Annotation of libwww/Library/src/HTWSRC.html, revision 2.3

2.3     ! timbl       1: <HTML>
        !             2: <HEAD>
2.1       timbl       3: <TITLE>A parser for WAIS source files</TITLE>
2.3     ! timbl       4: <NEXTID N="z5">
        !             5: </HEAD>
2.1       timbl       6: <BODY>
                      7: <H1>WAIS Source file parser</H1>This converter returns a <A
2.3     ! timbl       8: NAME="z1" HREF="Overview.html#z37">stream</A> object
2.1       timbl       9: into which a <A
2.3     ! timbl      10: NAME="z3" HREF="../../../Products/WAIS/Overview.html">WAIS</A> source file can
2.1       timbl      11: be written.  The result is put via
                     12: a <A
2.3     ! timbl      13: NAME="z2" HREF="Overview.html#z38">structured stream</A> into whatever
2.1       timbl      14: format was required for the output
2.2       timbl      15: stream.<P>
                     16: See also: <A
2.3     ! timbl      17: NAME="z4" HREF="HTWAIS.html">HTWAIS</A> protocol interface
2.2       timbl      18: module
2.1       timbl      19: <PRE>#ifndef HTWSRC_H
                     20: #define HTWSRC_H
                     21: #include "HTUtils.h"
                     23: #include "HTFormat.h"
2.3     ! timbl      25: extern  HTConverter HTWSRCConvert;
2.1       timbl      26: 
                     27: </PRE>
                     28: <H2>Escaping Strings</H2>HTDeSlash takes out the invlaid characters
                     29: in a URL path ELEMENT by converting
                     30: them into hex-escaped characters.
                     31: HTEnSlash does the reverse.<P>
                     32: Each returns a pointer to a newly
                     33: allocated string which must eventually
                     34: be freed by the caller.
                     35: <PRE>extern char * HTDeSlash PARAMS((CONST char * str));
                     37: extern char * HTEnSlash PARAMS((CONST char * str));
                     39: #endif
                     41: </PRE>
                     42: <ADDRESS><A
2.3     ! timbl      43: NAME="0" HREF="">Tim BL</A></A>
2.1       timbl      44: </ADDRESS></BODY>
2.3     ! timbl      45: </HTML>
