Annotation of libwww/Library/src/HTReq.html, revision 2.67

2.1       frystyk     1: <HTML>
                      2: <HEAD>
2.40      frystyk     3:   <!-- Changed by: Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, 15-Jul-1996 -->
2.51      frystyk     4:   <TITLE>W3C Sample Code Library libwww Request Class</TITLE>
2.1       frystyk     5: </HEAD>
                      6: <BODY>
2.30      frystyk     7: <H1>
                      8:   The Request Class
                      9: </H1>
2.1       frystyk    10: <PRE>
                     11: /*
                     12: **     (c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
                     13: **     Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.
                     14: */
                     15: </PRE>
                     16: <P>
2.31      frystyk    17: Libwww is based on a request/response paradigm and the Request class defines
                     18: "<I>an operation to be performed on a URL</I>". The request object is the
                     19: main entry point for an application to issue a request to the Library - all
                     20: operations on a URL <I>must</I> use a Request object. The request object
                     21: is application independent in that both servers and clients use the same
                     22: Request class. Examples of requests passed to the Library are a client
                     23: application issuing a <B>GET</B> request on a HTTP URL, or a server issuing
                     24: a load on a local file URL. The only difference is that the client gets the
                     25: input from a user whereas the server gets the input via the network.
                     26: <P>
                     27: A request object is created with a default set of parameters which are applicable
                     28: for many URL requests but the class defines a huge set of methods that an
                     29: be used to customize a request for a particular purpose. Example of things
                     30: that you can define is natural language, media types, what RFC 822 headers
                     31: to use, whether the request should be refreshed from cache etc. Scroll down
                     32: and see the set of parameters you can tune.
                     33: <P>
                     34: A request object is registered in the library by issuing an operation on
                     35: a URL - for example <B>PUT</B>, <B>POST</B>, or <B>DELETE</B>. You can find
                     36: many higher level "request issuing functions" in the
                     37: <A HREF="HTAccess.html">Access module</A> - the methods defined by the Request
                     38: class itself are very low level but can of course be used directly if needed.
                     39: <P>
                     40: Whereas the lifetime of the URL (in form of an anchor) often is very long
                     41: (for example as long as the application is running), the lifetime of a request
                     42: is limited to the time it takes to service the request. The core does not
                     43: automatically delete any request object created by the application - it is
                     44: for the application to do. In many cases a request object can be deleted
                     45: when any of the <A HREF="HTNet.html#callout">termination callback functions</A>
                     46: are called but the application may keep request objects around longer than
                     47: that
                     48: <P>
                     49: The Library can accept an unlimited number of simultaneous requests passed
                     50: by the application. One of the main functions of the Library core is to handle
                     51: any number of ongoing requests in an intelligent manner by limiting the number
                     52: of active request to the fit the available resources as defined by the
                     53: application. This is described in more detail in the <A HREF="HTNet.html">HTNet
                     54: module</A>.
2.30      frystyk    55: <P>
                     56: This module is implemented by <A HREF="HTReqMan.c">HTReqMan.c</A>, and it
2.56      frystyk    57: is a part of the <A HREF=""> W3C Sample Code
2.30      frystyk    58: Library</A>.
2.1       frystyk    59: <PRE>
                     60: #ifndef HTREQ_H
                     61: #define HTREQ_H
2.20      frystyk    63: typedef long HTRequestID;
2.1       frystyk    64: typedef struct _HTRequest HTRequest;
2.29      frystyk    66: #include "HTEvent.h"
2.1       frystyk    67: #include "HTList.h"
2.23      frystyk    68: #include "HTAssoc.h"
2.1       frystyk    69: #include "HTFormat.h"
                     70: #include "HTStream.h"
2.10      frystyk    71: #include "HTError.h"
2.1       frystyk    72: #include "HTNet.h"
2.31      frystyk    73: #include "HTUser.h"
2.47      frystyk    74: #include "HTResponse.h"
2.1       frystyk    75: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk    76: <H2>
2.66      frystyk    77:   <A NAME="Creation">Creation and Deletion Methods</A>
2.30      frystyk    78: </H2>
                     79: <P>
                     80: The request object is intended to live as long as the request is still active,
2.31      frystyk    81: but can be deleted as soon as it has terminated, for example in one of the
2.30      frystyk    82: request termination callback functions as described in the
                     83: <A HREF="HTNet.html">Net Manager</A>. Only the anchor object stays around
                     84: after the request itself is terminated.
                     85: <H3>
                     86:   Create new Object
                     87: </H3>
                     88: <P>
                     89: Creates a new request object with a default set of options -- in most cases
                     90: it will need some information added which can be done using the methods in
                     91: this module, but it will work as is for a simple request.
2.1       frystyk    92: <PRE>
                     93: extern HTRequest * HTRequest_new (void);
2.22      frystyk    94: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk    95: <H3>
                     96:   Clear a Request Object
                     97: </H3>
                     98: <P>
                     99: Clears all protocol specific information so that the request object can be
                    100: used for another request. It should be use with care as application specific
                    101: information is <B>not</B> re-initialized. Returns YES if OK, else NO.
2.22      frystyk   102: <PRE>
                    103: extern BOOL HTRequest_clear (HTRequest * me);
2.1       frystyk   104: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk   105: <H3>
                    106:   Create a duplicate
                    107: </H3>
                    108: <P>
                    109: Creates a new HTRequest object as a duplicate of the src request. Returns
                    110: YES if OK, else NO
2.14      frystyk   111: <PRE>
                    112: extern HTRequest * HTRequest_dup (HTRequest * src);
                    113: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk   114: <H4>
                    115:   Create a duplicate for Internal use
                    116: </H4>
                    117: <P>
                    118: Creates a new HTRequest object as a duplicate of the src request. The difference
                    119: to the HTRequest_dup function is that we don't copy the error_stack and other
                    120: information that the application keeps in its copy of the request object.
                    121: Otherwise it will be freed multiple times. Returns YES if OK, else NO
2.19      frystyk   122: <PRE>
                    123: extern HTRequest * HTRequest_dupInternal (HTRequest * src);
2.66      frystyk   124: 
                    125: extern BOOL HTRequest_setInternal (HTRequest * request, BOOL mode);
                    126: extern BOOL HTRequest_internal (HTRequest * request);
2.19      frystyk   127: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk   128: <H3>
                    129:   Delete Object
                    130: </H3>
                    131: <P>
2.1       frystyk   132: This function deletes the object and cleans up the memory.
                    133: <PRE>
                    134: extern void HTRequest_delete (HTRequest * request);
                    135: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk   136: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   137:   <A NAME="Issuing">Issuing a Request</A>
2.31      frystyk   138: </H2>
                    139: <P>
2.66      frystyk   140: These are the "<I>basic request methods</I>" provided directly by the Request
                    141: class. This is a very low level API as the caller must have set up the request
                    142: object before passing it to libwww. There are two versions: one for issuing
                    143: client requests and one for issuing server requests. You will probably most
                    144: often use the client version but libwww can in fact also deal with incoming
                    145: connections. You can find many higher level issuing functions in the
                    146: <A HREF="HTAccess.html">HTAccess module</A>. If you like, you can of course
                    147: use this directly!
