Content Length Counter and Other Buffer Streams

**	(c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
**	Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.

This module provides various forms of buffering streams. You can also check out the chunk buffer stream which converts a stream to a memory buffer. These streams preseerve the streaming model.

The content length counter  stream buffers the result to find out the content length before the data is forwarded to the target stream. You can use this stream when generating a HTTP response in order to find the content length before writing the object to the socket, for example.

This module is implemented by HTConLen.c, and it is a part of the W3C Sample Code Library.

#ifndef HTCONLEN_H
#define HTCONLEN_H

Buffer Stream

This stream does almost the same as the content length counter stream except that it doesn't count the length! In other words - it's a completely normal memory buffer for the stream. If the buffer fills up, this stream flushes the buffer and goes transparent so that all new data will be pumped through without any buffering.

extern HTStream * HTBuffer_new		(HTStream *	target,
					 HTRequest *	request,
					int		max_size);

Content Length Counter Stream

This stream can be inserted anywhere to count the content length of the body. The result is passed to the Anchor object of this request so that future requests for the content length will get the right size.

extern HTStream * HTContentCounter	(HTStream *	target,
					 HTRequest *	request,
					 int		max_size);

Delay Buffer Stream

This stream is much like the buffer stream above but instead of goin transparent when the buffer fills up, it returns HT_PAUSE which indicates that the stream doesn't accept more data and so the caller should not put any more data into it. When the buffer is flushed (the flush method invoked) then the stream goes into transparent mode, just like the buffer stream.

extern HTStream * HTDelayBuffer    	(HTStream *	target,
					 int		max_size);

Pipe Buffer Stream

This stream is much like the buffer stream above but instead of goin transparent when the buffer fills up, it returns HT_PAUSE which indicates that the stream doesn't accept more data and so the caller should not put any more data into it.

extern HTStream * HTPipeBuffer    	(HTStream *	target,
					 int		max_size);

End of definition module

#endif /* HTCONLEN_H */

@(#) $Id: HTConLen.html,v 2.7 1997/02/16 18:42:05 frystyk Exp $