This is the old code for the W3C Markup validation service. We've switched the version control system from CVS to Mercurial, see for information about current source code. For information on installing the validator, please see the source code page.

Our CVS base is available read-only, using CVS pserver authentication.

In order to get the latest development code that was committed to CVS:

    bash$ export CVSROOT=""
    bash$ cvs login
    (Logging in to
    CVS password: anonymous
    bash$ cvs get validator
    cvs server: Updating validator
    cvs server: Updating validator/htdocs
    U validator/htdocs/about.html

Note that the latest development code may be broken at any time. If you want a working version, you should get the latest release version from the tar balls available from the source code availability page at Alternatively, you can get the last released version that was committed to CVS, v1.0:

    bash$ export CVSROOT=""
    bash$ cvs login
    (Logging in to
    CVS password: anonymous
    bash$ cvs get -r validator-1_0-release validator
    cvs server: Updating validator
    cvs server: Updating validator/htdocs
    U validator/htdocs/about.html