                    148: <PRE>
                    149: extern BOOL HTLoad (HTRequest * request, BOOL recursive);
                    150: extern BOOL HTServe(HTRequest * request, BOOL recursive);
                    151: </PRE>
                    152: <H2>
                    153:   <A NAME="Killing">Killing a Request</A>
                    154: </H2>
                    155: <P>
                    156: This function kills this particular request, see <A HREF="HTNet.html">HTNet
                    157: module</A> for a function that kills them all. If you know that you are
                    158: pipelining requests (typically the case for GUI browsers, robots etc.) then
                    159: it is often not enough to just kill a single request as the whole pipeline
                    160: gets affected. Therefore, in that case you MUST call the
                    161: <TT><A HREF="HTHost.html#Pipeline">HTHost_killPipe</A></TT> function instead,
                    162: <PRE>
                    163: extern BOOL HTRequest_kill(HTRequest * request);
                    164: </PRE>
                    165: <P>
                    166: Note that you can get to the HTHost object via the <A HREF="HTNet.html">HTNet
                    167: object</A> which you can <A HREF="#HTNet">get by calling
                    168: HTRequest_net(...)</A>.
                    169: <H2>
                    170:   <A NAME="Relations">Relations to Other Libwww Objects</A>
                    171: </H2>
                    172: <P>
                    173: The Request object is linked to a set of other libwww objects - here's how
                    174: to get to these objects...
                    175: <H3>
                    176:   <A NAME="Anchor">Binding to an Anchor Object</A>
                    177: </H3>
                    178: <P>
                    179: Every request object has an <A HREF="HTAnchor.html">anchor</A> associated
                    180: with it. The anchor normally lives until the application terminates but a
                    181: request object only lives as long as the request is being serviced. If the
                    182: anchor that we have requested is infact a child anchor then we always load
                    183: the parent anchor and then after the load jump to the location. A child anchor
                    184: is a an anchor which points to a subpart of the document (has a "#" in the
                    185: URL).
                    186: <PRE>
                    187: extern void HTRequest_setAnchor (HTRequest *request, HTAnchor *anchor);
                    188: extern HTParentAnchor * HTRequest_anchor (HTRequest *request);
                    190: extern HTChildAnchor * HTRequest_childAnchor (HTRequest * request);
                    191: </PRE>
                    192: <H3>
                    193:   <A NAME="User">Binding to a User Profile</A>
                    194: </H3>
                    195: <P>
                    196: Each request is associated with a <A HREF="HTUser.html">User profile</A>
                    197: which contains information about the local host name, email address of the
                    198: user, news server etc. A request object is created with a default "generic
                    199: user" but can be assigned a specific user at any time.
                    200: <PRE>
                    201: extern BOOL HTRequest_setUserProfile (HTRequest * request, HTUserProfile * up);
                    202: extern HTUserProfile * HTRequest_userProfile (HTRequest * request);
                    203: </PRE>
                    204: <H3>
                    205:   <A NAME="HTNet">Binding to a Net Object</A>
                    206: </H3>
                    207: <P>
                    208: If a request is actually going on the net then the <A HREF="HTNet.html">Net
                    209: Manager</A> is contacted to handle the request. The Net manager creates a
                    210: HTNEt object and links it to the Request object. You can get to the HTNet
                    211: object using the following functions.
                    212: <PRE>
                    213: extern HTNet * HTRequest_net (HTRequest * request);
                    214: extern BOOL HTRequest_setNet (HTRequest * request, HTNet * net);
                    215: </PRE>
                    216: <P>
                    217: Note that you can go from the HTNet object to the
                    218: <A HREF="HTHost.html">HTHost</A> object by calling <TT>HTNet_host(...)</TT>.
                    219: <H3>
                    220:   <A NAME="Response">Binding to a Response Object</A>
                    221: </H3>
                    222: <P>
                    223: If a request is actually going on the net and we are getting a response back
                    224: then we also create a <A HREF="HTResponse.html">HTResponse object</A> and
                    225: bind it to the request object. Once we know what to do with the response,
                    226: we may transfer the information to the anchor object.
2.47      frystyk   227: <PRE>
2.66      frystyk   228: extern HTResponse * HTRequest_response (HTRequest * request);
                    229: extern BOOL HTRequest_setResponse (HTRequest * request, HTResponse * response);
2.31      frystyk   230: </PRE>
                    231: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   232:   <A NAME="Method">Set the Method for the Request</A>
2.30      frystyk   233: </H2>
                    234: <P>
                    235: The Method is the operation to be executed on the requested object. The default
                    236: set if the set of operations defined by the HTTP protocol, that is "GET",
                    237: "HEAD", "PUT", "POST", "LINK", "UNLINK", and "DELETE" but many of these can
                    238: be used in other protocols as well. The important thing is to think of the
                    239: requested element as an object on which you want to perform an operation.
                    240: Then it is for the specific protocol implementation to try and carry this
                    241: operation out. However, not all operations can be implemented (or make sense)
                    242: in all protocols.
                    243: <P>
                    244: Methods are handled by the <A HREF="HTMethod.html">Method Module</A>, and
                    245: the default value is "GET".
2.1       frystyk   246: <PRE>
                    247: extern void HTRequest_setMethod (HTRequest *request, HTMethod method);
                    248: extern HTMethod HTRequest_method (HTRequest *request);
                    249: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk   250: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   251:   <A NAME="Priority">Priority Management</A>
2.45      frystyk   252: </H2>
                    253: <P>
2.47      frystyk   254: The request can be assigned an initial priority which then gets inherited
2.66      frystyk   255: by all <A HREF="HTNet.html">HTNet objects</A> and other requests objects
                    256: created as a result of this one. You can also assign a separate priority
                    257: to an indicidual HTNet object by using the methods in the
                    258: <A HREF="HTNet.html">Net manager</A>.
2.46      frystyk   259: <PRE>
2.47      frystyk   260: extern HTPriority HTRequest_priority (HTRequest * request);
                    261: extern BOOL HTRequest_setPriority (HTRequest * request, HTPriority priority);
2.45      frystyk   262: </PRE>
                    263: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   264:   <A NAME="Pipelining">Pipelining Managament</A>
2.50      frystyk   265: </H2>
                    266: <P>
                    267: Libwww supports HTTP/1.1 pipelining which greatly optimizes HTTP's behavior
                    268: over TCP. libwww also tries very hard to minimize the number of TCP packets
                    269: sent over the network. This is done by buffering outgoing requests until
                    270: either a minimum amount of data has been collected or a timeout causes a
                    271: flush to happen. The application can override the output buffering by explicit
                    272: request a request object to be flushed.
                    273: <PRE>
                    274: extern BOOL HTRequest_setFlush (HTRequest * me, BOOL mode);
                    275: extern BOOL HTRequest_flush (HTRequest * me);
                    276: </PRE>
2.66      frystyk   277: <H3>
                    278:   Force the Pipeline to be Flushed Immediately
                    279: </H3>
2.30      frystyk   280: <P>
2.66      frystyk   281: Forcing a fluch immediatly is slightly different as this can be done in
                    282: "retrospect". That is, if suddenly the application decides on performing
                    283: a flush after the request was initiated then it can use this function to
                    284: flush at a later time.
2.1       frystyk   285: <PRE>
2.66      frystyk   286: extern int HTRequest_forceFlush (HTRequest * request);
2.45      frystyk   287: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk   288: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   289:   <A NAME="Error">Dealing with Request Error Messages</A>
2.44      frystyk   290: </H2>
                    291: <P>
2.47      frystyk   292: Errors are like almost anything kept in lists and a error list can be associated
                    293: with a request using the following functions. In order to make life easier,
                    294: there are also some easy mapping functions to the
                    295: <A HREF="HTError.html">HTError object</A>, so that you can add an error directly
                    296: to a request object.
