as xs:NMTOKENS |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X CastAs-ListType-31: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; "123 987 567 456 229" castable as s:myRestrictedList1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X CastAs-ListType-32: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; " 123 987 567 456 " castable as s:myRestrictedList1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X nscons-040: import schema namespace cnc=""; validate { <cnc:value xsi:type="xs:int" >{ 10 }</cnc:value> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X nscons-041: import schema namespace cnc=""; let $xs := namespace xs { "" }, $val := validate { <cnc:value xsi:type="xs:int" >{ $xs, 10 }</cnc:value> } return data($val) instance of xs:int |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X Constr-compelem-constrmod-1: declare construction strip; import schema namespace atomic=""; fn:count(fn:data((element elem {//*:idrefs})/*)) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Constr-compelem-constrmod-2: declare construction preserve; import schema namespace atomic=""; fn:count(fn:data((element elem {//*:idrefs})/*)) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Constr-compelem-constrmod-5: declare construction strip; import schema namespace atomic=""; fn:count(fn:data((element elem {//*:idrefs/@*:attr})/@*:attr)) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Constr-compelem-constrmod-6: declare construction preserve; import schema namespace atomic=""; fn:count(fn:data((element elem {//*:idrefs/@*:attr})/@*:attr)) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Constr-cont-nsmode-11: declare construction preserve; declare copy-namespaces no-preserve,inherit; import schema namespace ns=""; let $node := <e xmlns:bar="">{//ns:insensitive}</e> return data($node//ns:insensitive) instance of ns:myString |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType010: import schema namespace xqt=""; for $num as xs:decimal in data( /xqt:DataValues/xqt:NegativeNumbers/xqt:orderData ) return $num |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType025: import schema default element namespace ""; for $test as attribute(*,xs:decimal) in ( /root/InterleaveType2/@integer, /root/InterleaveType2/@decimal ) return data( $test ) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType026: import schema default element namespace ""; for $test as attribute( att,Enumeration ) in /root/UserDefinedSimpleTypeAttribute/@att return data( $test ) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType027: import schema default element namespace ""; for $test as attribute( *,Enumeration ) in /root/UserDefinedSimpleTypeAttribute/@att return data( $test ) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType037: import schema default element namespace ""; for $test as element(decimal) in /root/InterleaveType/decimal return $test |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType038: import schema default element namespace ""; for $test as element(InterleaveType,InterleaveType) in /root/InterleaveType return $test |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType039: import schema default element namespace ""; for $test as element(*,InterleaveType) in /root/InterleaveType return $test |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType040: import schema default element namespace ""; for $test as element( UserDefinedSimpleType, Enumeration ) in /root/UserDefinedSimpleType return $test |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType041: import schema default element namespace ""; for $test as element( *, Enumeration ) in /root/UserDefinedSimpleType return $test |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType042: import schema default element namespace ""; for $test as element(*,xs:decimal) in /root/InterleaveType/* return $test |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType043: import schema default element namespace ""; for $test as element(*,xs:decimal) in /root/UnionType/* return $test |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType044: import schema default element namespace ""; for $test as element(ListType,xs:string) in /root/ListType return $test |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType048: import schema default element namespace ""; for $test as xs:anyAtomicType in data( /root/anyAtomicType/@att ) return $test |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType049: import schema default element namespace ""; for $test as xs:decimal in data(/root/InterleaveType/*) return $test |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType050: import schema default element namespace ""; for $test as xs:decimal in data( exactly-one(/root/UnionType/*) ) return $test |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType051: import schema default element namespace ""; for $test as xs:string in exactly-one(data( /root/ListType )) return $test |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType052: import schema default element namespace ""; for $test as Enumeration in exactly-one(data( /root/UserDefinedSimpleType )) return $test |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X ForExprType053: import schema default element namespace ""; for $test as Enumeration in exactly-one(data( /root/UserDefinedSimpleTypeAttribute/@att )) return $test |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X step-expr-si-1: import schema default element namespace ""; for $extended as element(*, extendedWithElementType) in //element(*, extendedWithElementType) let $baseElement as empty-sequence() := $extended/baseElement return $baseElement |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X step-expr-si-2: import schema default element namespace ""; for $extended as element(*, restrictedType) in //element(*, restrictedType) let $baseElement as element()+ := $extended/node() return $baseElement |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X step-expr-si-3: import schema default element namespace ""; for $extended as element(*, anotherBaseType) in //element(restrictedAttribute, anotherBaseType) let $baseElement as element(baseElement) := $extended/baseElement return $baseElement |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X FunctionCall-028: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; function($in as lu:unionType) as xs:boolean {$in instance of xs:integer}(23) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X FunctionCall-029: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; function($in as lu:unionType) as xs:boolean {$in instance of xs:integer}(xs:float(12)) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X FunctionCall-030: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; function($in as lu:unionType) as xs:boolean {$in instance of xs:integer}(12.3) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X FunctionCall-031: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; function($in as lu:unionType) as xs:boolean {$in instance of xs:integer}(xs:untypedAtomic('123')) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X FunctionCall-032: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; function($in as lu:unionOfListType) as xs:boolean {$in instance of xs:integer}(23) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X FunctionCall-033: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; function($in as lu:restrictedUnionType) as xs:boolean {$in instance of xs:integer}(23) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X FunctionCall-034: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; function($in as lu:listType) as xs:boolean {$in instance of xs:integer}(23) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X FunctionCall-035: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; function($in as xs:integer) as lu:unionOfUnionType {$in + 23}(9) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X FunctionCall-036: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; declare function local:daysAhead($in as xs:integer) as lu:unionOfUnionType {current-date() + (xs:dayTimeDuration('P1D')*$in)}; local:daysAhead(9) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X FunctionCall-037: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; declare function local:makeDate($in as xs:string) as lu:unionOfUnionType { if ($in castable as xs:date) then xs:untypedAtomic($in) else current-date() }; local:makeDate('2012-12-12') |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X FunctionCall-038: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; declare function local:makeDate($in as xs:string, $year as xs:integer) as lu:unionOfUnionType { let $date := $year || '-' || $in return if ($date castable as xs:date) then xs:untypedAtomic($date) else current-date() }; let $make2012date := local:makeDate(?, 2012) return $make2012date('12-12') |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X FunctionCall-039: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; function() as lu:restrictedUnionType {23}() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X FunctionCall-040: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; let $f := function() as lu:namespaceSensitiveUnionType {node-name(<a/>)} return local-name-from-QName($f()) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X FunctionCall-041: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; let $f := function() as lu:namespaceSensitiveUnionType {xs:untypedAtomic('xsi:type')} return local-name-from-QName($f()) |
no result | wrongError
expected: XPTY0117 actualCode: XPTY0004 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
Expected error: XPTY0117. Found error: XPTY0004 |
