Extracted Conformance Checker Requirements

5.1 Compression Methods

A conformance checker must verify that each file entry uses one of the valid compression methods.

If a CC encounters a file entry that uses the Stored compression method, then the CC must inform the author that the file entry should be recompressed using the [Deflate] compression algorithm, as that is the recommended compression method.

If a CC encounters a compression method that is not one of the valid compression methods,then the CC must inform the author that the zip archive is an invalid Zip archive.

5.2 Version of Zip Needed to Extract a File Entry

If a CC encounters a file entry with a value for version needed to extract that is not one of the valid versions needed to extract values, the the CC must inform the author that the file is an invalid Zip archive.

5.3 Zip Relative Paths

A CC must inform the author about any file entry whose file name field does not match the production of a zip-rel-path.

A CC must inform the author of any Zip relative paths whose length exceed 250 bytes

A CC must inform an author of any Zip relative path whose length exceeds 120 bytes.

5.4 Reserved Characters

A CC must inform an author of the presence of any of the reserved characters or control characters in a file-name.

A CC should inform an author of the presence of a U+0020 SPACE character at the start or end of a file-name.

A CC should inform an author of the presence of any U+002E FULL STOP at the end of a file-name.

A CC should inform an author of any base-name that case insensitively matches any of the following strings: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9, CLOCKS$.

A CC may inform an author of the presence of any U+002B PLUS SIGN in a file-name.

6.5 Start Files

A CC must verify that the widget package contains at least one start file by:

  1. Checking within the configuration document for a correct content element to point to a processable file within the widget package.
  2. Checking for the presence of a default start file at the root of the widget package and in all locale folders.

If the widget package does not contain a start file, or the start file is not one that is supported by a particular user agent, then the CC must inform the author.

6.6 Icons

If no default icon has been included, and the CC determines that no custom icons have been declared in the configuration document, a CC MUST inform an author that it is desirable, but optional, to include a default icon.

If a CC encounters an icon in the [SVG] format, the CC may inform the author if the icon includes script or interactive functionality.

If a CC encounters an icon in a format other than [PNG] or [GIF89] or [GIF87], then the CC should inform an author that these formats might not be supported on all user agents.

If a CC encounters an icon in the [SVG] format, then the CC must inform the author if the icon does not conform to the [SVGTiny] specification.

7.2 Examples

A CC should inform an author if they have used deprecated, grandfathered, or redundant language tags from the IANA Language Subtag Registry.

Upon encountering any locale folders named with a region or script subtag, a CC should inform an author to avoid region or script subtags from the IANA Language Subtag Registry.