2.44      frystyk   297: <PRE>
2.47      frystyk   298: extern HTList * HTRequest_error (HTRequest * request);
                    299: extern void HTRequest_setError (HTRequest * request, HTList * list);
2.55      frystyk   300: extern void HTRequest_deleteAllErrors (HTRequest * request);
2.45      frystyk   301: </PRE>
                    302: <P>
2.47      frystyk   303: These are the cover functions that go directly to the
                    304: <A HREF="HTError.html">Error Object</A>
2.46      frystyk   305: <PRE>
2.47      frystyk   306: extern BOOL HTRequest_addError (HTRequest *    request,
                    307:                                HTSeverity      severity,
                    308:                                BOOL            ignore,
                    309:                                int             element,
                    310:                                void *          par,
                    311:                                unsigned int    length,
                    312:                                char *          where);
                    314: extern BOOL HTRequest_addSystemError (HTRequest *      request,
                    315:                                      HTSeverity        severity,
                    316:                                      int               errornumber,
                    317:                                      BOOL              ignore,
                    318:                                      char *            syscall);
2.46      frystyk   319: </PRE>
                    320: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   321:   <A NAME="MaxRetry">Max number of Retrys for a Down Load</A>
2.46      frystyk   322: </H2>
2.30      frystyk   323: <P>
2.1       frystyk   324: Automatic reload can happen in two situations:
                    325: <UL>
2.30      frystyk   326:   <LI>
                    327:     The server sends a redirection response
                    328:   <LI>
                    329:     The document has expired
2.1       frystyk   330: </UL>
2.30      frystyk   331: <P>
                    332: In order to avoid the Library going into an infinite loop, it is necessary
                    333: to keep track of the number of automatic reloads. Loops can occur if the
                    334: server has a reload to the same document or if the server sends back a Expires
                    335: header which has already expired. The default maximum number of automatic
                    336: reloads is 6.
2.1       frystyk   337: <PRE>
                    338: extern BOOL HTRequest_setMaxRetry (int newmax);
                    339: extern int  HTRequest_maxRetry (void);
2.41      frystyk   340: 
                    341: extern int HTRequest_retrys (HTRequest * request);
                    342: extern BOOL HTRequest_doRetry (HTRequest *request);
2.44      frystyk   343: extern BOOL HTRequest_addRetry (HTRequest * request);
2.62      kahan     344: 
                    345: extern int HTRequest_AAretrys (HTRequest * request);
                    346: extern BOOL HTRequest_addAARetry (HTRequest * request);
2.1       frystyk   347: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk   348: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   349:   <A NAME="MaxForward">Set Max Forwards for TRACE methods</A>
2.43      frystyk   350: </H2>
                    351: <P>
                    352: The <CODE>TRACE</CODE> method is used to invoke a remote, application-layer
                    353: loop-back of the request message. The final recipient of the request SHOULD
                    354: reflect the message received back to the client as the entity-body of a 200
                    355: (OK) response. The final recipient is either the origin server or the first
                    356: proxy or gateway to receive a Max-Forwards value of zero (0) in the request.
                    357: A <CODE>TRACE</CODE> request <I>MUST NOT</I> include an entity.
                    358: <PRE>extern BOOL HTRequest_setMaxForwards (HTRequest * request, int maxforwards);
                    359: extern int HTRequest_maxForwards (HTRequest * request);
                    360: </PRE>
                    361: <H2>
2.60      frystyk   362:   <A NAME="preemptive">Preemptive or Non-preemptive Access</A>
2.46      frystyk   363: </H2>
                    364: <P>
2.47      frystyk   365: A access scheme is defined with a default for using either preemptive (blocking
                    366: I/O) or non-premitve (non-blocking I/O). This is basically a result of the
                    367: implementation of the protocol module itself. However, if non-blocking I/O
                    368: is the default then some times it is nice to be able to set the mode to blocking
                    369: instead. For example when loading the first document (the home page) then
                    370: blocking can be used instead of non-blocking.
2.46      frystyk   371: <PRE>
2.47      frystyk   372: extern void HTRequest_setPreemptive (HTRequest *request, BOOL mode);
                    373: extern BOOL HTRequest_preemptive (HTRequest *request);
2.46      frystyk   374: </PRE>
                    375: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   376:   <A NAME="conneg">Content Negotiation</A>
2.30      frystyk   377: </H2>
                    378: <P>
2.47      frystyk   379: When accessing the local file system, the Library is capable of performing
                    380: content negotioation as described by the HTTP protocol. This is mainly for
                    381: server applications, but some client applications might also want to use
                    382: content negotiation when accessing the local file system. This method enables
                    383: or disables content negotiation - the default value is <EM>ON</EM>.
2.1       frystyk   384: <PRE>
2.47      frystyk   385: extern void HTRequest_setNegotiation (HTRequest *request, BOOL mode);
                    386: extern BOOL HTRequest_negotiation (HTRequest *request);
2.1       frystyk   387: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk   388: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   389:   <A NAME="Preconditions">Request Preconditions (HTTP If-* Headers)</A>
2.57      frystyk   390: </H2>
2.64      frystyk   391: <P>
                    392: Should this request use preconditions when doing a <TT>PUT</TT> or a
                    393: <TT>POST</TT>? These are the "<TT>if-*</TT>" header fields that can be used
                    394: to avoid version conflicts etc. The default is not to use any preconsitions
                    395: (<TT>HT_NO_MATCH</TT>). The <TT>_THIS</TT> versions use etags and/or time
                    396: stamps and the <TT>_ANY</TT> versions use the "<TT>*</TT>" header field value
                    397: of the <TT>if-match</TT> and <TT>if-non-match</TT> header fields.
                    398: <PRE>typedef enum _HTPreconditions {
                    399:     HT_NO_MATCH = 0,
                    400:     HT_MATCH_THIS,
                    401:     HT_MATCH_ANY,
                    402:     HT_DONT_MATCH_THIS,
                    403:     HT_DONT_MATCH_ANY
                    404: } HTPreconditions;
                    406: extern void HTRequest_setPreconditions (HTRequest * me, HTPreconditions mode);
                    407: extern HTPreconditions HTRequest_preconditions (HTRequest * me);
2.57      frystyk   408: </PRE>
                    409: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   410:   <A NAME="Parsers">Local MIME header Parsers</A>
2.30      frystyk   411: </H2>
                    412: <P>
2.66      frystyk   413: MIMEParsers get their own type which is optimized for static and regex parser
                    414: strings.
                    415: <PRE>
                    416: typedef struct _HTMIMEParseSet HTMIMEParseSet;
                    417: extern void HTRequest_setMIMEParseSet (HTRequest *request,
                    418:                                       HTMIMEParseSet * parseSet, BOOL local);
                    419: extern HTMIMEParseSet * HTRequest_MIMEParseSet (HTRequest *request,
                    420:                                              BOOL * pLocal);
                    421: </PRE>
                    422: <H2>
                    423:   <A NAME="default">Which Default Protocol Header Fields To Use?</A>
                    424: </H2>
                    425: <P>
                    426: Libwww supports a large set of headers that can be sent along with a request
                    427: (or a response for that matter). All headers can be either disabled or enabled
                    428: using bit flags that are defined in the following. See also the
                    429: <A HREF="#extra">section on how to extend the default set of supported header
                    430: fields</A>.