X FunctionCall-042: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; declare function local:hof($f as function(xs:integer) as xs:integer) as xs:integer {$f(3) + 1}; let $f := function($a as lu:unionType) as xs:integer {$a + 2} return local:hof($f) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X FunctionCall-043: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; declare function local:hof($f as function(lu:unionType) as xs:integer) as xs:integer {$f(3) + 1}; let $f := function($a as lu:unionOfUnionType) as xs:integer {$a + 2} return local:hof($f) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X instanceof112: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; 23 instance of lu:unionType |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X instanceof113: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; -23 instance of lu:restrictedUnionType |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X instanceof114: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; -23 instance of lu:listType |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X instanceof115: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; -23 instance of lu:unionOfListType |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X instanceof116: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; current-date() instance of lu:unionOfUnionType and 23 instance of lu:unionOfUnionType |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X instanceof117: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; s:gYearMonth('2012-10') instance of s:restrictedUnion |
no result | wrongError
expected: XPST0051 actualCode: XPST0017 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
Expected error: XPST0051. Found error: XPST0017 |
X instanceof118: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; s:unrestrictedInteger(3) instance of s:myUnionType1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X instanceof119: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; s:restrictedString("IB40") instance of s:myUnionType2 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X instanceof120: xquery version "3.0"; import schema namespace s=""; 85 instance of s:unionOfListsAndAtomic |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X instanceof135: import schema namespace s=""; declare function local:f($a as s:myUnionType1) as xs:boolean { true() }; local:f#1 instance of function(s:myUnionType1) as xs:boolean |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X instanceof136: import schema namespace s=""; declare function local:f($a as s:myUnionType1) as xs:boolean { true() }; local:f#1 instance of function(s:unrestrictedDate) as xs:boolean |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X instanceof137: import schema namespace s=""; declare function local:f($a as s:myUnionType1) as xs:boolean { true() }; local:f#1 instance of function(s:unrestrictedInteger) as xs:boolean |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X instanceof138: import schema namespace s=""; declare function local:f($a as s:myUnionType1) as xs:boolean { true() }; local:f#1 instance of function(s:restrictedDate) as xs:boolean |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X instanceof139: import schema namespace s=""; declare function local:f($a as s:approximateDate) as xs:boolean { true() }; local:f#1 instance of function(s:dateOrDateTime) as xs:boolean |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X instanceof140: import schema namespace s=""; declare function local:f($a as xs:integer) as xs:boolean { true() }; local:f#1 instance of function(s:integer-union) as xs:boolean |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X instanceof141: import schema namespace s=""; declare function local:f($a as s:decimal-or-string) as xs:boolean { true() }; local:f#1 instance of function(xs:integer) as xs:boolean |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X modules-19: import module namespace mod3 = ""; $mod3:var1 |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X modules-20: import module namespace mod3 = ""; mod3:function1() |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X modules-21: import module namespace mod3 = ""; mod3:function2(1 cast as simple:myType) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X modules-22: import module namespace mod3 = ""; $mod3:var2 |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X modules-23: import module namespace mod3 = ""; mod3:function3() |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X modules-24: import module namespace mod3 = ""; mod3:function4(<simple:integer>1</simple:integer>) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X modules-25: import module namespace mod3 = ""; $mod3:var |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X modules-26: import module namespace mod3 = ""; mod3:function1() |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X modules-27: import module namespace mod3 = ""; mod3:function2(()) |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X errata6-001: import module namespace errata6_1=""; errata6_1:hatsize-add(3, 5) |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X errata6-002: import module namespace errata6_2=""; errata6_2:hatsize-add(3, 5) |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X errata6-003: import module namespace errata6_2=""; import schema namespace a = ""; errata6_2:hatsize-add(3, 5) eq 8 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X errata6-004: import module namespace errata6_4=""; $errata6_4:var |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X errata6-005: import module namespace errata6_5=""; errata6_5:fun(<E6-Root/>) |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X errata6-006: import module namespace errata6_6=""; errata6_6:fun(attribute attr {}) |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X errata6-007: import module namespace errata6_7=""; errata6_7:fun(<E6/>) |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X cbcl-module-001: import module namespace schemalib=""; import schema namespace cd=""; count(schemalib:getShortStrings(validate {/})) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X orderBy29: declare default element namespace ""; <results> { for $x in /DataValues/NegativeNumbers/orderData order by ($x * -1) descending return ($x * -1e0) (:force to xs:double:) } </results> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X orderBy29a: declare default element namespace ""; <results> { for $x in /DataValues/NegativeNumbers/orderData order by ($x * -1) descending return ($x * -1e0) (:force to xs:double:) } </results> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X orderBy52: declare default element namespace ""; <results> { for $x in /DataValues/SmallNegativeNumbers/orderData order by ($x + $x) descending return xs:double($x + $x) } </results> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X orderBy52a: declare default element namespace ""; <results> { for $x in /DataValues/SmallNegativeNumbers/orderData order by ($x + $x) descending return xs:double($x + $x) } </results> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-1: import schema namespace aSpace="http://www.youcannotfindthisschemaorg/schemas" at "http://www.youcannotfindithere/noschemas"; "abc" |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-2: import schema namespace ns1 = ""; import schema namespace ns2 = ""; "abc" |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | wrongError
Expected error: XQST0058. Found error: XQST0059 |
Expected error: XQST0058. Found error: XQST0059 |
X schema-import-3: import schema namespace ns1 = ""; "abc" |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-4: import schema namespace atomic=""; fn:not(//atomic:boolean) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-5: import schema namespace atomic=""; (fn:avg((//atomic:float,//atomic:float))) eq xs:float(1.26743233E15) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-6: import schema namespace atomic=""; (fn:avg(//atomic:integer)) eq 12678967543233 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-7: import schema namespace atomic=""; (fn:avg((//atomic:decimal,//atomic:decimal))) eq 12678967.543233 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-8: import schema namespace atomic=""; fn:avg((//atomic:double,//atomic:double)) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-9: import schema namespace atomic=""; (fn:abs(//atomic:float[1])) eq xs:float(1.26743233E15) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-10: import schema namespace atomic=""; (fn:abs(//atomic:integer[1])) eq 12678967543233 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-11: import schema namespace atomic=""; (fn:abs(//atomic:decimal[1])) eq 12678967.543233 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-12: import schema namespace atomic=""; fn:abs(//atomic:double[1]) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-13: import schema namespace atomic=""; (fn:max((//atomic:float,//atomic:float))) eq xs:float(1.26743233E15) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-14: import schema namespace atomic=""; (fn:max((//atomic:integer,//atomic:integer))) eq 12678967543233 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-15: import schema namespace atomic=""; (fn:max((//atomic:decimal,//atomic:decimal))) eq 12678967.543233 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-16: import schema namespace atomic=""; fn:max((//atomic:double,//atomic:double)) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-17: import schema namespace atomic=""; (fn:min((//atomic:float,//atomic:float))) eq xs:float(1.26743233E15) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-18: import schema namespace atomic=""; (fn:min((//atomic:integer,//atomic:integer))) eq 12678967543233 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-19: import schema namespace atomic=""; (fn:min((//atomic:decimal,//atomic:decimal))) eq 12678967.543233 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-20: import schema namespace atomic=""; fn:min((//atomic:double,//atomic:double)) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-21: import schema namespace atomic=""; fn:hours-from-dateTime(//atomic:dateTime[1]) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-22: import schema namespace atomic=""; fn:minutes-from-dateTime(//atomic:dateTime[1]) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-23: import schema namespace atomic=""; fn:seconds-from-dateTime(//atomic:dateTime[1]) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-25: import schema namespace atomic=""; ((//atomic:float[1]) + (//atomic:float[1])) eq xs:float(2.53486466E15) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-26: import schema namespace atomic=""; ((//atomic:integer[1]) + (//atomic:integer[1])) eq 25357935086466 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-27: import schema namespace atomic=""; ((//atomic:integer[1]) + (//atomic:integer[1])) eq 