/* HTNewsRq.c ** NNTP MESSAGE GENERATION ** ** This module implements the output stream for MIME used for sending ** requests with or without a entity body to HTTP, NEWS, etc. ** ** History: ** Jan 95 HFN Written */ /* Library Includes */ #include "tcp.h" #include "HTUtils.h" #include "HTString.h" #include "HTParse.h" #include "HTTCP.h" #include "HTWriter.h" #include "HTReqMan.h" #include "HTChunk.h" #include "HTMIMERq.h" #include "HTNewsRq.h" /* Implements */ #define PUTBLOCK(b, l) (*me->target->isa->put_block)(me->target, b, l) struct _HTStream { CONST HTStreamClass * isa; HTStream * target; HTRequest * request; SOCKET sockfd; HTChunk * buffer; int version; BOOL transparent; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* News Output Post Stream */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* NewsPost_start ** -------------- ** NNTP needs two extra headers: "From" and "Newsgroups". ** Take the newsgroups from the Postweb model as destinations for this ** anchor. ** Return YES if OK else NO */ PRIVATE BOOL NewsPost_start (HTStream * me, HTRequest * request) { char linebuf[128]; /* @@@ */ HTChunk *header = me->buffer; CONST char *mailaddress = HTGetMailAddress(); if (mailaddress) { sprintf(linebuf, "From: %s%c%c", mailaddress, CR, LF); HTChunk_puts(header, linebuf); } /* ** Find all the newsgroups we are posting to by looking at all the ** destinations from the source of this request. ** First the main link and then the sub links */ HTChunk_puts(header, "Newsgroups :"); if (HTRequest_isDestination(request)) { HTRequest *src_req = HTRequest_source(request); HTParentAnchor *src_anchor = HTRequest_anchor(src_req); HTLink *link = HTAnchor_mainLink((HTAnchor *) src_anchor); HTAnchor *dest = HTLink_destination(link); HTMethod method = HTLink_method(link); if (link && method == METHOD_POST && HTLink_result(link) == HT_LINK_NONE) { char *desturl = HTAnchor_physical((HTParentAnchor *) dest); char *access = HTParse(desturl, "", PARSE_ACCESS); if (!strcasecomp(access, "news") || !strcasecomp(access, "nntp")) { char *newsgroup = HTParse(desturl, "", PARSE_PATH); HTUnEscape(newsgroup); HTCleanTelnetString(newsgroup); HTChunk_puts(header, newsgroup); free(newsgroup); } free(access); } /* DO FOR ALL SUB ANCHOR DESTINATION S AS WELL */ } if (PROT_TRACE) TTYPrint(TDEST, "News Tx..... %s", HTChunk_data(header)); return YES; } /* NewsPost_end ** ------------ ** End the posting by CRLF.CRLF ** returns whatever PUT_BLOCK returns */ PRIVATE int NewsPost_end (HTStream * me) { char buf[6]; *buf = CR; *(buf+1) = LF; *(buf+2) = '.'; *(buf+3) = CR; *(buf+4) = LF; *(buf+5) = '\0'; return PUTBLOCK(buf, 5); } PRIVATE int NewsPost_put_block (HTStream * me, CONST char* b, int l) { if (!me->target) { return HT_WOULD_BLOCK; } else if (me->transparent) return b ? PUTBLOCK(b, l) : HT_OK; else { int status; NewsPost_start(me, me->request); if ((status = PUTBLOCK(HTChunk_data(me->buffer), HTChunk_size(me->buffer))) == HT_OK) { me->transparent = YES; return b ? PUTBLOCK(b, l) : HT_OK; } return status; } } PRIVATE int NewsPost_put_character (HTStream * me, char c) { return NewsPost_put_block(me, &c, 1); } PRIVATE int NewsPost_put_string (HTStream * me, CONST char * s) { return NewsPost_put_block(me, s, strlen(s)); } /* ** Flushes header but doesn't free stream object */ PRIVATE int NewsPost_flush (HTStream * me) { return NewsPost_put_block(me, NULL, 0); } /* ** Flushes data and frees stream object */ PRIVATE int NewsPost_free (HTStream * me) { int status; if ((status = NewsPost_flush(me)) != HT_OK || (status = NewsPost_end(me)) != HT_OK || (status = (*me->target->isa->_free)(me->target)) != HT_OK) return status; HTChunk_delete(me->buffer); free(me); return status; } PRIVATE int NewsPost_abort (HTStream * me, HTList * e) { if (me->target) (*me->target->isa->abort)(me->target, e); HTChunk_delete(me->buffer); free(me); if (PROT_TRACE) TTYPrint(TDEST, "NewsPost.... ABORTING...\n"); return HT_ERROR; } /* NewsPost Stream ** ----------------- */ PRIVATE CONST HTStreamClass NewsPostClass = { "NewsPost", NewsPost_flush, NewsPost_free, NewsPost_abort, NewsPost_put_character, NewsPost_put_string, NewsPost_put_block }; PUBLIC HTStream * HTNewsPost_new (HTRequest * request, HTStream * target) { HTStream * me = (HTStream *) calloc(1, sizeof(HTStream)); if (!me) outofmem(__FILE__, "NewsPost_new"); me->isa = &NewsPostClass; me->target = target; me->request = request; me->buffer = HTChunk_new(256); me->transparent = NO; return HTMIMERequest_new(request, me, YES); }