2.30      frystyk   431: <H3>
                    432:   <A NAME="gnhd">General HTTP Header Mask</A>
                    433: </H3>
                    434: <P>
                    435: There are a few header fields which have general applicability for both request
                    436: and response mesages, but which do not apply to the communication parties
                    437: or theentity being transferred. This mask enables and disables these headers.
2.54      frystyk   438: If the bit is not turned on they are not sent.
2.1       frystyk   439: <PRE>
                    440: typedef enum _HTGnHd {
2.45      frystyk   441:     HT_G_CC             = 0x1,
                    442:     HT_G_CONNECTION    = 0x2,
                    443:     HT_G_DATE          = 0x4,
                    444:     HT_G_PRAGMA_NO_CACHE= 0x8,
                    445:     HT_G_FORWARDED     = 0x10,
                    446:     HT_G_MESSAGE_ID    = 0x20,
2.53      frystyk   447:     HT_G_MIME          = 0x40,
2.54      frystyk   448:     HT_G_TRAILER        = 0x80,
2.66      frystyk   449:     HT_G_TRANSFER       = 0x100,
                    450:     HT_G_EXTRA_HEADERS  = 0x200
2.1       frystyk   451: } HTGnHd;
2.54      frystyk   453: #define DEFAULT_GENERAL_HEADERS        \
2.66      frystyk   454:         HT_G_CONNECTION + HT_G_CC + HT_G_TRANSFER + HT_G_TRAILER + \
                    455:         HT_G_EXTRA_HEADERS
2.1       frystyk   456: 
                    457: extern void HTRequest_setGnHd (HTRequest *request, HTGnHd gnhd);
                    458: extern void HTRequest_addGnHd (HTRequest *request, HTGnHd gnhd);
                    459: extern HTGnHd HTRequest_gnHd (HTRequest *request);
                    460: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk   461: <H3>
                    462:   <A NAME="rqhd">Request Headers</A>
                    463: </H3>
                    464: <P>
                    465: The request header fields allow the client to pass additional information
                    466: about the request (and about the client itself) to the server. All headers
                    467: are optional but the default value is all request headers if present
                    468: <EM>except</EM> <CODE>From</CODE> and <CODE>Pragma</CODE>.
2.1       frystyk   469: <PRE>
                    470: typedef enum _HTRqHd {
2.16      frystyk   471:     HT_C_ACCEPT_TYPE   = 0x1,
                    472:     HT_C_ACCEPT_CHAR   = 0x2,
                    473:     HT_C_ACCEPT_ENC    = 0x4,
2.53      frystyk   474:     HT_C_ACCEPT_TE     = 0x8,
                    475:     HT_C_ACCEPT_LAN    = 0x10,
                    476:     HT_C_AUTH          = 0x20,             /* Includes proxy authentication */
                    477:     HT_C_EXPECT         = 0x40,
                    478:     HT_C_FROM          = 0x80,
                    479:     HT_C_HOST          = 0x100,
                    480:     HT_C_IMS           = 0x200,
                    481:     HT_C_IF_MATCH      = 0x400,
2.64      frystyk   482:     HT_C_IF_MATCH_ANY  = 0x800,
2.63      frystyk   483:     HT_C_IF_NONE_MATCH = 0x1000,
2.64      frystyk   484:     HT_C_IF_NONE_MATCH_ANY=0x2000,
2.63      frystyk   485:     HT_C_IF_RANGE      = 0x4000,
                    486:     HT_C_IF_UNMOD_SINCE        = 0x8000,
                    487:     HT_C_MAX_FORWARDS  = 0x10000,
                    488:     HT_C_RANGE         = 0x20000,
                    489:     HT_C_REFERER       = 0x40000,
                    490:     HT_C_USER_AGENT    = 0x80000
2.1       frystyk   491: } HTRqHd;
2.16      frystyk   493: #define DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS        \
2.37      frystyk   494:        HT_C_ACCEPT_TYPE + HT_C_ACCEPT_CHAR + \
2.53      frystyk   495:        HT_C_ACCEPT_ENC + HT_C_ACCEPT_TE + HT_C_ACCEPT_LAN + HT_C_AUTH + \
                    496:         HT_C_EXPECT + HT_C_HOST + HT_C_REFERER + HT_C_USER_AGENT
2.1       frystyk   497: 
                    498: extern void HTRequest_setRqHd (HTRequest *request, HTRqHd rqhd);
                    499: extern void HTRequest_addRqHd (HTRequest *request, HTRqHd rqhd);
                    500: extern HTRqHd HTRequest_rqHd (HTRequest *request);
                    501: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk   502: <H3>
                    503:   <A NAME="rshd">Response Headers</A>
                    504: </H3>
                    505: <P>
                    506: The response header fields allow the server to pass additional information
                    507: about the response (and about the server itself) to the client. All headers
                    508: are optional.
2.16      frystyk   509: <PRE>
                    510: typedef enum _HTRsHd {
2.37      frystyk   511:     HT_S_AGE           = 0x1,
                    512:     HT_S_LOCATION      = 0x2,
                    513:     HT_S_PROXY_AUTH    = 0x4,
                    514:     HT_S_PUBLIC        = 0x8,
                    515:     HT_S_RETRY_AFTER   = 0x10,
                    516:     HT_S_SERVER                = 0x20,
                    517:     HT_S_VARY          = 0x40,
                    518:     HT_S_WARNING       = 0x80,
2.53      frystyk   519:     HT_S_WWW_AUTH      = 0x100,
                    520:     HT_S_TRAILER        = 0x200
2.16      frystyk   521: } HTRsHd;
                    523: #define DEFAULT_RESPONSE_HEADERS HT_S_SERVER
                    525: extern void HTRequest_setRsHd (HTRequest * request, HTRsHd rshd);
                    526: extern void HTRequest_addRsHd (HTRequest * request, HTRsHd rshd);
2.17      frystyk   527: extern HTRsHd HTRequest_rsHd (HTRequest * request);
2.16      frystyk   528: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk   529: <H3>
                    530:   <A NAME="enhd">Entity Header Mask</A>
                    531: </H3>
                    532: <P>
                    533: The entity headers contain information about the object sent in the HTTP
                    534: transaction. See the <A HREF="HTAnchor.html">Anchor module</A>, for the storage
                    535: of entity headers. This flag defines which headers are to be sent in a request
                    536: together with an entity body. All headers are optional but the default value
                    537: is <EM>ALL ENTITY HEADERS IF PRESENT</EM>
2.1       frystyk   538: <PRE>
                    539: typedef enum _HTEnHd {
2.37      frystyk   540:     HT_E_ALLOW                 = 0x1,
                    541:     HT_E_CONTENT_BASE          = 0x2,
                    542:     HT_E_CONTENT_ENCODING      = 0x4,
                    543:     HT_E_CONTENT_LANGUAGE      = 0x8,
                    544:     HT_E_CONTENT_LENGTH                = 0x10,
                    545:     HT_E_CONTENT_LOCATION      = 0x20,
                    546:     HT_E_CONTENT_MD5           = 0x40,
                    547:     HT_E_CONTENT_RANGE         = 0x80,
                    548:     HT_E_CTE                   = 0x100,        /* Content-Transfer-Encoding */
                    549:     HT_E_CONTENT_TYPE          = 0x200,
                    550:     HT_E_DERIVED_FROM          = 0x400,
                    551:     HT_E_ETAG                  = 0x800,
                    552:     HT_E_EXPIRES               = 0x1000,
                    553:     HT_E_LAST_MODIFIED         = 0x2000,
                    554:     HT_E_LINK                  = 0x4000,
                    555:     HT_E_TITLE                 = 0x8000,
                    556:     HT_E_URI                   = 0x10000,
                    557:     HT_E_VERSION               = 0x20000
2.1       frystyk   558: } HTEnHd;
2.66      frystyk   560: #define DEFAULT_ENTITY_HEADERS         0xFFFFFFFF                    /* all */
2.1       frystyk   561: 
                    562: extern void HTRequest_setEnHd (HTRequest *request, HTEnHd enhd);
                    563: extern void HTRequest_addEnHd (HTRequest *request, HTEnHd enhd);
                    564: extern HTEnHd HTRequest_enHd (HTRequest *request);
                    565: </PRE>
2.47      frystyk   566: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   567:   <A NAME="extra">Extending The Default Set Of Header Fields</A>
2.47      frystyk   568: </H2>
2.37      frystyk   569: <P>
2.66      frystyk   570: See also how to <A HREF="#default">set up default header fields</A>. There
                    571: are three ways to extend the set of headers that are sent in a request:
                    572: <OL>
                    573:   <LI>
                    574:     A simple <A HREF="HTAssoc.html">association list</A>
                    575:   <LI>
                    576:     A <A HREF="HTHeader.html">stream oriented approach where the stream (called
                    577:     a generator)</A> has direct access to the outgoing stream. That it, it can
                    578:     add any header it likes.
