Annotation of libwww/Library/src/HTTCP.html, revision 2.45

2.17      frystyk     1: <HTML>
                      2: <HEAD>
2.41      frystyk     3:   <!-- Changed by: Henrik Frystyk Nielsen,  1-Jul-1996 -->
2.42      frystyk     4:   <TITLE>W3C Sample Code Library libwww Socket Open and Close</TITLE>
2.17      frystyk     5: </HEAD>
2.2       timbl       6: <BODY>
2.39      frystyk     7: <H1>
2.41      frystyk     8:   Socket Open and Close
2.39      frystyk     9: </H1>
2.17      frystyk    10: <PRE>
                     11: /*
2.25      frystyk    12: **     (c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
2.17      frystyk    13: **     Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.
                     14: */
                     15: </PRE>
2.39      frystyk    16: <P>
                     17: The Socket Open and Close methods knows how to establish a BSD socket TCP
                     18: connection and is part of the <A HREF="WWWTrans.html">Transport interface</A>.
                     19: <P>
                     20: This module is implemented by <A HREF="HTTCP.c">HTTCP.c</A>, and it is a
2.43      frystyk    21: part of the <A HREF="">W3C Sample Code
2.39      frystyk    22: Library</A>.
2.8       frystyk    23: <PRE>
                     24: #ifndef HTTCP_H
2.2       timbl      25: #define HTTCP_H
2.30      frystyk    26: #include "HTReq.h"
                     27: #include "HTNet.h"
2.45    ! vbancrof   28: 
        !            29: #ifdef __cplusplus
        !            30: extern "C" { 
        !            31: #endif 
2.8       frystyk    32: </PRE>
2.39      frystyk    33: <H2>
                     34:   Active Connection Establishment
                     35: </H2>
                     36: <P>
                     37: This makes an active <CODE>connect</CODE> to the specified host. An
                     38: <A HREF="HTNet.html">HTNet Object</A> is parsed in order to handle errors
                     39: and other stuff. The default port might be overwritten by any port indication
2.43      frystyk    40: in the <A HREF="">URL</A> specified
2.39      frystyk    41: as <CODE>&lt;host&gt;:&lt;port&gt;</CODE> If it is a <I>multihomed host </I>(a
                     42: host having multiple IP-addresses with the same host name) &nbsp;then
                     43: <CODE>HTDoConnect()</CODE> measures the time it takes to connect and updates
                     44: the calculated weights in the <A HREF="HTDNS.html">DNS object</A>.
2.8       frystyk    45: <PRE>
2.44      frystyk    46: extern int HTDoConnect (HTNet * net);
2.8       frystyk    47: </PRE>
2.39      frystyk    48: <H2>
                     49:   Passive Connection Establishment
                     50: </H2>
                     51: <P>
                     52: This function makes an <CODE>accept</CODE> on a port. The net must contain
2.41      frystyk    53: a valid socket to accept on. If accept is OK then we <I>duplicate</I> the
                     54: net object and assign the accepted socket to the newly created net object.
                     55: The original <A HREF="HTNet.html">Net object</A> will keep accepting connections
                     56: on the original socket, for example port 80 in the case of
                     57: <A HREF="HTTP.html">HTTP</A>. The newly created Net object will be freed
                     58: when the <A HREF="HTProt.html">protocol module</A> has finished. If the
                     59: <I>accepted</I> net object pointer points to the net object itself, that
                     60: is - the same object all along - then we reuse the same Net obejct; closes
                     61: the original socket and replaces it wik the accepted one. This is a quick
                     62: way of accepting a single connection.
2.44      frystyk    63: <PRE>
                     64: extern int HTDoAccept (HTNet * listen, HTNet * accept);
2.32      frystyk    65: </PRE>
2.39      frystyk    66: <H2>
                     67:   Listen on a Socket
                     68: </H2>
                     69: <P>
2.44      frystyk    70: Listens on the specified port described in the Net
                     71: object. <CODE>backlog</CODE> is the number of connections that can be
                     72: queued on the socket - you can use <CODE>HT_BACKLOG</CODE> for a
                     73: platform dependent value (typically 5 on BSD and 32 on SVR4). Returns
                     74: <CODE>HT_ERROR</CODE> or <CODE>HT_OK</CODE>.
                     75: <PRE>
                     76: extern int HTDoListen (HTNet * net, HTNet * accept, int backlog);
2.8       frystyk    77: </PRE>
2.41      frystyk    78: <H2>
                     79:   Closing a socket
                     80: </H2>
                     81: <P>
2.40      frystyk    82: Closes a socket
                     83: <PRE>
                     84: extern int HTDoClose (HTNet * net);
                     85: </PRE>
2.8       frystyk    86: <PRE>
2.45    ! vbancrof   87: #ifdef __cplusplus
        !            88: }
        !            89: #endif
        !            90: 
2.2       timbl      91: #endif   /* HTTCP_H */
2.8       frystyk    92: </PRE>
2.39      frystyk    93: <P>
                     94:   <HR>
2.38      frystyk    95: <ADDRESS>
2.45    ! vbancrof   96:   @(#) $Id: HTTCP.html,v 2.44 1999/07/07 15:43:28 frystyk Exp $
2.38      frystyk    97: </ADDRESS>
2.39      frystyk    98: </BODY></HTML>