2.5357935086466E13 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-28: import schema namespace atomic=""; (//atomic:double[1]) + (//atomic:double[1]) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-29: import schema namespace atomic=""; (//atomic:integer[1]) idiv (//atomic:integer[1]) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-30: import schema namespace atomic=""; (//atomic:integer[1]) - (//atomic:integer[1]) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X modules-schema-context: import module namespace ctx=""; <result>{ctx:use-schema() instance of xs:int}</result> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X schema-import-31: import schema namespace xml=""; "abc" |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema001: import schema namespace hat = ""; <a> { 8 cast as hat:hatsize }</a> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema002: import schema default element namespace "" at "qischema001.xsd"; <hat:a xmlns:hat=""> { 8 cast as hatsize }</hat:a> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema003: import schema default element namespace "" at "qischema001.xsd"; <hat:a xmlns:hat=""> { xs:date('2003-02-02') cast as date2003 }</hat:a> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema004: import schema default element namespace "" at "qischema001.xsd"; <hat:a xmlns:hat=""> { 'abc123' cast as vreg }</hat:a> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema005: declare construction strip; import schema default element namespace "" at "qischema005.xsd"; validate strict { <abf xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi=""> <a/> <b/> <b/> <f/> <f/> <f/> </abf>} |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema006: declare construction strip; import schema default element namespace "" at "qischema005.xsd"; <out> { validate strict { <abf> <a/> <b/> <b/> <f/> <f/> <f/> </abf> }} </out> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema007: declare construction preserve; import schema default element namespace "" at "qischema005.xsd"; validate { <abf> <a/> <b/> <b/> { for $i in 1 to 3 return <f/> } </abf> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema008: declare construction preserve; import schema default element namespace "" (: at "qischema008.xsd" :); validate { <abf> <a/> { if (current-date() gt xs:date('1900-01-01')) then <b/> else <f/> } <b/> { for $i in 1 to 3 return <f/> } </abf> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema009: declare construction strip; import schema default element namespace "" at "qischema008.xsd"; let $f := <f/> return validate { <abf> <a/> { if (current-date() gt xs:date('1900-01-01')) then <b/> else <f/> } <b/> { for $i in 1 to 3 return $f } </abf> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema010: declare construction strip; import schema default element namespace "" at "qischema008.xsd"; let $c := (<a/>,<b/>,<f/>) return validate strict { <abf> {$c} </abf> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema011: import schema default element namespace "" at "qischema008.xsd"; let $a := <a> { validate strict { <abf><a/><b/><f/></abf> } } </a> return $a/* |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema012: import schema default element namespace "" at "qischema008.xsd"; let $a := <a> { validate strict { <abf><a/><b/><f/></abf> } } </a> return $a/* |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema016: import schema default element namespace "" at "qischema008.xsd"; validate strict { doc("") } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema030: declare default function namespace ""; import schema default element namespace "" at "qischema030.xsd"; <a>{hatsize(5), bighatsize(8)}</a> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema031: declare default function namespace ""; import schema default element namespace "" at "qischema030.xsd"; <a>{5 castable as hatsize, 8 castable as bighatsize, 3 castable as bighatsize}</a> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | fail | fail |
X qischema032: import schema namespace q=""; let $e := ./* return validate { element {node-name($e)} { $e/@*, $e/* } } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema032a: import schema namespace q="" at "qischema032.xsd"; let $e := ./* return validate { document { element {node-name($e)} { $e/@*, $e/* } } } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema032b: import schema namespace q="" at "qischema032.xsd"; declare namespace frg=""; declare namespace res=""; let $e := ./* return validate { element {"res:resource"} { $e/@*, attribute{"frg:fragility"}{3}, $e/* } } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema032c: import schema namespace q="" at "qischema032.xsd"; declare namespace frg=""; declare namespace res=""; declare function local:f() { <e xmlns:frg="" frg:fragrance="4"/>/@* }; let $e := ./* return validate { element {"res:resource"} { $e/@*, attribute{"frg:fragility"}{3}, local:f(), $e/* } } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema040: import schema namespace hat = ""; import module "" (:at "xmod040a.xq":); <a> { hat:purchase(5 cast as hat:hatsize) }</a> |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | fail | fail |
X qischema040a: import module "" (:at "xmod040a.xq":); import schema namespace hat = ""; <a> { hat:purchase(5 cast as hat:hatsize) }</a> |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | fail | fail |
X qischema041: declare default function namespace ""; import schema default element namespace "" at "SchemaImport/qischema041a.xsd", "SchemaImport/qischema041.xsd"; <a>{hatsize(5), bighatsize(8), tinyhatsize(4)}</a> |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=feature, value=schema-location-hint, satisfied=true) was not met. |
Dependency (type=feature, value=schema-location-hint, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X qischema042: declare default function namespace "qischema0042.uri"; import schema default element namespace "qischema0042.uri" at "SchemaImport/qischema042.xsd", "SchemaImport/qischema042a.xsd", "SchemaImport/qischema042-non-existent.xsd"; <a>{hatsize(5), bighatsize(8), tinyhatsize(4)}</a> |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=feature, value=schema-location-hint, satisfied=true) was not met. |
Dependency (type=feature, value=schema-location-hint, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X qischema043: (: This test does not raise XQST0036, because it does not reference $hat:docvar. See W3C bugzilla 2546 :) declare namespace hat = ""; import module "" (:at "xmod043a.xq" :); $hat:twelve |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema044: declare namespace hat = ""; import module "" (:at "xmod040a.xq" :); <a> { hat:trick(5) }</a> |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema061: import schema namespace z = "" (:at "qischema061.xsd":); declare function local:p () as schema-element(z:person) { validate strict { <z:person> <z:first>Michael</z:first> <z:middle>H</z:middle> { local:sn() } </z:person> } }; declare function local:sn() as schema-element(z:last) { validate strict { <z:surname>Kay</z:surname> } }; <out> {local:p()} </out> |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema062: import schema namespace z = "" at "qischema062.xsd"; validate strict { <z:s xsi:type="xs:NCName" xmlns:xs="">abc123</z:s> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema063: import schema namespace z = "" at "qischema063.xsd"; validate strict { <z:a xsi:type="z:positive-money-amount" xmlns:z="">1234</z:a> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema063q02-err: import schema namespace z = "" (: at "qischema063.xsd" :); let $s := attribute {"currency"}{"USD"} return validate lax { <z:a currency="EUR" xsi:type="z:positive-money-amount" xmlns:z="" >{$s}1234</z:a> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema064: import schema namespace z = ""; validate strict { <z:person xsi:type="z:titled-person" > <z:first>Anthony</z:first> <z:middle>W</z:middle> <z:last>Benn</z:last> <z:title>Viscount Stansgate</z:title> </z:person> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema065: import schema namespace z = "" at "qischema064.xsd"; validate strict { document { <z:person xsi:type="z:titled-person" xmlns:z=""> <z:first>Anthony</z:first> <z:middle>W</z:middle> <z:last>Benn</z:last> <z:title>Viscount Stansgate</z:title> </z:person> } } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema070: import schema namespace fpml="" (:at "mini-fpml.xsd" :); declare variable $v := "4.2"; declare function local:write() as schema-element(fpml:FpML) { validate strict { <FpML xmlns="" fpml-version="{$v}" xsi:type="ValuationDocument"> <header> <from>me</from> <to>you</to> <date>2005-10-25</date> </header> <market>cattle</market> <value>0.02</value> </FpML> } }; local:write() |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema072-01: import schema namespace res=""; declare function local:test() as schema-element(res:abs) { (validate { document { <res:abs xmlns:res=""> <res:link href="file:/content/journals/jacc/issues/1/1"/> <res:link href="file:/content/journals/jacc/issues/1"/> <res:link href="file:/content/journals/jacc"/> </res:abs> } })/* }; local:test() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema072-02: import schema namespace res=""; declare function local:test() as schema-element(res:abs) { validate { <res:abs xmlns:res=""> <res:link href="file:/content/journals/jacc/issues/1/1"/> <res:link href="file:/content/journals/jacc/issues/1"/> <res:link href="file:/content/journals/jacc"/> </res:abs> } }; local:test() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema072-03: import schema namespace res=""; declare function local:test() as schema-element(res:fix) { (validate { document { <res:fix xmlns:res=""> wrong value </res:fix> } })/* }; local:test() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema072-04: import schema namespace res=""; declare function local:test() as schema-element(res:fix) { validate { <res:fix xmlns:res=""> wrong value </res:fix> } }; local:test() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema072-05: import schema namespace res=""; declare function local:test() as schema-element(res:uni) { (validate { document { <res:uni xmlns:res=""> <res:link href="file:/content/journals/jacc/issues/1/1"/> <res:link href="file:/content/journals/jacc/issues/1"/> <res:link href="file:/content/journals/jacc/issues/1/1"/> </res:uni> } })/* }; local:test() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema072-06: import schema namespace res=""; declare function local:test() as schema-element(res:uni) { validate { <res:uni xmlns:res=""> <res:link href="file:/content/journals/jacc/issues/1/1"/> <res:link href="file:/content/journals/jacc/issues/1"/> <res:link href="file:/content/journals/jacc/issues/1/1"/> </res:uni> } }; local:test() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema080: declare construction preserve; declare copy-namespaces preserve, inherit; declare namespace conf = ""; declare namespace iso4217 = ""; import schema namespace qnc = "" at "qischema080.xsd"; validate strict { <qnc:x>{ QName("","GBP") } </qnc:x> } , validate strict { <qnc:x xmlns:iso2="">iso2:GBP</qnc:x> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema083: import schema namespace one = "" at "SchemaImport/qischema083-1.xsd"; import schema namespace two = "" at "SchemaImport/qischema083-2.xsd"; validate strict { <one:one> <two:two> <two:three/> <two:three/> <two:three/> </two:two> </one:one> } |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=feature, value=schema-location-hint, satisfied=true) was not met. |