                    579:   <LI>
                    580:     <A HREF="/Protocols/HTTP/ietf-http-ext/">HTTP extension mechanism</A> which
                    581:     is a much better way for handling extensions.
                    582: </OL>
                    583: <H3>
                    584:   1) Simple Association List
                    585: </H3>
                    586: <P>
                    587: Add the (name, value) and it will be converted into MIME header format as
                    588: name: value. Do NOT add <TT>CRLF</TT> line termination - this is done by
                    589: the HTTP header generator stream
                    590: <PRE>
                    591: extern BOOL HTRequest_addExtraHeader       (HTRequest * request,
                    592:                                             char * token, char * value);
                    593: extern HTAssocList * HTRequest_extraHeader (HTRequest * request);
                    594: extern BOOL HTRequest_deleteExtraHeaderAll (HTRequest * request);
                    595: </PRE>
                    596: <H3>
                    597:   2) Stream Oriented Header Generators
                    598: </H3>
                    599: <P>
                    600: Extra header information can be send along with a request using
                    601: <A HREF="HTHeader.html">header generators</A>. The text is sent as is so
                    602: it must be preformatted with <TT>CRLF</TT> line terminators. You can also
                    603: register <A HREF="HTHeader.html">MIME header parsers</A> using the HTHeader
                    604: module.
                    605: <PRE>
                    606: extern void HTRequest_setGenerator (HTRequest *request, HTList *gens,
                    607:                                     BOOL override);
                    608: extern HTList * HTRequest_generator (HTRequest *request, BOOL *override);
                    609: </PRE>
                    610: <H3>
                    611:   3) HTTP Extension Framework
                    612: </H3>
                    613: <P>
                    614: These association lists contain the information that we are to send as HTTP
                    615: Extension Framework. This is not done yet but you can find some hints in
                    616: the PEP module
2.34      eric      617: <PRE>
2.66      frystyk   618: /* TBD */
2.34      eric      619: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk   620: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   621:   <A NAME="Accept">User And Application Preferences Using Accept Headers</A>
2.47      frystyk   622: </H2>
                    623: <P>
                    624: The Accept family of headers is an important part of HTTP handling the format
                    625: negotiation. The Library supports both a global set of accept headers that
                    626: are used in <EM>all</EM> HTTP requests and a local set of accept headers
                    627: that are used in specific requests only. The global ones are defined in the
                    628: <A HREF="HTFormat.html">Format Manager</A>.
                    629: <P>
                    630: Each request can have its local set of accept headers that either are added
                    631: to the global set or replaces the global set of accept headers. Non of the
                    632: headers <EM>have</EM> to be set. If the global set is sufficient for all
                    633: requests then this us perfectly fine. If the parameter "override" is set
                    634: then only local accept headers are used, else <EM>both</EM> local and global
                    635: headers are used.
                    636: <H3>
                    637:   Content Types
                    638: </H3>
                    639: <P>
                    640: The <EM>local</EM> list of specific conversions which the format manager
                    641: can do in order to fulfill the request. It typically points to a list set
                    642: up on initialisation time for example by <A HREF="HTInit.html">HTInit()</A>.
                    643: There is also a <A HREF="HTFormat.html#z17"><EM>global</EM></A> list of
                    644: conversions which contains a generic set of possible conversions.
                    645: <PRE>
                    646: extern void HTRequest_setConversion (HTRequest *request, HTList *type, BOOL override);
                    647: extern HTList * HTRequest_conversion (HTRequest *request);
                    648: </PRE>
                    649: <H3>
                    650:   Content Encodings
                    651: </H3>
                    652: <P>
                    653: The list of encodings acceptable in the output stream.
                    654: <PRE>
                    655: extern void HTRequest_setEncoding (HTRequest *request, HTList *enc, BOOL override);
                    656: extern HTList * HTRequest_encoding (HTRequest *request);
                    657: </PRE>
                    658: <H3>
2.53      frystyk   659:   Transfer Encodings
2.47      frystyk   660: </H3>
                    661: <P>
                    662: The list of transfer encodings acceptable in the output stream.
                    663: <PRE>
2.53      frystyk   664: extern void HTRequest_setTransfer (HTRequest *request, HTList *te, BOOL override);
2.47      frystyk   665: extern HTList * HTRequest_transfer (HTRequest *request);
                    666: </PRE>
                    667: <H3>
                    668:   Content Languages
                    669: </H3>
                    670: <P>
                    671: The list of (human) language values acceptable in the response. The default
                    672: is all languages.
                    673: <PRE>
                    674: extern void HTRequest_setLanguage (HTRequest *request, HTList *lang, BOOL override);
                    675: extern HTList * HTRequest_language (HTRequest *request);
                    676: </PRE>
                    677: <H3>
                    678:   Content Charsets
                    679: </H3>
                    680: <P>
                    681: The list of charsets accepted by the application
                    682: <PRE>
                    683: extern void HTRequest_setCharset (HTRequest *request, HTList *charset, BOOL override);
                    684: extern HTList * HTRequest_charset (HTRequest *request);
                    685: </PRE>
                    686: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   687:   <A NAME="Cache">HTTP Cache Validation and Cache Control</A>
2.47      frystyk   688: </H2>
                    689: <P>
                    690: The Library has two concepts of caching: in memory and on file. When loading
                    691: a document, this flag can be set in order to define who can give a response
                    692: to the request. The mempory buffer is considered to be equivalent to a history
                    693: buffer. That is, it doesn't not follow the same expiration mechanism that
                    694: is characteristic for a persistent file cache.
                    695: <P>
                    696: You can also set the cache to run in disconnected mode - see the
                    697: <A HREF="HTCache.html">Cache manager</A> for more details on how to do this.
