DOM Conformance Test Suite, Level 3 Core

This document

This document describes how to run the DOM Level 3 Core Test Suite. It also includes pointers to relevant software as well as relevant resources.

The DOM TS has been developed in accordance with the DOM Conformance Test Suites Process Document. For additional information and to download other DOM Test Suites, visit the DOM Conformance Test Suites page.


The DOM Level 3 Core Test Suite contains tests for behavior introduced in DOM Level 3 Core. The suite is intended to be used in conjunction with the DOM Level 1 and 2 Core Test Suites. The DOM Conformance Test Suite consist of a series of tests that have been generated from XML test descriptions, then transformed into the two official DOM bindings, Java and ECMA. In order to run the test suite, we have provided the possibility to run the tests using the JUnit and JsUnit testing frameworks, both included in this distribution.

The DOM Level 3 Core test suite was released TBD.

Latest Version

Download the latest version of the DOM Level 3 Core Test Suite.


This distribution is organized as follows:

index.htmlThis file
dom3-core-matrix.html A cross reference of the tests to the DOM 3 Core Recommendation, pointers to the tests and documentation.
ecmascript/level3/core/*.html DOM tests for ECMAScript implementations. Launch tests from ecmascript/level3/core/alltests.html
svg/level3/core/*.svg DOM tests in ECMAScript for SVG Viewers that support external entity references.
java/dom3-core.jar DOM tests for Java implementations, includes source code.
java/junit-run.jar A test framework adapter that supports running dom3-core.jar with the JUnit 3.7 test framework.
tests/*.xml Test definitions in XML.
tests/dom3.dtd Document Type Definition for DOM Level 3 tests.
tests/dom3.xsd XML Schema for DOM Level 3 tests.
tests/files/ Test documents
doxygen/ Documentation generated by doxygen from the generated Java code. Useful in diagnosing test failures. Click here for a class hierarchy.
java/junit.jar JUnit 3.7. JUnit 3.7 is licensed under the IBM Public License.
ecmascript/jsunit JSUnit 2.0. JSUnit is licensed under the GNU Public License

Running the ECMAScript tests

The DOM TS currently tests XML, XHTML and SVG implementations of DOM Level 3 Core.

To run the ECMAScript tests, open ecmascript/level3/core/alltests.html in the browser you want to test. Configure the implementation, test document loading parameters and content type and press run.

Running the Java tests

Running the Java tests will require placing a JAXP 1.1 compatible parser on the classpath or placing a common JAXP 1.1 parser (Apache Xerces, Apache Crimson, Oracle XML Developer Kit, or GNUJAXP) in the java/ directory.

Running "java -jar dom3-core.jar" from the java/ directory will write to the console a summary of the parser under test and the results of the tests run in two distinct configurations. The parser under test can be selected by any mechanism supported by JAXP 1.1.

The Java tests may also be run using from JUnit TestRunner's. To run all tests against the default JAXP parser in a default configuration from the JUnit text user interface, run " java -classpath dom3-core.jar junit.textui.TestRunner org.w3c.domts.level3.core.TestDefaultParser". The run the Swing or AWT user interfaces, replace "textui" with "swingui" or "awtui" and add "-noloading" before the test case to not use JUnit's custom ClassLoader, for example, "java -classpath dom1-core.jar junit.swingui.TestRunner -noloading org.w3c.domts.level3.core.TestDefaultLS"

Running "java -jar junit-run.jar" will launch the JUnit SwingUI without the custom ClassLoader.

The following TestSuite's are provided for use within JUnit TestRunner's. These provide the only mechanism for testing implementations that do not support JAXP 1.1 such as Batik or DOM4J.

org.w3c.domts.level3.core.TestBatikTests the Apache Batik SVG project.
org.w3c.domts.level3.core.TestDefaultLSTests the implementation returned by the DOM Level 3 bootstrap loading files using DOM Level 3 Load and Save in the default configuration.
org.w3c.domts.level3.core.TestDefaultLSAltConfigTests the implementation returned by the DOM Level 3 bootstrap loading files using DOM Level 3 Load and Save in an alternative configuration.
org.w3c.domts.level3.core.TestDefaultParserTests the current JAXP 1.1 Parser in the default configuration.
org.w3c.domts.level3.core.TestDefaultParserAltConfigTests the current JAXP 1.1 Parser in an alternative configuration.
org.w3c.domts.level3.core.TestOracleTests the Oracle XML Parser in the default configuration.
org.w3c.domts.level3.core.TestOracleAltConfigTests the Oracle XML Parser in an alternative configuration.
org.w3c.domts.level3.core.TestXercesTests the Apache Xerces Parser in the default configuration.
org.w3c.domts.level3.core.TestXercesAltConfigTests the Apache Xerces Parser in an alternative configuration.


We look forward to your comments. The DOM TS Group communicates primarily through the DOM TS mailing list (archive).

Tests in this table are released under the W3C Software Copyright Notice and license:
Copyright © 2001-2004 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. This work is distributed under the W3C® Software License in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


The DOM TS was jointly launched by the W3C and NIST. It is, however, a publically developed and open framework. Reaching the point of being able to finalize and release the DOM TS would not have been possible were it not for the contribution from several people in the developer community, especially Curt Arnold and Fred Drake.

Mary Brady, NIST representative
Dimitris Dimitriadis, DOM TS Representative for the W3C DOM Working Group
Philippe Le Hégaret, DOM Activity Lead