Dependency (type=feature, value=schema-location-hint, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X qischema265: declare construction preserve; <e>{.}</e> instance of element(*, xs:untyped), <e>{.}</e> instance of element(*, xs:anyType) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema266: declare construction preserve; declare function local:foo1($e as element()) { data($e) instance of xs:untypedAtomic }; declare function local:foo2($e as element(*,xs:decimal)) { data($e) instance of xs:untypedAtomic }; declare function local:foo3($e as element()) { (data($e) + 1) instance of xs:double }; declare function local:foo4($e as element(*,xs:decimal)) { (data($e) + 1) instance of xs:double }; declare function local:foo5($e as element(*,xs:decimal)) { ($e + 1) instance of xs:double }; declare function local:foo6($e as element(*,xs:decimal)) { (data($e) + data($e)) instance of xs:double }; 3 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90007: declare construction preserve; import schema default element namespace "" at "qischema005.xsd"; validate { <abf> <a/> <b/> <b/> { for $i in 1 to 3 return <f/> } </abf> }/* |
no result | pass | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90008: declare construction preserve; import schema default element namespace "" at "qischema005.xsd"; text{"abcd")/validate { <abf> <a/> <b/> <b/> { for $i in 1 to 3 return <f/> } </abf> } |
no result | pass | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90031-err: import schema default element namespace "" at "qischema001.xsd"; <hat:a xmlns:hat="shoes.uri"> { xs:date('2002-02-02') cast as date2003 }</hat:a> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90041-err: import schema default element namespace "" at "qischema001.xsd"; <hat:a xmlns:hat="shoes.uri"> { 'abc''1234' cast as vreg }</hat:a> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90042-err: import schema default element namespace ""; <hat:a xmlns:hat="shoes.uri"> { 'abc''1234' cast as vreg }</hat:a> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90051-err: import schema default element namespace ""; validate strict { <abf> <a/> <b/> <b/> <c/> <f/> <f/> <f/> </abf> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90061-err: import schema default element namespace ""; <out> { validate strict { <abf> <ax/> <b/> <b/> <f/> <f/> <f/> </abf> }} </out> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90071-err: import schema default element namespace ""; validate strict { <abf> <a/> <b/> <b/> { for $i in 1 to 3 return (<f/>, <a/>) } </abf> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90081-err: import schema default element namespace ""; validate strict { <abf> <a/> { if (./*) then <b/> else <f/> } <b/> { for $i in 1 to 3 return <g/> } </abf> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90082-err: import schema default element namespace ""; validate strict { <abf> <a/> { if (./*) then <b/> else <f/> } <b/> { for $i in 1 to 3 return <g/> } </abf> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90101-err: import schema default element namespace ""; let $c := (<a>2</a>,<b/>,<f/>) return validate strict { <abf> {$c} </abf> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90102-err: import schema default element namespace "" ; let $c := (<a att="3"/>,<b/>,<f/>) return validate strict { <abf> {$c} </abf> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90131-err: import schema default element namespace ""; validate strict { <f/> } |
no result | wrongError
expected: XQDY0084 actualCode: XQDY0027 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90151-err: import schema default element namespace ""; validate strict { <x/> } |
no result | wrongError
expected: XQDY0084 actualCode: XQDY0027 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90171-err: import schema default element namespace ""; validate strict { .//z } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90172-err: import schema default element namespace ""; validate strict { doc("")//f } |
no result | wrongError
expected: XQDY0084 actualCode: XQDY0027 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90401-err: declare namespace hat = ""; import module ""; <a> { hat:purchase(5) }</a> |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X qischema90431-err: declare namespace hat = ""; import module ""; if (exists($hat:docvar)) then <a/> else <b/> |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X qischema90611-err: import schema namespace z = "" at "qischema061.xsd"; declare function local:p () as schema-element(z:person) { validate strict { <z:person> <z:first>Michael</z:first> <z:middle>H</z:middle> { local:sn() } </z:person> } }; declare function local:sn() as schema-element(z:last) { <z:surname>Kay</z:surname> }; <out> {local:p()} </out> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90612-err: import schema namespace z = "" at "qischema061.xsd"; declare function local:p () as schema-element(z:person) { validate strict { <z:person> <z:first>Michael</z:first> <z:middle>H</z:middle> { local:sn() } </z:person> } }; declare function local:sn() as schema-element(z:last) { validate strict { <z:familyname>Kay</z:familyname> } }; <out> {local:p()} </out> |
no result | wrongError
expected: XQDY0084 actualCode: XQDY0027 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90613-err: import schema namespace z = "" at "qischema061.xsd"; declare function local:p () as schema-element(z:person) { validate strict { <z:person> <z:first>Michael</z:first> <z:middle>HP</z:middle> <z:last>Kay</z:last> </z:person> } }; <out> {local:p()} </out> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90614-err: import schema namespace z = "" at "qischema061.xsd"; declare function local:p () as schema-element(z:person) { validate strict { <z:person> <z:first>Michael</z:first> <z:middle role="patronymic">H</z:middle> <z:last>Kay</z:last> </z:person> } }; <out> {local:p()} </out> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90621-err: import schema namespace z = ""; validate lax { <z:person xsi:type="xs:NCName" xmlns:xs="">abc 123</z:person> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90631-err: import schema namespace z = "" (:at "qischema063.xsd":); validate strict { <z:a xsi:type="z:positive-money-amount" xmlns:z="">-1234</z:a> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90701-err: import schema namespace fpml="" at "mini-fpml.xsd"; declare function local:write() as schema-element(fpml:FpML) { validate strict { <FpML xmlns="" fpml-version="4.2" xsi:type="ValuationDocument"> <header> <from>me</from> <to>you</to> <date>2005-10-253</date> </header> <market>cattle</market> <value>0.02</value> </FpML> } }; local:write() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90702-err: import schema namespace fpml="" at "mini-fpml.xsd"; declare function local:write() as schema-element(fpml:FpML) { validate strict { <FpML xmlns="" fpml-version="4.2" xsi:type="ValuationDocument"> <header> <from>me</from> <to>you</to> <date>2005-10-25</date> <country>us</country> </header> <market>cattle</market> <value>0.02</value> </FpML> } }; local:write() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X qischema90703-err: import schema namespace fpml="" at "mini-fpml.xsd"; declare function local:write() as schema-element(fpml:FpML) { validate strict { <FpML xmlns="" fpml-version="4.2" xmlns:xs="" xsi:type="xs:anyType"> <header> <from>me</from> <to>you</to> <date>2005-10-25</date> <country>us</country> </header> <market>cattle</market> <value>0.02</value> </FpML> } }; local:write() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X substitution-001: import schema namespace s=""; declare variable $in := validate strict { <H xmlns=""> <string>s</string> <decimal>93.7</decimal> </H> }; $in instance of schema-element(s:H) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-002: import schema namespace s=""; declare variable $in := validate strict { <H xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true"/> }; $in instance of schema-element(s:H) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-003: import schema namespace s=""; declare variable $in := validate strict { <cuckoo xmlns=""> <A/> </cuckoo> }; $in/s:A instance of schema-element(s:H) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-004: import schema namespace s=""; declare variable $in := validate strict { <cuckoo xmlns=""> <B/> </cuckoo> }; $in/s:B instance of schema-element(s:H) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-005: import schema namespace s=""; declare variable $in := validate strict { <cuckoo xmlns=""> <C/> </cuckoo> }; $in/s:C instance of schema-element(s:H) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-006: import schema namespace s=""; declare variable $in := validate strict { <cuckoo xmlns=""> <C xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/> </cuckoo> }; $in/s:C instance of schema-element(s:H) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-007: import schema namespace s=""; declare variable $in := validate strict { <cuckoo xmlns=""> <D/> </cuckoo> }; $in/s:D instance of schema-element(s:H) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-008: import schema namespace s=""; declare variable $in := validate strict { <cuckoo xmlns=""> <E/> </cuckoo> }; $in/s:E instance of schema-element(s:H) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-009: import schema namespace s=""; declare variable $in := validate strict { <cuckoo xmlns=""> <F><string>s</string><decimal>12.7</decimal></F> </cuckoo> }; $in/s:F instance of schema-element(s:H) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-010: import schema namespace s=""; declare variable $in := validate strict { <cuckoo xmlns=""> <G><string>s</string><decimal>12.7</decimal><date>2012-10-10</date></G> </cuckoo> }; $in/s:G instance of schema-element(s:H) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-011: import schema namespace s=""; declare variable $in := validate strict { <cuckoo xmlns=""> <E/> </cuckoo> }; $in/s:E instance of schema-element(s:D) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-020: import schema namespace s=""; declare variable $in := validate strict { <cuckoo xmlns=""> <A/> </cuckoo> }; $in/s:A instance of schema-element(s:H1) |