                    698: <PRE>
                    699: typedef enum _HTReload {
                    700:     HT_CACHE_OK                    = 0x0,              /* Use any version available */
                    701:     HT_CACHE_FLUSH_MEM     = 0x1,      /* Reload from file cache or network */
                    702:     HT_CACHE_VALIDATE      = 0x2,                   /* Validate cache entry */
                    703:     HT_CACHE_END_VALIDATE   = 0x4,                  /* End to end validation */
                    704:     HT_CACHE_RANGE_VALIDATE = 0x8,
2.52      frystyk   705:     HT_CACHE_FLUSH         = 0x10,                     /* Force full reload */
                    706:     HT_CACHE_ERROR          = 0x20         /* An error occurred in the cache */
2.47      frystyk   707: } HTReload;
                    709: extern void HTRequest_setReloadMode (HTRequest *request, HTReload mode);
                    710: extern HTReload HTRequest_reloadMode (HTRequest *request);
                    711: </PRE>
2.67    ! kahan     712: <H2>
        !           713:   Default PUT name
        !           714: </H2>
        !           715: <P>
        !           716: When publishing to a server which doesn't accept a URL ending in "/", e.g,
        !           717: the default Overview, index page, you can use
        !           718: <CODE>HTRequest_setAltPutName</CODE> to setup the intended URL. If this
        !           719: variable is defined, it'll be used during the cache lookup and update
        !           720: operationsm, so that cache-wise, it will look as if we had published
        !           721: only to "/".
        !           722: <PRE>
        !           723: extern char * HTRequest_defaultPutName (HTRequest * me);
        !           724: extern BOOL HTRequest_setDefaultPutName (HTRequest * me, char * name);
        !           725: extern BOOL HTRequest_deleteDefaultPutName (HTRequest * me);
        !           726: </PRE>
2.47      frystyk   727: <H3>
                    728:   HTTP Cache Control Directives
                    729: </H3>
                    730: <P>
                    731: The cache control directives are all part of the cache control header and
                    732: control the behavior of any intermediate cache between the user agent and
                    733: the origin server. This association list is a list of the connection control
                    734: directives that are to be sent as part of the <CODE>Cache-Control</CODE>
                    735: header.
                    736: <PRE>
                    737: extern BOOL HTRequest_addCacheControl        (HTRequest * request,
                    738:                                               char * token, char *value);
                    739: extern BOOL HTRequest_deleteCacheControlAll  (HTRequest * request);
                    740: extern HTAssocList * HTRequest_cacheControl  (HTRequest * request);
                    741: </PRE>
2.66      frystyk   742: <H2>
                    743:   <A NAME="Date">Date and Time Stamp when Request was Issued</A>
                    744: </H2>
                    745: <P>
                    746: The start time when the request was issued may be of value to the cache
                    747: validation mechanism as described by the HTTP/1.1 specification. The value
                    748: is automatically set when creating the request headers and sending off the
                    749: request. The time is a local time.
                    750: <PRE>
                    751: extern time_t HTRequest_date  (HTRequest * request);
                    752: extern BOOL HTRequest_setDate (HTRequest * request, time_t date);
                    753: </PRE>
                    754: <H2>
                    755:   <A NAME="Expect">HTTP Expect Directives</A>
                    756: </H2>
2.64      frystyk   757: <P>
                    758: The Expect request-header field is used to indicate that particular server
                    759: behaviors are required by the client. A server that does not understand or
                    760: is unable to comply with any of the expectation values in the Expect field
                    761: of a request MUST respond with appropriate error status.
2.53      frystyk   762: <PRE>
                    763: extern BOOL HTRequest_addExpect (HTRequest * me,
                    764:                                 char * token, char * value);
                    765: extern BOOL HTRequest_deleteExpect (HTRequest * me);
                    766: extern HTAssocList * HTRequest_expect (HTRequest * me);
                    767: </PRE>
2.66      frystyk   768: <H2>
                    769:   <A NAME="Partial">Partial Requests and Range Retrievals</A>
                    770: </H2>
2.47      frystyk   771: <P>
                    772: Libwww can issue range requests in case we have already obtained a part of
                    773: the entity body. Since all HTTP entities are represented in HTTP messages
                    774: as sequences of bytes, the concept of a byte range is meaningful for any
                    775: HTTP entity. (However, not all clients and servers need to support byte-range
                    776: operations.) Byte range specifications in HTTP apply to the sequence of bytes
                    777: in the entity-body (not necessarily the same as the message-body). A byte
                    778: range operation may specify a single range of bytes, or a set of ranges within
                    779: a single entity.
                    780: <PRE>
                    781: extern BOOL HTRequest_addRange       (HTRequest * request,
                    782:                                       char * unit, char * range);
                    783: extern BOOL HTRequest_deleteRangeAll (HTRequest * request);
                    784: extern HTAssocList * HTRequest_range (HTRequest * request);
                    785: </PRE>
                    786: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   787:   <A NAME="Connection">HTTP Connection Control Request Directives</A>
2.47      frystyk   788: </H2>
                    789: <P>
                    790: The connection control directives are all part of the connection header and
                    791: control the behavior of this connection. This association list is a list
                    792: of the connection control directives that are to be sent as part of the
                    793: <CODE>Connection</CODE> header.
                    794: <PRE>
                    795: extern BOOL HTRequest_addConnection        (HTRequest * request,
                    796:                                             char * token, char * value);
                    797: extern BOOL HTRequest_deleteConnection     (HTRequest * request);
                    798: extern HTAssocList * HTRequest_connection  (HTRequest * request);
                    799: </PRE>
                    800: <H2>
                    801:   <A NAME="Access">HTTP Access Authentication Credentials</A>
                    802: </H2>
                    803: <P>
                    804: When a access denied response is returned to the Library, for example from
                    805: a remote HTTP server, this code is passed back to the application. The
                    806: application can then decide whether a new request should be established or
                    807: not. These two methods return the authentication information required to
                    808: issue a new request, that is the new anchor and any list of keywords associated
                    809: with this anchor.
                    810: <PRE>
                    811: extern BOOL HTRequest_addCredentials       (HTRequest * request,
                    812:                                             char * token, char * value);
                    813: extern BOOL HTRequest_deleteCredentialsAll (HTRequest * request);
                    814: extern HTAssocList * HTRequest_credentials (HTRequest * request);
                    815: </PRE>
                    816: <H3>
                    817:   Realms
                    818: </H3>
2.64      frystyk   819: <P>
2.59      frystyk   820: The realm is normally set and used by the authentication filters.
2.47      frystyk   821: <PRE>
                    822: extern BOOL HTRequest_setRealm (HTRequest * request, char * realm);
                    823: extern const char * HTRequest_realm (HTRequest * request);
2.59      frystyk   824: extern BOOL HTRequest_deleteRealm (HTRequest * me);
2.47      frystyk   825: </PRE>
                    826: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   827:   <A NAME="Referer">HTTP Referer Field</A>
2.47      frystyk   828: </H2>
                    829: <P>
                    830: If this parameter is set then a `Referer: &lt;parent address&gt; can be generated
                    831: in the request to the server, see
2.64      frystyk   832: <A HREF="">Referer field in a HTTP Request</A>
2.47      frystyk   833: <PRE>
                    834: extern void HTRequest_setParent (HTRequest *request, HTParentAnchor *parent);
                    835: extern HTParentAnchor * HTRequest_parent (HTRequest *request);
                    836: </PRE>
                    837: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   838:   <A NAME="before">Local BEFORE and AFTER Filters</A>
2.47      frystyk   839: </H2>
                    840: <P>
                    841: The request object may have it's own before and after
                    842: <A HREF="HTFilter.html">filters</A>. These may override or suplement the
                    843: global set in <A HREF="HTNet.html">HTNet</A>. The request object itself handles
                    844: the list element, that is this should not be freed bu the caller.
