SQL Log Class

**	(c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
**	Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.

This SQL based log class generates a SQL database and a set of tables storing the results of a request. The result is stored in different tables depending on whether it is information about the request or the resource returned.

This requires that you have linked against a MySQL library. See the installation instructions for details.

This module is implemented by HTSQL.c, and it is a part of the W3C Sample Code Library.

#ifndef HTSQLLOG_H
#define HTSQLLOG_H

#include "HTReq.h"

Open and Close the Logs

Connect to the SQL Server

Create a new SQLLog object and connect to the SQL server.

typedef struct _HTSQLLog HTSQLLog;

extern HTSQLLog * HTSQLLog_connect (const char * host,
                                    const char * user, const char * pw);

Close Connection to the SQL Server

Close the log file and delete the log object

extern BOOL HTSQLLog_close (HTSQLLog * me);

Open the Log Database

This module creates its own database with a set of tables. If the database already exists then open it and make sure i has the right tables.

typedef enum _HTSQLLogFlags {
} HTSQLLogFlags; 

extern BOOL HTSQLLog_openDB (HTSQLLog * me, const char * db, HTSQLLogFlags flags);

Write Logdata to the Database

Add a Log Entry

extern BOOL HTSQLLog_addEntry (HTSQLLog * me, HTRequest * request, int status);

Add a Link Relationship Entry

extern BOOL HTSQLLog_addLinkRelationship (HTSQLLog * me,
					  const char * src_uri,
					  const char * dst_uri,
					  const char * link_type,
                                          const char * comment);

Options and Flags

Make URIs Relative to this Base

Instead of inserting the absolute URI then you can log relative URIs instead which often saves a lot of space. Set the base URI using this function

extern BOOL HTSQLLog_makeRelativeTo (HTSQLLog * me, const char * relative);

How many times has this Log Object Been Accessed?

This has nothing to do with the SQL database but merely returns the access count number to the log or -1 if error.

extern int HTSQLLog_accessCount (HTSQLLog * me);

@(#) $Id: HTSQLLog.html,v 2.1 1998/05/04 19:37:20 frystyk Exp $