no result | n/a | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-021: import schema namespace s=""; declare variable $in := validate strict { <cuckoo xmlns=""> <A/> </cuckoo> }; $in/s:A instance of schema-element(s:H2) |
no result | n/a | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-022: import schema namespace s=""; declare variable $in := validate strict { <cuckoo xmlns=""> <B/> </cuckoo> }; $in/s:B instance of schema-element(s:H1) |
no result | n/a | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-023: import schema namespace s=""; declare variable $in := validate strict { <cuckoo xmlns=""> <B/> </cuckoo> }; $in/s:B instance of schema-element(s:H2) |
no result | n/a | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-024: import schema namespace s=""; declare variable $in := validate strict { <cuckoo xmlns=""> <C xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/> </cuckoo> }; $in/s:C instance of schema-element(s:H1) |
no result | n/a | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-025: import schema namespace s=""; declare variable $in := validate strict { <cuckoo xmlns=""> <C xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/> </cuckoo> }; $in/s:C instance of schema-element(s:H2) |
no result | n/a | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-030: import schema namespace s=""; declare function local:f($p as schema-element(s:H)) as xs:integer {3}; local:f#1 instance of function(schema-element(s:A)) as xs:integer |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-031: import schema namespace s=""; declare function local:f($p as schema-element(s:D)) as xs:integer {3}; local:f#1 instance of function(schema-element(s:E)) as xs:integer |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X substitution-032: import schema namespace s=""; declare function local:f($p as schema-element(s:H)) as xs:integer {3}; local:f#1 instance of function(schema-element(s:G)) as xs:integer |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X cbcl-schema-element-1: import schema namespace tc=""; count(/tc:root/schema-element(tc:schema-element-head)) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | fail | fail |
X cbcl-schema-element-2: import schema namespace tc=""; count(/tc:root/schema-element(tc:schema-element-group)) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | fail | fail |
X cbcl-schema-element-3: import schema namespace tc=""; count(/tc:root/schema-element(tc:schema-element-group-nillable)) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-schema-element-4: import schema namespace tc=""; count(/tc:root/schema-element(tc:schema-element-nillable-head)) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | fail | fail |
X cbcl-schema-element-5: import schema namespace tc=""; count(/tc:root/schema-element(tc:schema-element-nillable-group)) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | fail | fail |
X cbcl-schema-element-6: import schema namespace tc=""; count(/tc:root/schema-element(tc:schema-element-nillable-group-restriction)) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-schema-element-7: import schema namespace tc=""; count(/tc:root/schema-element(tc:nillable)) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-schema-element-8: import schema namespace tc=""; exists(/tc:root/schema-element(tc:schema-element-head)/self::tc:schema-element-group) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | fail | fail |
X cbcl-schema-element-9: import schema namespace tc=""; declare function local:f($x as schema-element(tc:schema-element-head)) { local-name($x) }; local:f(exactly-one(/tc:root/schema-element(tc:schema-element-group-nillable)[2])) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validated-schema-element-1: declare construction strip; import schema namespace tc=""; let $x := validate strict {/} return count($x/tc:root/schema-element(tc:schema-element-head)) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | fail | fail |
X cbcl-validated-schema-element-2: declare construction strip; import schema namespace tc=""; let $x := <newroot>{/}</newroot> return count($x/tc:root/schema-element(tc:schema-element-head)) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validated-schema-element-3: declare construction strip; import schema namespace tc=""; let $x := validate lax {<newroot>{/}</newroot>} return count($x/tc:root/schema-element(tc:schema-element-head)) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | fail | fail |
X cbcl-validated-schema-element-4: import schema namespace tc=""; let $x := validate strict {/} return exists($x/tc:root/schema-element(tc:schema-element-head)/self::tc:schema-element-group) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | fail | fail |
X cbcl-schema-attribute-1: import schema namespace tc=""; count(/tc:root/tc:schema-attribute/schema-attribute(tc:x)) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-schema-attribute-2: import schema namespace tc=""; count(/tc:root/tc:schema-attribute/schema-attribute(tc:y)) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-default-attribute-1: import schema namespace tc=""; count(/tc:root/tc:default-attribute[1]/@attr) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-default-attribute-2: import schema namespace tc=""; count(/tc:root/tc:default-attribute[2]/@attr) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-fixed-attribute-1: import schema namespace tc=""; string(/tc:root/tc:fixed-attribute[1]/@attr) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-fixed-attribute-2: import schema namespace tc=""; string(/tc:root/tc:fixed-attribute[2]/@attr) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X typeswitch-112: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; typeswitch (23) case $i as lu:unionType return true() default $v return false() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X typeswitch-113: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; typeswitch (-23) case $i as lu:restrictedUnionType return true() default $v return false() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X typeswitch-114: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; typeswitch (-23) case $i as lu:listType return true() default $v return false() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X typeswitch-115: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; typeswitch (-23) case $i as lu:unionOfListType return true() default $v return false() |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X typeswitch-116: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; (typeswitch (current-date()) case $i as lu:unionOfUnionType return true() default $v return false()) and (typeswitch (23) case $i as lu:unionOfUnionType return true() default $v return false()) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X validateexpr-1: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; validate {/DataValues/Strings union /DataValues/PositiveNumbers} |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-2: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; let $var := <Strings><orderData>one string</orderData></Strings> return validate strict {$var} |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-3: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; let $var := <Strings><orderData>one string</orderData></Strings> return validate lax {$var} |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-4: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; validate {<!-- A Comment Node -->} |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-5: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; validate {<!-- A Comment Node -->} |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-6: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; validate strict {<?format role="output" ?>} |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-7: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; validate lax {<?format role="output" ?