                    845: <H3>
                    846:   BEFORE Filters
                    847: </H3>
                    848: <P>
                    849: The BEFORE <A HREF="HTFilter.html">filters</A> are called just after the
                    850: request has been passed to the Library but before any request is issued over
                    851: the network. A BEFORE can infact stop a request completely from being processed.
                    852: <H4>
                    853:   Add a local BEFORE Filter
                    854: </H4>
                    855: <P>
                    856: You can add a local <I>BEFORE</I> filter for a single request so that the
                    857: both the local and global <I>BEFORE</I> filters are called or you can replace
                    858: the global filters with a local set. Note that the local set can be NULL.
                    859: This can be used to effectively disable all <I>BEFORE</I> filters without
                    860: unregistering the global ones.
                    861: <PRE>
                    862: extern BOOL HTRequest_addBefore (HTRequest * request, HTNetBefore * filter,
                    863:                                 const char * tmplate, void * param,
2.48      frystyk   864:                                  HTFilterOrder order, BOOL override);
2.47      frystyk   865: extern HTList * HTRequest_before (HTRequest * request, BOOL * override);
                    866: </PRE>
                    867: <H4>
                    868:   Delete a Local BEFORE Filter
                    869: </H4>
                    870: <P>
                    871: You can delete a local BEFORE filter explicitly by passing the filter itself
                    872: or you can delete all filters which are registered for a certain status code.
                    873: <PRE>extern BOOL HTRequest_deleteBefore (HTRequest * request, HTNetBefore * filter);
                    874: extern BOOL HTRequest_deleteBeforeAll (HTRequest * request);
                    875: </PRE>
                    876: <H3>
                    877:   AFTER Filters
                    878: </H3>
                    879: <P>
                    880: You can add a local AFTER filter for a single request so that the both the
                    881: local and global AFTER filters are called or you can replace the global filters
                    882: with a local set. Note that the local set can be NULL. This can be used to
                    883: effectively disable all AFTER filters without unregistering the global ones.
                    884: <P>
                    885: AFTER filters can be registered to handle a certain set of return values
                    886: from the protocol modules, for example explicitly to handle redirection,
                    887: authentication, etc. You can find all the available codes in the HTNet object
                    888: description.
                    889: <H4>
                    890:   Add a local AFTER Filter
                    891: </H4>
                    892: <PRE>
                    893: extern BOOL HTRequest_addAfter (HTRequest * request, HTNetAfter * filter,
                    894:                                const char * tmplate, void * param,
2.48      frystyk   895:                                 int status, HTFilterOrder order,
                    896:                                 BOOL override);
2.47      frystyk   897: extern HTList * HTRequest_after (HTRequest * request, BOOL * override);
                    898: </PRE>
                    899: <H4>
                    900:   Delete an AFTER Filter
                    901: </H4>
                    902: <P>
                    903: You can delete a local AFTER filter explicitly by passing the filter itself
                    904: or you can delete all filters which are registered for a certain status code.
                    905: <PRE>
                    906: extern BOOL HTRequest_deleteAfter (HTRequest * request, HTNetAfter * filter);
                    907: extern BOOL HTRequest_deleteAfterStatus (HTRequest * request, int status);
                    908: extern BOOL HTRequest_deleteAfterAll (HTRequest * request);
                    909: </PRE>
                    910: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   911:   <A NAME="App2Net">Sending data from App to Network</A>
2.30      frystyk   912: </H2>
                    913: <P>
2.33      frystyk   914: Multiple Request objects can be connected in order to create a
                    915: <A HREF="../User/Architecture/PostWeb.html">PostWeb</A> for sending data
                    916: from one location (source) to another (destination). Request objects are
                    917: bound together by connecting the output stream of the source with the input
                    918: stream of the destination requst. The connection can be done directly so
                    919: that the output from the source is exactly what is sent to the destination
                    920: or there can be a conversion between the two streams so that we can do
                    921: conversions on the fly while copying data. This is in fact the way we use
                    922: for building a proxy server.
                    923: <P>
2.30      frystyk   924: The Library supports two ways of posting a data object to a remote destination:
                    925: Input comes from a socket descriptor or from memory. In the case where you
                    926: want to <EM>copy</EM> a URL, for example from local file system <EM>or</EM>
                    927: from a remote HTTP server then you must use the
2.33      frystyk   928: <A HREF="../User/Architecture/PostWeb.html">PostWeb design</A>. This model
2.30      frystyk   929: operates by using at least two request objects which gets linked to eachother
2.33      frystyk   930: as part of the PostWeb model. However, if you are posting from memory, we
2.30      frystyk   931: only use <EM>one</EM> request object to perform the operation. In order to
                    932: do this, the application must register a callback function that can be called
                    933: when the <A HREF="HTTP.c">HTTP client module</A> is ready for accepting data.
                    934: be included as part of the body and/or as extra metainformation. In the latter
                    935: case you need to register a callback function of the following type using
                    936: the methods provided in the next section.
2.9       frystyk   937: <PRE>
2.21      frystyk   938: typedef int HTPostCallback (HTRequest * request, HTStream * target);
2.33      frystyk   939: 
                    940: extern void HTRequest_setPostCallback (HTRequest * request, HTPostCallback * cbf);
                    941: extern HTPostCallback * HTRequest_postCallback (HTRequest * request);
2.9       frystyk   942: </PRE>
2.40      frystyk   943: <P>
                    944: The Entity Anchor is either the anchor directly associated with the Request
                    945: object or the post anchor associated with the object. The purpose of the
                    946: entity anchor is if we are to send data to a remote server then we get the
                    947: metainformation using the entity anchor.
2.39      frystyk   948: <PRE>
                    949: extern BOOL HTRequest_setEntityAnchor (HTRequest * request, HTParentAnchor * anchor);
                    950: extern HTParentAnchor * HTRequest_entityAnchor (HTRequest * request);
                    951: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk   952: <H3>
                    953:   Input Stream
                    954: </H3>
                    955: <P>
                    956: The input stream is to be used to put data <EM>to</EM> the network. Normally
                    957: each protocol sets the input stream in order to generate the protocol headers
                    958: while making a request.
2.27      frystyk   959: <PRE>
                    960: extern void HTRequest_setInputStream (HTRequest * request, HTStream * input);
                    961: extern HTStream *HTRequest_inputStream (HTRequest * request);
                    962: </PRE>
2.33      frystyk   963: <H3>
2.66      frystyk   964:   Is This Request part of a Post Web? (Deprecated)
2.33      frystyk   965: </H3>
                    966: <P>
                    967: Check to see if this request object is part of a Post Web.
                    968: <PRE>
                    969: extern BOOL HTRequest_isPostWeb (HTRequest * request);
                    970: </PRE>
                    971: <H3>
                    972:   Source of a Request
                    973: </H3>
                    974: <P>
                    975: A request may have a source in which is another request object that as output
                    976: stream has the input stream of this request object.
                    977: <PRE>
                    978: extern BOOL HTRequest_setSource (HTRequest * request, HTRequest * source);
                    979: extern HTRequest * HTRequest_source (HTRequest * request);
                    980: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk   981: <H2>
2.66      frystyk   982:   <A NAME="Net2App">Streams From Network to Application</A>
2.30      frystyk   983: </H2>
                    984: <H3>
                    985:   Default Output Stream
                    986: </H3>
                    987: <P>
2.1       frystyk   988: The output stream is to be used to put data down to as they come in
2.30      frystyk   989: <B>from</B> the network and back to the application. The default value is
                    990: <CODE>NULL</CODE> which means that the stream goes to the user (display).
