The copy of resolver.jar here is actually a slightly modified version of version 1.2 of Apache XML Commons Resolver. I believe it trips up on a bug in JDK 5 (apaprently not found in 1.4 or 6) wherein returns an invalid URL representation beginning with only "file://" instead of "file:/" or "file:///", and when reparsed later into a URL in the code it yields an UnknownHostException, which prevents the library from using DTDs stored on the local file system. See My workaround is to add code before this line in CatalogResolver.resolveEntity(): URL url = new URL(resolved); Like so: if (resolved.startsWith("file://") && !resolved.startsWith("file:///")) { resolved = "file:///" + resolved.substring(7); } URL url = new URL(resolved); Also, if you are using Java 6 to compile for this project, the Ant build file resolver.xml should be modified so that targets specify source="1.5" and target="1.5". Finally we realized this library isn't designed to load resources from the classpath. A little more hacking does it. In the same method, URL url = new URL(resolved); InputStream iStream = url.openStream(); Should change to: URL url = new URL(resolved); InputStream iStream = null; try { iStream = url.openStream(); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { // also added by srowen // If file not available, look in classpath resolved = getResourceFromAbsoluteFilename(resolved); iStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/" + resolved); } ... private static String getResourceFromAbsoluteFilename(final String systemId) throws MalformedURLException { // systemId is something like file:///foo/bar/dtd/stuff.dtd // This will generate something like file:///foo/bar/: final String baseFileName = FileURL.makeURL("").toString(); // We need to pick out "dtd/stuff.dtd", but can't do it with a simple substring call. // There are issues with, for example, how many slashes follow the file: protocol final int systemIdSlashEnd = findEndOfSlashes(systemId); final int baseFileNameSlashEnd = findEndOfSlashes(baseFileName); final int prefixLength = baseFileName.length() - baseFileNameSlashEnd; return systemId.substring(systemIdSlashEnd + prefixLength); } private static int findEndOfSlashes(final String s) { int i = 0; while (s.charAt(i) != '/') { i++; } while (s.charAt(i) == '/') { i++; } return i; } -srowen