>} |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-8: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; validate strict {text {"A Text Node"}} |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-9: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; validate lax {text {"A Text Node"}} |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-10: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; let $var := validate strict {exactly-one(/DataValues/Strings)} return fn:count($var/parent::node()) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-11: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; let $var := validate lax {exactly-one(/DataValues/Strings)} return fn:count($var/parent::node()) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-12: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; let $var := validate strict {<Strings><orderData>A String</orderData></Strings>} return fn:count($var/parent::node()) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-13: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; let $var := validate lax {<Strings><orderData>A String</orderData></Strings>} return fn:count($var/parent::node()) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-14: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; validate strict {if (fn:true()) then <Strings><orderData>A String</orderData></Strings> else <Failed>This test failed</Failed>} |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-15: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; validate lax {if (fn:true()) then <Strings><orderData>A String</orderData></Strings> else <Failed>This test failed</Failed>} |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-16: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; validate lax {if (fn:false()) then <Failed>This test failed</Failed> else <Strings><orderData>A String</orderData></Strings>} |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-17: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; validate lax {if (fn:true() or fn:true()) then <Strings><orderData>A String</orderData></Strings> else <Failed>This test failed</Failed> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-18: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; validate lax {if (every $x in (1,2,3) satisfies $x < 5) then <Strings><orderData>A String</orderData></Strings> else <Failed>This test failed</Failed> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-19: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; validate lax {if (some $x in (1,2,3) satisfies $x = 2) then <Strings><orderData>A String</orderData></Strings> else <Failed>This test failed</Failed> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-20: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; validate lax {typeswitch ("A String") case $i as xs:decimal return <wrap>test failed</wrap> case $i as xs:string return <Strings><orderData>A String</orderData></Strings> default return <Failed>This test failed</Failed> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-21: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; validate lax {let $var := <Strings><orderData>A String</orderData></Strings> return $var } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-23: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; let $var := validate strict { element DataValues1 {element Strings {"data"}}} return $var |
no result | wrongError
expected: XQDY0084 actualCode: XQDY0027 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-24: declare namespace lu = '' ; import schema ""; let $v := validate { <lu:e>1 1.0e0</lu:e> } let $dv := data($v) return ($dv[1] instance of xs:integer, $dv[2] instance of xs:float) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-25: import schema namespace simple=""; validate strict {<simple:duration>sorry, no duration here</simple:duration>} |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-26: validate { document { <a/>, <b/> } } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-27: import schema namespace t=""; declare variable $input-context := (/); let $doc := validate strict { $input-context } let $anid := id("anid", $doc) return <results> <para1 idcount="{count(id('anid', $doc))}"/> <para2 idcount="{count(id('anid2', $doc))}"/> <para2 idcount="{count(id('34', $doc))}"/> <para3 idcount="{count(id('anid3', $doc))}"/> <para3 idcount="{count(id('anid4 anid5', $doc))}"/> </results> |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-28: import schema namespace t=""; let $doc := validate strict { document { <doc xmlns=""> <para1>PT3H21M</para1> <para2>P3M</para2> </doc> } } let $p1 := data($doc/t:doc/t:para1) let $p2 := data($doc/t:doc/t:para2) let $t1 := xs:dayTimeDuration("PT3H21M") let $t2 := xs:yearMonthDuration("P3M") return <results> <case1>{if ($p1 = $t1) then "pass" else "fail"}</case1> <case2>{if ($p2 = $t2) then "pass" else "fail"}</case2> </results> |
no result | wrongError
expected: XQST0012 actualCode: XPTY0004 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | wrongError
'Assert-any-of' returned: 'assert-xml' returned: result '<root></root>' is different from the expected result '<root><results><case1>pass</case1><case2>pass</case2></results></root>' Expected error: XQST0012. Found error: XQST0059 |
'Assert-any-of' returned: 'assert-xml' returned: result '<root></root>' is different from the expected result '<root><results><case1>pass</case1><case2>pass</case2></results></root>' Expected error: XQST0012. Found error: XQST0059 |
X validateexpr-29: import schema namespace ns=""; validate { document { <ns:Strings/>, <ns:Strings/> } } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-30: import schema default element namespace ""; let $document as document-node(element(Strings)) := document { ( <!--comment-->, <Strings><orderData>one string</orderData></Strings>, <?processing instruction?> ) } let $validated as document-node(schema-element(Strings)) := validate { $document } return count($validated/node()) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-31: import schema default element namespace ""; declare function local:numbers($positive) { if ($positive) then <PositiveNumbers><orderData>1</orderData></PositiveNumbers> else <NegativeNumbers><orderData>-1</orderData></NegativeNumbers> }; let $positive as element(orderData, xs:decimal) := (validate { local:numbers(true()) })/orderData let $negative as element(orderData, xs:decimal) := (validate { local:numbers(false()) })/orderData return $positive + $negative |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-32: import schema default element namespace ""; declare function local:numbers($positive) { if ($positive) then <PositiveNumbers><orderData>1</orderData></PositiveNumbers> else <NegativeNumbers><orderData>-1</orderData></NegativeNumbers> }; let $positive as element(orderData, xs:decimal) := (validate { document { local:numbers(true()) } })//orderData let $negative as element(orderData, xs:decimal) := (validate { document { local:numbers(false()) } })//orderData return $positive + $negative |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-33: import schema default element namespace ""; declare function local:numbers($positive) { if ($positive) then <PositiveNumbers><orderData>1</orderData></PositiveNumbers> else document { <NegativeNumbers><orderData>-1</orderData></NegativeNumbers> } }; let $positive as element(orderData, xs:decimal) := (validate { local:numbers(true()) })//orderData let $negative as element(orderData, xs:decimal) := (validate { local:numbers(false()) })//orderData return $positive + $negative |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-34: validate lax { <a xsi:type='xs:integer'>42</a> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-35: validate lax { <a xsi:type='xs:integer' xmlns:xs="">42</a> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-36: import schema namespace udt = ""; string( validate lax { <a xsi:type='udt:NOTATIONBased' xmlns:udt="">udt:value1</a> } ) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X validateexpr-37: import schema namespace udt = ""; string( validate lax { <a xsi:type='udt:NOTATIONBased' xmlns:udt="">udt:value3</a> } ) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X validateexpr-38: import schema namespace udt = ""; string( validate type udt:NOTATIONBased { <a xmlns:udt="">udt:value1</a> } ) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X validateexpr-39: import schema namespace udt = ""; string( validate type udt:NOTATIONBased { <a xmlns:udt="">udt:value3</a> } ) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X validateexpr-40: import schema namespace udt = ""; string( validate type udt:NOTATIONBased { <a>value1</a> } ) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X validateexpr-41: import schema namespace udt = ""; string( validate strict { <notatio xmlns="">value1</notatio> } ) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
fail |
X validateexpr-42: import schema namespace udt = ""; string( validate strict { <notatio xmlns="">value3</notatio> } ) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X K2-ValidateExpression-1: validate gt validate |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validate-constraints-1: import schema namespace constraints = ""; declare variable $test := element test { <constraints:a> <b id="x"/> <b id="y"/> <b id="y"/> </constraints:a> }; validate { $test/*:a } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validate-constraints-2: import schema namespace constraints = ""; declare variable $test := element test { <constraints:a2> <b2 id="x"/> <b2 id="y"/> <b2/> </constraints:a2> }; validate { $test/*:a2 } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validate-constraints-3: import schema namespace constraints = ""; declare variable $test := element test { <constraints:a2> <b2 id="x"/> <b2 id="y"/> <b2 id="z"/> <b2ref> <c idref="x"/> <c idref="y"/> <c idref="q"/> </b2ref> </constraints:a2> }; validate { $test/*:a2 } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validate-constraints-4: import schema namespace constraints = ""; declare variable $test := element test { <constraints:a> <b id="x"/> <b id="y"/> </constraints:a> }; validate { $test/*:a } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validate-sc-1: import schema namespace ss=""; let $v := validate { <ss:complexExtendsSimple>1</ss:complexExtendsSimple> } let $dv := fn:data($v) return ($dv instance of xs:integer) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-sc-2: import schema namespace ss=""; let $v := validate { <ss:emptyMixed>1</ss:emptyMixed> } let $dv := fn:data($v) return fn:not($dv instance of xs:integer) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-sc-4: import schema namespace ss=""; let $v := validate { <ss:unionBase>1</ss:unionBase> } let $dv := fn:data($v) return fn:not($dv instance of xs:integer) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-sc-5: import schema namespace ss=""; let $v := validate { <ss:unionBase>2</ss:unionBase> } let $dv := fn:data($v) return ($dv instance of xs:integer) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-sc-6: import schema namespace ss=""; let $v := validate { <ss:complexExtendsUnion>1</ss:complexExtendsUnion> } let $dv := fn:data($v) return fn:not($dv instance of xs:integer) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-sc-7: import schema namespace ss=""; let $v := validate { <ss:complexExtendsUnion>2</ss:complexExtendsUnion> } let $dv := fn:data($v) return ($dv