2.1       frystyk   991: <PRE>
                    992: extern void HTRequest_setOutputStream (HTRequest *request, HTStream *output);
2.6       frystyk   993: extern HTStream *HTRequest_outputStream (HTRequest *request);
2.1       frystyk   994: </PRE>
2.37      frystyk   995: <H3>
2.66      frystyk   996:   Default Output Stream Format
                    997: </H3>
                    998: <P>
                    999: The desired format of the output stream. This is used in the
                   1000: <A HREF="HTFormat.html">stream stack builder</A> to determine which stream
                   1001: to plug in to deal with the data. If <CODE>NULL</CODE>, then
                   1002: <A HREF="HTFormat.html#FormatTypes">WWW_PRESENT</A> is default value.
                   1003: <PRE>
                   1004: extern void HTRequest_setOutputFormat (HTRequest *request, HTFormat format);
                   1005: extern HTFormat HTRequest_outputFormat (HTRequest *request);
                   1006: </PRE>
                   1007: <H3>
                   1008:   Has Output Stream been Connected to Channel? (Deprecated)
2.37      frystyk  1009: </H3>
                   1010: <P>
                   1011: Has output stream been connected to the channel? If not then we must free
                   1012: it explicitly when deleting the request object
                   1013: <PRE>extern void HTRequest_setOutputConnected (HTRequest * request, BOOL mode);
                   1014: extern BOOL HTRequest_outputConnected   (HTRequest * request);
                   1015: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk  1016: <H3>
2.66      frystyk  1017:   Default Debug Stream
2.30      frystyk  1018: </H3>
                   1019: <P>
                   1020: All object bodies sent from the server with status codes different from
                   1021: <CODE>200 OK</CODE> will be put down this stream. This can be used for
                   1022: redirecting body information in status codes different from "200 OK" to for
                   1023: example a debug window. If the value is NULL (default) then the stream is
                   1024: not set up.
2.1       frystyk  1025: <PRE>
                   1026: extern void HTRequest_setDebugStream (HTRequest *request, HTStream *debug);
2.6       frystyk  1027: extern HTStream *HTRequest_debugStream (HTRequest *request);
2.1       frystyk  1028: </PRE>
2.66      frystyk  1029: <H3>
                   1030:   Default Debug Stream Format
                   1031: </H3>
2.30      frystyk  1032: <P>
                   1033: The desired format of the error stream. This can be used to get unconverted
                   1034: data etc. from the library. The default value if <CODE>WWW_HTML</CODE> as
                   1035: a character based only has one WWW_PRESENT.
2.1       frystyk  1036: <PRE>
                   1037: extern void HTRequest_setDebugFormat (HTRequest *request, HTFormat format);
2.6       frystyk  1038: extern HTFormat HTRequest_debugFormat (HTRequest *request);
2.1       frystyk  1039: </PRE>
2.33      frystyk  1040: <H2>
2.30      frystyk  1041:   <A NAME="context">Context Swapping</A>
                   1042: </H2>
                   1043: <P>
                   1044: In multi threaded applications it is often required to keep track of the
                   1045: context of a request so that when the Library returns a result of a request,
                   1046: it can be put into the context it was in before the request was first passed
                   1047: to the Library. This call back function allows the application to do this.
2.1       frystyk  1048: <PRE>
                   1049: typedef int HTRequestCallback (HTRequest * request, void *param);
                   1051: extern void HTRequest_setCallback (HTRequest *request, HTRequestCallback *cb);
                   1052: extern HTRequestCallback *HTRequest_callback (HTRequest *request);
                   1053: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk  1054: <P>
                   1055: The callback function can be passed an arbitrary pointer (the void part)
                   1056: which can describe the context of the current request structure. If such
                   1057: context information is required then it can be set using the following methods:
2.1       frystyk  1058: <PRE>
                   1059: extern void HTRequest_setContext (HTRequest *request, void *context);
                   1060: extern void *HTRequest_context (HTRequest *request);
2.20      frystyk  1061: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk  1062: <H2>
2.66      frystyk  1063:   <A NAME="FullURI">Should we Issue a full HTTP Request-URI?</A>
2.31      frystyk  1064: </H2>
                   1065: <P>
                   1066: In early versions of HTTP, the request sent to the remote server varies whether
                   1067: we use a proxy or go directly to the origin server. The default value is
2.42      frystyk  1068: <EM>OFF</EM> but we use a full request if we are talking to a proxy server.
2.31      frystyk  1069: <PRE>
2.32      frystyk  1070: extern void HTRequest_setFullURI (HTRequest *request, BOOL mode);
                   1071: extern BOOL HTRequest_fullURI (HTRequest *request);
2.31      frystyk  1072: </PRE>
                   1073: <H2>
2.66      frystyk  1074:   <A NAME="Proxies">Handling Proxies</A>
2.42      frystyk  1075: </H2>
                   1076: <P>
                   1077: In case we are using a proxy for this requst then we can register it together
                   1078: with the request object. That way we can find the proxy and look for
                   1079: authentication information, for example in the
2.43      frystyk  1080: <A HREF="HTAAUtil.html">Authentication filter</A>. The string is freed by
2.66      frystyk  1081: the Request object on deletion. This is normally handled automatically by
                   1082: the <A HREF="HTProxy.html">proxy and gateway module</A>
2.42      frystyk  1083: <PRE>
2.43      frystyk  1084: extern BOOL HTRequest_setProxy    (HTRequest * request, const char * proxy);
                   1085: extern char * HTRequest_proxy     (HTRequest * request);
                   1086: extern BOOL HTRequest_deleteProxy (HTRequest * request);
2.42      frystyk  1087: </PRE>
                   1088: <H2>
2.66      frystyk  1089:   <A NAME="Count">Bytes Read or Written in a Request</A>
2.30      frystyk  1090: </H2>
                   1091: <P>
                   1092: This function returns the bytes read in the current request. For a deeper
                   1093: description of what the current request is, please read the user's guide.
                   1094: This function can be used in for example the <A HREF="HTAlert.html">HTAlert
                   1095: module</A> to give the number of bytes read or written in a progress message.
2.1       frystyk  1096: <PRE>
2.49      frystyk  1097: extern long HTRequest_bodyRead (HTRequest * request);
2.58      frystyk  1098: extern long HTRequest_bodyWritten (HTRequest * request);
                   1099: </PRE>
2.64      frystyk  1100: <P>
                   1101: You can also get the total number of bytes read or written including the
                   1102: headers
2.58      frystyk  1103: <PRE>
                   1104: extern long HTRequest_bytesRead (HTRequest * request);
2.19      frystyk  1105: extern long HTRequest_bytesWritten (HTRequest * request);
2.1       frystyk  1106: </PRE>
                   1107: <PRE>
                   1108: #endif /* HTREQ_H */
                   1109: </PRE>
2.30      frystyk  1110: <P>
                   1111:   <HR>
2.27      frystyk  1112: <ADDRESS>
2.67    ! kahan    1113:   @(#) $Id: HTReq.html,v 2.66 1999/03/19 14:24:37 frystyk Exp $
2.27      frystyk  1114: </ADDRESS>
2.30      frystyk  1115: </BODY></HTML>
