Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Test Message Exchanges

Message Exchanges are an enumerated list of concrete message exchanges which may be used in conjunction with the test assertions to group, and reveal the coverage of Web Service Addressing 1.0 test cases.

This version only has HTTP as the underlying protocol and therefore doesn't expose sceanrios involving a one-way transport, such as Email.

The list of WSDL 1.1 bindings, WSDL 2.0 MEPs, SOAP MEPs and SOAP bindings which may be used to describe each exchange are not yet cited.

SOAP11-HTTP-In-Only (soap11)


  1. A sends B a HTTP POST with a SOAP 1.1 message
  2. B sends A a HTTP 202 (Accepted) response with no content
SOAP12-HTTP-In-Only (soap12)


  1. A sends B a HTTP POST with a SOAP 1.2 message
  2. B sends A a HTTP 202 (Accepted) response with no content
SOAP11-HTTP-In-Only-Fault (soap11)


  1. A sends B a HTTP POST with a SOAP 1.1 message
  2. B sends A a HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error) response with a SOAP 1.1 fault
SOAP12-HTTP-In-Only-Fault (soap12)


  1. A sends B a HTTP POST with a SOAP 1.2 message
  2. B sends A a HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error) response with a SOAP 1.2 fault
SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out (soap11)


  1. A sends B a HTTP POST with a SOAP 1.1 message
  2. B sends A a HTTP 200 (OK) response with a SOAP 1.1 message
SOAP12-HTTP-In-Out (soap12)


  1. A sends B a HTTP POST with a SOAP 1.2 message
  2. B sends A a HTTP 200 (OK) response with a SOAP 1.2 message
SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out-Fault (soap11)


  1. A sends B a HTTP POST with a SOAP 1.1 message
  2. B sends A a HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error) response with a SOAP 1.1 fault
SOAP12-HTTP-In-Out-Fault (soap12)


  1. A sends B a HTTP POST with a SOAP 1.2 message
  2. B sends A a HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error) response with a SOAP 1.2 fault
SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out-Callback (soap11)


  1. A sends B a HTTP POST with a SOAP 1.1 message
  2. B sends A a HTTP 202 (Accepted) response with no content
  3. B sends A a HTTP POST with a SOAP 1.1 message
  4. A sends B a HTTP 202 (Accepted) response with no content
SOAP12-HTTP-In-Out-Callback (soap12)


  1. A sends B a HTTP POST with a SOAP 1.2 message
  2. B sends A a HTTP 202 (Accepted) response with no content
  3. B sends A a HTTP POST with a SOAP 1.2 message
  4. A sends B a HTTP 202 (Accepted) response with no content
SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out-Callback-Fault (soap11)


  1. A sends B a HTTP POST with a SOAP 1.2 message
  2. B sends A a HTTP 202 (Accepted) response with no content
  3. B sends A a HTTP POST with a SOAP 1.2 fault
  4. A sends B a HTTP 202 (Accepted) response with no content
SOAP12-HTTP-In-Out-Callback-Fault (soap12)


  1. A sends B a HTTP POST with a SOAP 1.2 message
  2. B sends A a HTTP 202 (Accepted) response with no content
  3. B sends A a HTTP POST with a SOAP 1.2 fault
  4. A sends B a HTTP 202 (Accepted) response with no content
Paul Downey
Generated from message-exchanges.xml using message-exchanges.xsl.
$Date: 2005/09/09 13:24:44 $