String Management

**	(c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
**	Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.
These functions provide functionality for case-independent string comparison and allocations with copies etc.

This module is implemented by HTString.c, and it is a part of the W3C Reference Library.

#ifndef HTSTRING_H
#define HTSTRING_H

extern CONST char * HTLibraryVersion;	/* String for help screen etc */

Dynamic String Manipulation

These two functions are dynamic versions of strcpy and strcat. They use malloc for allocating space for the string. If StrAllocCopy is called with a non-NULL dest, then this is freed before the new value is assigned so that only the last string created has to be freed by the user. If StrAllocCat is called with a NULL pointer as destination then it is equivalent to StrAllocCopy.
#define StrAllocCopy(dest, src) HTSACopy (&(dest), src)
#define StrAllocCat(dest, src)  HTSACat  (&(dest), src)

extern char * HTSACopy (char **dest, CONST char *src);
extern char * HTSACat  (char **dest, CONST char *src);

Case-insensitive String Comparison

The usual routines (comp instead of cmp) had some problem.
extern int strcasecomp  (CONST char *a, CONST char *b);
extern int strncasecomp (CONST char *a, CONST char *b, int n);

String Comparison with Wild Card Match

String comparison function for file names with one wildcard * in the template. Arguments are:
is a template string to match the name against. agaist, may contain a single wildcard character * which matches zero or more arbitrary characters.
is the name to be matched agaist the template.
returns YES, if filename matches the template, else NO
extern BOOL HTStringMatch (CONST char * tmpl, CONST char * name);
extern BOOL HTStringCaseMatch (CONST char * tmpl, CONST char * name);

Case-insensitive strstr

This works like strstr() but is not case-sensitive.
extern char * strcasestr (char * s1, char * s2);

Strip white space off a string

Return value points to first non-white character, or to '/0' if none. All trailing white space is OVERWRITTEN with zero.
extern char * HTStrip (char * s);

Next word or quoted string

This function returns a RFC822 word separated by space, comma, or semi-colons.
extern char * HTNextField (char** pstr);

RFC1123 Date/Time Stamp String

Returns a pointer to a static area!
extern CONST char *HTDateTimeStr (time_t *calendar, BOOL local);

Date used for directory listings

extern BOOL HTDateDirStr (time_t * time, char * str, int len);

Timezone Offset

Calculates the offset from GMT in seconds. This is called from HTLibInit().
extern long HTGetTimeZoneOffset (void);

Parse a Date/Time String

Converts a string representation in GMT to a local representation of localtime time_t.
extern time_t HTParseTime (CONST char * str);

Unique Message-ID String

extern CONST char *HTMessageIdStr (void);

Converts an Integer to a String using Prefix

In computer-world 1K is 1024 bytes and 1M is 1024K -- however, sprintf() still formats in base-10. Therefore I output only until 999, and then start using the next unit. This doesn't work wrong, it's just a feature. The conversion is done in "str" which must be large enough to contain the result.
extern void HTNumToStr (unsigned long n, char *str, int len);

Conversion between URLs and Local File Names

These are two functions that separate the URL naming syntax from platform dependent file naming schemes. If you are porting the code to a new platform, you probably have to do some translation here.

Convert file URLs into a local representation

The URL has already been translated through the rules in get_physical in HTAccess.c and all we need to do now is to map the path to a local representation, for example if must translate '/' to the ones that turn the wrong way ;-) Returns local file (that must be freed by caller) if OK, else NULL.
extern char * HTWWWToLocal (CONST char * url, CONST char * base);

Convert a local file name into a URL

Generates a WWW URL name from a local file name or NULL if error. Returns URL (that must be freed by caller) if OK, else NULL.
extern char * HTLocalToWWW (CONST char * local);
End of declaration module