Private Request Definition

**	(c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
**	Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.

This module is the private part of the request object. It has the functions declarations that are private to the Library and that shouldn't be used by applications. The module has been separated from the old HTAccess module. See also the public part of the declarition in the HTReq Module.

This module is implemented by HTReqMan.c, and it is a part of the W3C Sample Code Library.

#ifndef HTREQMAN_H
#define HTREQMAN_H

#include "HTReq.h"
#include "HTList.h"
#include "HTFormat.h"
#include "HTAnchor.h"
#include "HTMethod.h"
#include "HTAABrow.h"
#include "HTStream.h"
#include "HTNet.h"
#include "HTMIMPrs.h"

When a request is handled, all kinds of things about it need to be passed along together with a request. It is intended to live as long as the request is still active, but can be deleted as soon as it has terminated. Only the anchor object stays around after the request itself is terminated.

struct _HTRequest {

    BOOL		internal;      /* Does the app knows about this one? */

    time_t		date;      /* Time stamp when the request was issued */

    HTMethod		method;

    BOOL                flush;                /* Should we flush immediately */

    HTPriority		priority;		/* Priority for this request */

User Profile

Each request can be assigned a user profile containing information about this host and the user issuing the request.

    HTUserProfile *	userprofile;

Net Object

Each request is assigned a Net object which contains pointers to other objects handling the request.
    HTNet *		net;		    /* Information about socket etc. */

Response Object

When we start getting MIME headers in as a response we keep it in this object until we know what to do with it.
    HTResponse *        response;

Error Manager

    HTList *		error_stack;		           /* List of errors */

Have many times do We Want to Try?

    int			retrys;       	      /* Number of automatic reloads */
    int                 max_forwards;

Preemtive or Non-Preemptive load?

Each protocol module is registered with a default behavior but if you have registered a protocol module for non-preemtive load you can override this by using the following flag.
    BOOL		preemptive;

Content Negotiation

Normally, when we access the local file system we do content negotiation in order to find the most suited representation. However, you can turn this off by using the following flag.
    BOOL		ContentNegotiation;

Headers and header information

These are the masks that decides what headers to send.
    HTGnHd		GenMask;
    HTRsHd		ResponseMask;
    HTRqHd		RequestMask;
    HTEnHd		EntityMask;

    HTList *		generators;
    BOOL		gens_local;

Local MIME Header Parsers

Each request can be assigned its own MIME header parsers.
    HTMIMEParseSet *	parseSet;
    BOOL		pars_local;

Accept headers

These are the accept headers that we want to send out.
    HTList *		conversions;
    BOOL		conv_local;

    HTList *		encodings;
    BOOL		enc_local;

    HTList *		tes;
    BOOL		te_local;

    HTList *		languages;
    BOOL		lang_local;

    HTList *		charsets;
    BOOL		char_local;

    HTList *		befores;
    BOOL		befores_local;

    HTList *		afters;
    BOOL		afters_local;

Are we using a Proxy?

If so then we keep the name in this variable
    char * 		proxy;
    BOOL                full_uri;

Cache Control Directives

This association list is a list of the cache control directives that are to be sent as part of the Cache-Control header.

    HTReload		reload;
    HTAssocList *       cache_control;

Byte Ranges

This association list is a list of the cache control directives that are to be sent as part of the Range header.
    HTAssocList *       byte_ranges;

Connection Control Directives

This association list is a list of the connection control directives that are to be sent as part of the Connection header.

    HTAssocList *       connection;

Expect Directives

The Expect request-header field is used to indicate that particular server behaviors are required by the client. A server that does not understand or is unable to comply with any of the expectation values in the Expect field of a request MUST respond with appropriate error status.

    HTAssocList *       expect;

Access Authentication Information

The credentials list contains the information that we are to send as part of the Authorization header. The realm is if we already know that we need to generate credentials for a specific realm.

    char *		realm;				    /* Current realm */
    HTAssocList *	credentials;	   /* Credentials received by server */

Protocol Extension Protocol (PEP) Information

These association lists contain the information that we are to send as PEP headers in the request.
    HTAssocList *	protocol;
    HTAssocList *	protocol_info;
    HTAssocList *	protocol_request;


    HTParentAnchor *	anchor;	       /* The Client anchor for this request */

    HTChildAnchor *	childAnchor;	    /* For element within the object */
    HTParentAnchor *	parentAnchor;			/* For referer field */

Streams From Network to Application

    HTStream *		output_stream; 
    HTFormat		output_format;
    BOOL		connected;

    HTStream*		debug_stream;
    HTFormat		debug_format;

Streams From Application to Network

    HTStream *		input_stream; 
    HTFormat		input_format;

Callback Function for getting data down the Input Stream

    HTPostCallback *	PostCallback;

Context Swapping

    HTRequestCallback *	callback;
    void *		context;

PostWeb Information

    HTRequest *		source;		     /* Source for request or itself */
    HTParentAnchor *	source_anchor;		  /* Source anchor or itself */

    HTRequest *		mainDestination;	     /* For the typical case */
    HTList *		destinations;		 /* List of related requests */
    int			destRequests;	   /* Number of destination requests */
    int			destStreams;	    /* Number of destination streams */

Post Web Management

These functions are mainly used internally in the Library but there is no reason for them not to be public.

extern BOOL HTRequest_addDestination (HTRequest * src, HTRequest * dest);
extern BOOL HTRequest_removeDestination	(HTRequest * dest);
extern BOOL HTRequest_destinationsReady (HTRequest * me);

extern BOOL HTRequest_linkDestination (HTRequest * dest);
extern BOOL HTRequest_unlinkDestination (HTRequest * dest);

extern BOOL HTRequest_removePostWeb (HTRequest * me);
extern BOOL HTRequest_killPostWeb (HTRequest * me);

#define	HTRequest_mainDestination(me) \
	((me) && (me)->source ? (me)->source->mainDestination : NULL)
#define HTRequest_isDestination(me) \
	((me) && (me)->source && (me) != (me)->source)
#define HTRequest_isMainDestination(me) \
	((me) && (me)->source && \
	(me) == (me)->source->mainDestination)
#define HTRequest_isSource(me) \
	((me) && (me)->source && (me) == (me)->source)

End of Declaration

#endif /* HTREQMAN_H */

@(#) $Id: HTReqMan.html,v 2.38 1997/11/26 16:05:45 frystyk Exp $