Features that are no longer supported, since I switched from a palm PDA to a sidekick:

see also: notes on integration of palm address book, datebook into semantic web development.

see also: telagent, which integrates my desktop phone into the semantic web.


Back up your data. This is alphaware. It's designed to only read your data, but who knows... no warranties and all that.

Then you'll need...

a copy of your DatebookDB.pdb
I use coldsync; you can use pilot-xfer (part of pilot-link) or whatever
an XSLT processor
I use XT by James Clark (see XSLT.mak@@)
I've used p5-Palm-1.2.2.tar.gz from coldsync, but you can get it via CPAN as p5-palm (I think@@) or as the libpalm-perl debian package
recent notation3.py versions require unicode support; so python 1.6.x or pythong 2.x (specifically: @@debian packages I use; windows stuff timbl uses)

I removed the dependency on cwm.py, notation3.py and xml2rdf.py from TimBL's semantic web area for play by making the two alarm properties share a subject with the rest.


@@how to invoke server here; see log of alpha test session with EricM

% make PYTHON=python2 MIN=2001-04-02 MAX=2001-12-31

perl pdkb.pl /home/connolly/.palm/backup/DatebookDB.pdb 2001-04-02 2001-12-31 >,tmp.rdf
repeating record 16213904 ends before window: 2000-07-20 < 2001-04-02
repeating record 16218492 ends before window: 2001-01-23 < 2001-04-02
record 13276378 before window: 1904-00-00 < 2001-04-02
record 13276383 before window: 2001-04-01 < 2001-04-02
python2 ../../../w3ccvs/WWW/2000/10/swap/cwm.py -rdf ,tmp.rdf -bySubject >datebook-all.rdf
CLASSPATH=/home/connolly/src/xt/xt.jar:/home/connolly/src/xt/sax.jar:/home/connolly/src/xt/xp.jar:. /usr/local/jdk1.2.2/bin/java -Djava.compiler=javacomp -Dcom.jclark.xsl.sax.parser=com.jclark.xml.sax.CommentDriver com.jclark.xsl.sax.Driver datebook-all.rdf datebook2html.xsl datebook-all.html