instance of xs:integer) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-sc-8: import schema namespace ss=""; let $v := validate { <ss:listBase>1</ss:listBase> } let $dv := fn:data($v) return ($dv instance of xs:integer) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validateexpr-sc-9: import schema namespace ss=""; let $v := validate { <ss:complexExtendsList>1</ss:complexExtendsList> } let $dv := fn:data($v) return ($dv instance of xs:integer) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X validate-as-101: import schema namespace hat = ""(: at "qischema001.xsd" :); validate type hat:hatsize { <hut>8</hut> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X validate-as-102: import schema namespace hat = ""(: at "qischema001.xsd" :); declare function local:run() as element(hat:hat, hat:hatsize) { validate type hat:hatsize { <hat:hat>8</hat:hat> } }; local:run() |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X validate-as-103: import schema namespace hat = "" at "../../../TestSources/hats.xsd"; declare function local:run() as attribute(size, hat:hatsize) { validate type hat:hatsize { attribute size {8} } }; <e>{local:run()}</e> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X validate-as-104: import schema namespace hat = ""(: at "qischema001.xsd" :); declare variable $in := <hat>8</hat>; declare function local:run() as element(hat, hat:hatsize) { validate type hat:hatsize { $in } }; local:run() |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X validate-as-105: declare namespace other=""; import schema namespace hat = ""(: at "qischema001.xsd" :); declare variable $in := <hat>8</hat>; declare function local:run() as element(hat, hat:hatsize) { (#other:validate (hat:hatsize)#) { validate type hat:hatsize { $in }} }; local:run() |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X validate-as-106: declare namespace other=""; import schema namespace hat = ""; declare variable $in := <hat>8</hat>; declare function local:run() as element(hat, hat:hatsize) { validate type hat:hatsize { validate type xs:integer { $in } } }; local:run() |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X validate-as-91011: import schema namespace hat = ""(: at "qischema001.xsd" :); validate type hat:brimsize { <hat>8</hat> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
Expected error: XQST0104. Found error: XQDY0027 |
X validate-as-91012: import schema namespace hat = ""(: at "qischema001.xsd" :); validate type hat:hatsize hat:brimsize { <hat>8</hat> } |
no result | pass | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X validate-as-91013: import schema namespace hat = ""(: at "qischema001.xsd" :); validate type hat:hatsize(12) { <hat>8</hat> } |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X validate-as-91014: import schema namespace hat = ""(: at "qischema001.xsd" :); validate type hat:hatsize { 8, <hat>8</hat> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X validate-as-91015: import schema namespace hat = ""(: at "qischema001.xsd" :); validate type boot:hatsize { <hat>8</hat> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
Expected error: XPST0081. Found error: XQDY0027 |
X validate-as-91016: import schema namespace hat = ""(: at "qischema001.xsd" :); validate type hat:hatsize { <hat>banana</hat> } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X validate-as-91017: import schema namespace hat = ""(: at "qischema001.xsd" :); validate as hat:hatsize { <hut>8</hut> } |
no result | pass | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validateexpr-1: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; let $var := validate lax { <Unknown xsi:type="tc:choice" xmlns:tc=""> {element a {element z {"12.345"}}}</Unknown>} return $var |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validateexpr-2: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; let $var := validate lax { <Unknown xsi:type="choice"> {element a {"12.345"}}</Unknown>} return $var |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validateexpr-3: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; let $var := validate lax { <Unknown xsi:type="tc:choice" xmlns:tc=""> {element z {"12.345"}}</Unknown>} return $var |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validateexpr-4: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; let $var := validate lax { <Unknown> {element z {"12.345"}}</Unknown>} return $var |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validateexpr-5: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; let $var := validate strict { <Unknown xsi:type="tc:choice" xmlns:tc=""> {element a {element z {"12.345"}}}</Unknown>} return $var |
no result | wrongError
expected: XQDY0084 actualCode: XQDY0027 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validateexpr-6: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; let $var := validate strict { <Unknown xsi:type="tc:choice" xmlns:tc=""> {element a {"12.345"}}</Unknown>} return $var |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validateexpr-7: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; let $var := validate strict { <Unknown xsi:type="tc:choice" xmlns:tc=""> {element z {"12.345"}}</Unknown>} return $var |
no result | wrongError
expected: XQDY0084 actualCode: XQDY0027 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validateexpr-8: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; let $var := validate strict { <Unknown> {element z {"12.345"}}</Unknown>} return $var |
no result | wrongError
expected: XQDY0084 actualCode: XQDY0027 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validateexpr-9: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; let $var := validate lax { <Unknown> {element a {element z {"12.345"}}}</Unknown>} return $var |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validateexpr-10: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; let $var := validate strict { <Unknown> {element a {element z {"12.345"}}}</Unknown>} return $var |
no result | wrongError
expected: XQDY0084 actualCode: XQDY0027 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validateexpr-11: validate { document { (<e/>, "text") } } |
no result | wrongError
expected: XQDY0084 actualCode: XQDY0061 |
Expected error:XQDY0084, got err:XQDY0027 |
notXP20 |
Expected error:XQDY0084, got err:XQDY0027 |
notXP30 |
Expected error:XQDY0084, got err:XQDY0027 |
n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validateexpr-12: validate{ document { "text" } } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | wrongError
Expected error: XQDY0061. Found error: ZXQP0003 |
Expected error: XQDY0061. Found error: ZXQP0003 |
X cbcl-validateexpr-13: validate lax { document { (<a/>, <b/>) } } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validateexpr-14: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; declare namespace tc=""; let $var := validate lax { <Unknown> {element z {"12.345"}}</Unknown>} return count($var/element(*, xs:decimal)) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validateexpr-15: import schema namespace cd=""; declare function local:f($x) as element(cd:complexTypeWithSimpleContent, cd:shortString)* { $x//cd:complexTypeWithSimpleContent }; let $x := validate strict {/} return (count(local:f($x)/@value)) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validateexpr-16: import schema namespace tc=""; validate { attribute { xs:QName("tc:a") } { "value" } } |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X cbcl-validateexpr-17: declare default element namespace ""; import schema ""; declare namespace tc=""; let $var := validate lax { <Unknown xsi:type="tc:choice"> {element a {"foo"}}</Unknown>} return $var |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X value-comparison-3: import schema namespace myType=""; myType:hatsize(5) eq myType:shoesize(5) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X value-comparison-4: import schema namespace myType=""; myType:hatsize(5) ne myType:shoesize(5) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X extvardef-023: declare construction strip; import schema default element namespace ""; declare variable $x := validate strict { <abf> <a/> <b/> <b/> <f/> <f/> <f/> </abf>}; $x |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X extvardef-024: declare construction strip; import schema default element namespace ""; declare variable $x external := validate strict { <abc> <a/> <b/> <b/> <f/> <f/> <f/> </abc>}; $x |
no result | wrongError
expected: XQDY0084 actualCode: XQDY0027 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X extvardef-025: declare construction strip; import schema namespace hats=""; declare variable $x as schema-element(hats:abf) external := validate strict { <hats:abf> <hats:a/> <hats:b/> <hats:b/> <hats:f/> <hats:f/> <hats:f/> </hats:abf>}; $x |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X extvardef-026: declare construction strip; import schema namespace hats=""; declare variable $x as schema-element(hats:s) external := validate strict { <hats:abf> <hats:a/> <hats:b/> <hats:b/> <hats:f/> <hats:f/> <hats:f/> </hats:abf>}; $x |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X extvardef-027: declare construction strip; import schema namespace hats=""; declare variable $x as schema-element(hats:s) external := <hats:abf> <hats:a/> <hats:b/> <hats:b/> <hats:f/> <hats:f/> <hats:f/> </hats:abf>; $x |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X version_declaration-005: xquery version "1.0"; declare boundary-space preserve; declare default collation "xspanish"; declare base-uri ""; declare construction strip; declare ordering unordered; declare default order empty greatest; import schema default element namespace "http://comment"; declare namespace foo = ""; declare default function namespace ""; declare namespace bar = ""; declare variable $x as xs:integer := 7; declare function local:sumOf1toN($i) as xs:integer { if ($i = 1) then $i else $i + local:sumOf1toN($i - 1) }; declare option foo:strip-comments "true"; local:sumOf1toN(5) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X WindowingUseCase07S: <result>{ for tumbling window $w in ./stream/event start $s when $s/person eq "Anton" and $s/direction eq "in" only end $e next $n when xs:dateTime($n/@time) - xs:dateTime($s/@time) gt xs:dayTimeDuration("PT1H") or ($e/person eq "Barbara" and $e/direction eq "in") or ($e/person eq "Anton" and $e/direction eq "out") where $e/person eq "Barbara" and $e/direction eq "in" return <warning time="{ $e/@time }">Barbara: Anton arrived 1h ago</warning> }</result> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X WindowingUseCase11S: <results>{ for tumbling window $w in ./stream/event[direction eq "in"] start when true() only end next $x when $x/person eq "Clara" return <result time="{ $x/@time }">{ distinct-values(for $y in $w where (xs:dateTime($y/@time) + xs:dayTimeDuration("PT15M") ) ge xs:dateTime($x/@time) return $y/person) }</result> }</results> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X WindowingUseCase13S: <result>{ for sliding window $w in ./stream/event start $s when true() end next $e when xs:dateTime($e/@time) - xs:dateTime($s/@time) gt xs:dayTimeDuration("PT1H") where count($w[person eq $s/person and direction eq "in"]) ge 3 return <alert time="{ $e/@time }">{fn:data($s/person)} is suspicious</alert> }</result> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X FOTY0012: import schema namespace foo = ""; data(validate strict { <foo:element /> } ) |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X XQDY0027: declare construction preserve; declare copy-namespaces no-preserve,inherit; import schema namespace foo = ""; let $x := validate strict { <foo:element attr="foo:notation">foo:qname</foo:element> } return <a>{$x}</a> |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X XQDY0084: import schema namespace foo = ""; validate strict { <foo:a /> } |
no result | wrongError
expected: XQDY0084 actualCode: XQDY0027 |
pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X XQST0036_1: import module namespace test = ""; $test:test |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X XQST0036_2: import module namespace test = ""; test:bool-to-uppercase(true()) |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X XQST0036_3: import module namespace test = ""; test:f() |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X XQST0036_4: import module namespace test = ""; $test:i |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X XQST0036_5: import module namespace test = ""; test:attrs() |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X XQST0036_6: import module namespace test = ""; $test:none |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X XQST0036_7: import module namespace test = ""; test:attrs() |
no result | n/a | no result | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
notXQ30 |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | pass | pass | pass | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ10, satisfied=true) was not met. |
X XQST0058: import schema namespace foo = ""; import schema namespace bar = ""; 1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | wrongError
Expected error: XQST0058. Found error: XQST0059 |
Expected error: XQST0058. Found error: XQST0059 |
X XQST0059_1: import schema namespace foo = "" at "DoesNotExist.xsd"; 1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X XQST0059_3: import schema namespace foo = ""; 1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X XQST0059_6: import schema namespace foo = "" at "XQST0059.xsd"; 1 |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X hof-009: import schema namespace a = ""; let $f := a:hatsize#1 return ($f(8) instance of a:hatsize) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
notXQ10 |
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a
Dependency (type=spec, value=XQ30+, satisfied=true) was not met. |
pass |
X fn-id-5: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:id("id1", /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-id-6: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:count(fn:id("nomatchingid", /ids:IDS[1])) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-id-7: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:id("id2 id2", /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-id-8: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:id("id1 id2", /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-id-9: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:id("id1 nomatching", /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-id-10: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:count(fn:id("nomatching1 nomatching2", /ids:IDS[1])) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-id-11: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:count(fn:id("", /ids:IDS[1])) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-id-12: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:id(fn:substring("1id3",2), /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-id-13: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:id("id4", /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-id-14: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:count(fn:id("p1:id5", /ids:IDS[1])) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-id-15: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:id("id1 id1", /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-id-16: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:id("id1 ID1", /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-id-17: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:id(fn:lower-case("ID1"), /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-id-18: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:id(fn:upper-case("id5"), /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-id-19: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:id(fn:concat("i","d1"), /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-id-20: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:id(xs:string("id1"), /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-id-21: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:id(fn:string-join(("id","1"),""), /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-id-23: declare ordering ordered; import schema namespace ids=""; fn:id("id1 id2", /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-5: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:idref("id1",/ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-6: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:count(fn:idref("nomatchingid", /ids:IDS[1])) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-7: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:idref("id4", /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-8: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:idref(("id1", "id2"), /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-9: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:idref(("id1", "nomatching"), /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-10: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:count(fn:idref("nomatching1 nomatching2", /ids:IDS[1])) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-11: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:count(fn:idref("", /ids:IDS[1])) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-12: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:node-name(fn:idref("id2", /ids:IDS[1])) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-13: import schema namespace ids=""; (fn:idref("id1", /ids:IDS[1])) is (fn:idref("id1", /ids:IDS[1])) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-14: import schema namespace ids=""; (fn:idref("id1", /ids:IDS[1])) is (fn:idref("id2", /ids:IDS[1])) |
no result | pass | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-15: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:idref(("id1","id1"), /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-16: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:idref(("id1","ID1"), /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-17: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:idref(fn:lower-case("ID1"), /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-18: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:idref(fn:upper-case("id5"), /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-19: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:idref(fn:concat("i","d1"), /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-20: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:idref(xs:string("id1"), /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-21: import schema namespace ids=""; fn:idref(fn:string-join(("id","1"),""), /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-23: declare ordering ordered; import schema namespace ids=""; fn:idref("id4", /ids:IDS[1]) |
no result | disputed | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-30: import schema namespace ids=""; <out xmlns="" xmlns:i="" xmlns:xsi="">{ for $z in tokenize("alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu", "\s") return element {$z} {idref($z, (/))[self::attribute()], idref($z, (/))[self::element()]} } </out> |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X fn-idref-31: import schema namespace ids=""; <out xmlns="" xmlns:i="" xmlns:xsi="">{ for $z in (//i:IDREFS-content, //i:IDREF-List-content, //i:W/@i:Restricted-IDREF) for $s in distinct-values(tokenize(normalize-space(string($z)), '\s')) order by $s return <e val="{$s}"> {idref($s, (/))[self::attribute()], idref($s, (/))[self::element()]} </e> } </out> |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |
X Catalog002: import schema namespace fots = ""; let $testsets := //fots:test-set/@file/(validate{doc(resolve-uri(., base-uri(..)))}) for $test in $testsets//fots:test-case[not(fots:result/fots:error)][ contains(test, "declare variable") or contains(test, "declare function") or matches(test, "<.+>") or contains(test, "typeswitch")] where empty($test/(fots:dependency | ../fots:dependency)) or exists($test/(fots:dependency | ../fots:dependency)[contains(., "XP")]) return $test |
no result | pass | fail
Expected success, got err:XQDY0027 |
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | fail
Fail due to bug in Microsoft XML Schema implementation |
Fail due to bug in Microsoft XML Schema |
n/a | fail
Fail due to bug in Microsoft XML Schema |
Fail due to bug in Microsoft XML Schema implementation |
pass | pass |
X itunes: |
no result | fail | pass | n/a
notXP20 |
pass | n/a
notXP30 |
pass | n/a | pass | pass | n/a | pass | pass | pass | pass |