Annotation of libwww/Library/src/HTFWrite.html, revision 2.16

2.1       frystyk     1: <HTML>
                      2: <HEAD>
2.9       frystyk     3: <TITLE>ANSI C FILE Stream</TITLE>
2.15      frystyk     4: <!-- Changed by: Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, 31-Jan-1996 -->
2.1       frystyk     5: <NEXTID N="z4">
                      6: </HEAD>
                      7: <BODY>
2.8       frystyk     9: <H1>Wrting to a File using ANSI C</H1>
2.1       frystyk    10: 
                     11: <PRE>
                     12: /*
2.4       frystyk    13: **     (c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
2.1       frystyk    14: **     Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.
                     15: */
                     16: </PRE>
                     18: It is useful to have both FWriter and Writer for environments in which
2.2       frystyk    19: <CODE>fdopen()</CODE> doesn't exist for example. The module contains
                     20: the following parts:
                     22: <UL>
2.15      frystyk    23: <LI><A HREF="#utils">Basic Utility Streams</A>
                     24: <LI><A HREF="#write">An ANSI C File Writer Stream</A>
                     25: <LI><A HREF="#converters">Various Converters using the File Writer Stream</A>
2.2       frystyk    26: </UL>
2.1       frystyk    28: 
2.15      frystyk    29: This module is implemented by <A HREF="HTFWrite.c">HTFWrite.c</A>, and
                     30: it is a part of the <A HREF=""> W3C
                     31: Reference Library</A>.
2.1       frystyk    32: 
                     34: <PRE>
                     35: #ifndef HTFWRITE_H
                     36: #define HTFWRITE_H
                     38: #include "HTStream.h"
                     39: #include "HTFormat.h"
                     40: </PRE>
2.15      frystyk    42: <A NAME="utils"><H2>Basic Utility Streams</H2></A>
2.14      frystyk    43: 
2.15      frystyk    44: These streams can be plugged in everywhere in a stream pipe.
2.14      frystyk    45: 
                     46: <H3><A NAME="BlackHole">Black Hole Stream</A></H3>
2.2       frystyk    47: 
2.15      frystyk    48: This stream simply absorbs data without doing anything what so
                     49: ever. The <CODE>HTBlackHoleConverter</CODE> declaration can be used in
                     50: the stream stack as a converter.
2.2       frystyk    51: 
                     52: <PRE>
2.13      frystyk    53: extern HTStream * HTBlackHole (void);
2.14      frystyk    54: extern HTConverter HTBlackHoleConverter;
                     55: </PRE>
                     57: <H3>Through Line</H3>
                     59: This stream just pumps data right through.
                     61: <PRE>
                     62: extern HTConverter HTThroughLine;
2.2       frystyk    63: </PRE>
2.15      frystyk    65: <H3>Generic Error Stream</H3>
2.1       frystyk    66: 
2.15      frystyk    67: The Error stream simply returns HT_ERROR on all methods. This can be
                     68: used to stop a stream as soon as data arrives, for example from the
                     69: network.
                     71: <PRE>
                     72: extern HTStream * HTErrorStream (void);
                     73: </PRE>
                     75: <H2><A NAME="write">An ANSI C File Writer Stream</A></H2>
                     77: This function puts up a new stream given an open file descripter. If the file
                     78: is not to be closed afterwards, then set leave_open = NO.
                     80: <PRE>
                     81: extern HTStream * HTFWriter_new        (HTRequest * request,
                     82:                                 FILE * fp,
                     83:                                 BOOL leave_open);
                     84: </PRE>
                     86: <A NAME="converters"><H2>Various Converters using the File Writer
                     87: Stream</H2></A>
                     89: This is a set of functions that can be registered as converters. They
                     90: all use the basic ANSI C file writer stream for writing out to the
                     91: local file system.
2.1       frystyk    92: 
2.5       frystyk    93: <PRE>
2.14      frystyk    94: extern HTConverter HTSaveAndExecute, HTSaveLocally, HTSaveAndCallback;
2.1       frystyk    95: </PRE>
2.15      frystyk    97: <DL>
2.1       frystyk    98: 
2.15      frystyk    99: <DT><CODE>HTSaveLocally</CODE>
                    100: <DD>Saves a file to local disk. This can for example be used to dump
                    101: date objects of unknown media types to local disk. The stream prompts
                    102: for a file name for the temporary file.
                    104: <DT><CODE>HTSaveAndExecute</CODE>
                    106: <DD>Creates temporary file, writes to it and then executes system
                    107: command (maybe an external viewer) when EOF has been reached. The
                    108: stream finds a suitable name of the temporary file which preserves the
                    109: suffix. This way, the system command can find out the file type from
                    110: the name of the temporary file name.
                    112: <DT><CODE>HTSaveAndCallback</CODE>
                    114: <DD>This stream works exactly like the <CODE>HTSaveAndExecute</CODE>
                    115: stream but in addition when EOF has been reached, it checks whether a
                    116: callback function has been associated with the request object in which
                    117: case, this callback is being called. This can be use by the
                    118: application to do some processing <EM>after</EM> the system command
                    119: has terminated. The callback function is called with the file name of
                    120: the temporary file as parameter.
                    122: </DL>
                    124: <A NAME="tmp"><H3>Location of Temporary Files</H3></A>
                    126: The destination for temporary files can be managed by the following
2.2       frystyk   127: functions:
                    129: <PRE>
2.16    ! frystyk   130: extern BOOL  HTTmp_setRoot             (const char * tmp_root);
        !           131: extern const char * HTTmp_getRoot      (void);
2.13      frystyk   132: extern void  HTTmp_freeRoot            (void);
2.2       frystyk   133: </PRE>
                    135: The <CODE>HTTmp_freeRoot</CODE> is called by the <A
2.11      frystyk   136: HREF="HTReq.html#Library">HTLibTerminate</A> function. The default
2.13      frystyk   137: value is defined in <A HREF="HTAccess.html#Addresses">HTReq.html</A>
2.1       frystyk   138: 
2.8       frystyk   139: <PRE>
2.1       frystyk   140: #endif
                    141: </PRE>
2.8       frystyk   143: End of declaration module
2.1       frystyk   144: </BODY>
                    145: </HTML>
