Wrting to a File using ANSI C

**	(c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
**	Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.
It is useful to have both FWriter and Writer for environments in which fdopen() doesn't exist for example. The module contains the following parts: This module is implemented by HTFWrite.c, and it is a part of the W3C Reference Library.
#ifndef HTFWRITE_H
#define HTFWRITE_H

#include "HTStream.h"
#include "HTFormat.h"

Black Hole Stream

This stream simply absorbs data without doing anything what so ever.
extern HTStream * HTBlackHole NOPARAMS;


This is the set of functions that can be registered as converters.
#ifndef pyramid
extern HTConverter HTSaveAndExecute, HTSaveLocally, HTSaveAndCallBack,

Location of Temporary Files

HTSaveAndCallBack will save to a cache file and call the request->callback function with the filename as parameter. The destination for temporary files can be managed by the following functions:
extern BOOL  HTTmp_setRoot		PARAMS((CONST char * tmp_root));
extern CONST char * HTTmp_getRoot	NOPARAMS;
extern void  HTTmp_freeRoot		NOPARAMS;
The HTTmp_freeRoot is called by the HTLibTerminate function. The default value is defined in HTReq.html

Set up a Stream to a File

This function puts up a new stream given an open file descripter. If the file is not to be closed afterwards, then set leave_open = NO.
extern HTStream * HTFWriter_new PARAMS((FILE *	fp,
					     BOOL	leave_open));

End of declaration module