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CSS Working Group Editor Drafts

History for css-regions-1/Overview.html:

13:53:11 PST2023-08-01 14:53:44 PDTGuillaume[css-regions-1] Add whitespaces around combinator (#9132)
13:53:11 PST2023-08-01 14:53:44 PDTGuillaume[css-regions-1] Add whitespaces around combinator (#9132)
13:53:11 PST2023-08-01 14:53:44 PDTGuillaume[css-regions-1] Add whitespaces around combinator (#9132)
06:56:24 PST2024-01-24 06:55:31 PSTchrisl[editorial] Add separate Security and Privacy appendices to .bs specs that didn't have them, #207
14:26:46 PDT2021-05-17 14:24:15 PDTdbaronRevert "Revert "Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts into main"" This reverts commit 9d14c2393cfeca05c799d43444fe9c860074e80b. The commit that it was reverting was actually fine; it was a merge, but looked like it was bad because it had a large diff against the first parent but it had no diff against the second (which was the relevant one in a "linear history" of this repository).
13:52:15 PDT2021-05-17 12:25:01 PDTadam_argyleRevert "Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts into main" This reverts commit 442ca50fbfe14f5e163336a54844ba447d2bafa7, reversing changes made to d0337ce2a834e083954a3b090fd69ea918a0302a.
10:34:24 PDT2021-04-20 10:33:47 PDTphilip_j_genstedt[css-regions] Avoid the use of Region as a return type (#6228) As an interface mixin, Region can't be used as a type per Web IDL: https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#idl-types Fixes https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5519.
11:17:03 PDT2021-04-16 11:16:45 PDTphilip_j_genstedt[css-regions-1] Use maplike declaration for NamedFlowMap (#6208) The previously defined members are implicit in the maplike declaration: https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-maplike Fixes https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6014.
23:27:15 PST2021-02-21 23:26:51 PSTfantasaifix: typos across specs (#5992)
15:42:57 PDT2020-09-18 14:48:54 PDTSebastianZRemoved duplicate "keywords" from Value Definitions section
17:47:51 PDT2020-06-03 17:44:21 PDTflorianDefine "paged" and "continuous" media Closes #5019
16:21:27 PST2020-01-16 16:20:52 PSTfantasai[meta] Align value definition reference across all specs. Use more obvious heading. Include link to definition syntax directly. #1397
23:47:44 PST2020-01-05 23:47:24 PSTflorianFix typos in < and > html entities (#4644)
03:15:21 PDT2019-05-10 16:40:07 PDTericwilligers[css-regions] Consistent references to CSS3-BREAK Avoid the bikeshed warning: The biblio refs [[css-break-3]] and [[CSS3-BREAK]] are both aliases of the same base reference [[css-break-3]]. Please choose one name and use it consistently.
08:07:39 PDT2019-03-21 08:07:26 PDTchrislMerge pull request #3727 from w3c/xfq/css-regions-1-changes [css-regions-1] Update Changes section
01:54:36 PDT2019-03-12 01:54:10 PDTfuqiao_xue[css-regions-1] Update Changes section
15:46:52 PDT2019-03-17 12:51:23 PDTphilip_j_genstedt[css-regions-1] Convert Region to a mixin (reprise) The actual `mixin` keyword was overlooked in https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/pull/3643.
15:53:20 PDT2019-02-11 05:05:02 PSTphilip_j_genstedtConvert Region to a mixin Following https://github.com/heycam/webidl/pull/433.
00:39:18 PST2018-11-07 00:38:54 PSTfuqiao_xueUpdate links to the tabindex attribute
13:04:02 PST2018-11-26 11:44:47 PSTericwilligers[css-regions] Skip inherit in flow-from grammar CSS-wide keywords such as inherit do not need to be included in the grammar for a specific property such as flow-from.
19:35:59 PDT2018-09-25 02:36:59 PDTfantasai[css-regions-1] Add animation type lines. Add issue pointing at 'continue' property.
07:22:30 PDT2018-09-10 02:25:15 PDTfuqiao_xueUpdate refs to the box model Follow-up of #3078.
13:10:06 PDT2018-07-16 13:09:50 PDTluke_bjerringFix syntax error (#2925) Found while authoring https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/pull/11979
23:26:30 PDT2018-07-05 19:29:25 PDTflorianDrop the "Media:" entry from propdef tables Its meaning has never been defined properly, and it does not add useful information. This commit does not remove (correct) uses of Media:all, as these do have a meaning, and will be clarified in a later commit.
12:27:34 PDT2018-06-21 12:25:54 PDTfantasaiSwitch css21 cross-references to css2
15:29:43 PDT2018-06-08 15:29:23 PDTfantasai[css-multicol-1][meta] Update other specs that refer to multi-column elements to refer to multi-column containers. Completes fix for #1965
13:30:26 PST2018-02-21 21:05:15 PSTericwilligersAdd [Exposed=Window] to interfaces From #2342: WebIDL now defines that interfaces include the Exposed extended attribute even in the case where it is only exposed to Window. The following interfaces previously omitted the Exposed extended attribute: NamedFlow, NamedFlowMap, CSSPseudoElement, CSSPseudoElementList, CSSKeyframeEffectReadOnly, TransitionEvent
17:56:47 PST2018-02-15 17:55:33 PSTflorian[css-regions-1] Add explicit reference to css-contain
22:30:16 PST2018-02-14 22:28:51 PSTflorian[css-regions-1] Fix cross reference bikeshed error An update to a newer version of HTML is probably desirable, but this is the minimal change that will fix the cross-ref error.
16:14:17 PST2017-11-09 16:12:58 PSTdbaronAdd w3cid metadata for all editors. I got the uids from the "Edit status" links in https://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=32061 and made the actual changes with a python script.
17:28:53 PDT2017-10-25 16:46:02 PDTtantek_celikUse Title: meta instead of explicit <h1>
14:48:05 PDT2017-10-11 14:47:55 PDTtabatkinsTHE GREAT NUMBERING - put all specs into numbered directories, per WG resolution, and use Shepherd to set which level is currently shown for the unleveled url.