File:  [Public] / libwww / Library / src / Attic / HTFWriter.c
Revision 2.27: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Apr 10 10:20:59 1994 UTC (30 years, 5 months ago) by frystyk
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
vms bug in fputs()

/*		FILE WRITER				HTFWrite.h
**		===========
**	This version of the stream object just writes to a C file.
**	The file is assumed open and left open.
**	Bugs:
**		strings written must be less than buffer size.
#define CACHE_LIMIT 100		/* files */

#include "HTFWriter.h"

#include "HTFormat.h"
#include "HTAlert.h"
#include "HTFile.h"
#include "HTList.h"

/*		Stream Object
**		------------

struct _HTStream {
	CONST HTStreamClass *	isa;
	FILE *			fp;
	BOOL			leave_open;     /* Close file? HFN 08/02-94 */
	char * 			end_command;
	char * 			remove_command;
	BOOL			announce;
	char *			filename;
	HTRequest *		request;	/* saved for callback */
	BOOL (*callback) PARAMS((struct _HTRequest * req, void * filename));
	HTCacheItem *		cache;

**		B L A C K    H O L E    C L A S S
**	There is only one black hole instance shared by anyone
**	who wants a black hole.  These black holes don't radiate,
**	they just absorb data.
PRIVATE void HTBlackHole_put_character ARGS2(HTStream *, me, char, c)
PRIVATE void HTBlackHole_put_string ARGS2(HTStream *, me, CONST char*, s)
PRIVATE void HTBlackHole_write ARGS3(HTStream *, me, CONST char*, s, int, l)
PRIVATE void HTBlackHole_free ARGS1(HTStream *, me)
PRIVATE void HTBlackHole_abort ARGS2(HTStream *, me, HTError, e)

/*	Black Hole stream
**	-----------------
PRIVATE CONST HTStreamClass HTBlackHoleClass =
	HTBlackHole_put_character, 	HTBlackHole_put_string,

PRIVATE HTStream HTBlackHoleInstance =
	NO,				/* HENRIK 08/02-94 */


/* Black hole creation */
    return &HTBlackHoleInstance;

**		F I L E     A C T I O N 	R O U T I N E S
**  Bug:
**	All errors are ignored.

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
   This function tries really hard to find a non-existent filename relative
   to the path given.
       path:	path name
       url:	used for a similar name or generating a hash within 'limit'
       suffix:	if != 0, this suffix is used, else no suffix
       limit:	if 0 => use last part of url, else generate hash. Max value
                is max(unsigned int).
   Returns NULL if no filename could be found.
   Henrik 10/03-94
   ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
PRIVATE char *HTFWriter_filename ARGS4(char *, path, char *, url,
				       CONST char *, suffix,
				       unsigned int, limit)
#define HASHTRY 5			   /* Keep this less than 10, please */
    static int primes[HASHTRY] = {31, 37, 41, 43, 47};	      /* Some primes */
    char *urlfile = strrchr(url, '/');
    char *filename = NULL;
    StrAllocCopy(filename, path);
    if (filename && urlfile++) {		   /* We don't want two '/'s */
	int digits = 1;
	unsigned hash;
	char *hashstr = NULL;
	char *replace = 0;
	char *ptr;				/* Dummy used several places */
	char format[10];
	if (*(filename+strlen(filename)-1) != '/')  /* But one is OK, though */
	    StrAllocCat(filename, "/");
	if (limit) {					  /* Use hash method */
	    unsigned int residue = limit;
	    while (residue /= 10)		    /* Find number of digits */
	    if ((hashstr = malloc(digits+1)) == NULL)
		outofmem(__FILE__, "HTFWriter_filename");
	    for(ptr=urlfile, hash=0; *ptr; ptr++)          /* Calculate hash */
		hash = *ptr + *primes * hash;
	    hash %= limit;
	    sprintf(format, "%%0%du", digits);     /* Convert hash to string */
	    sprintf(hashstr, format, hash);
	    *(hashstr+digits) = '\0';
	    StrAllocCat(filename, hashstr);
#ifndef NO_GETPID
/* RISK: Race conditions may occur if this is not added to the filename */
		char pidstr[10];
		sprintf(pidstr, "-%d", getpid());
		StrAllocCat(filename, pidstr);
	    if (suffix) {				       /* Add suffix */
		if (*suffix != '.')
		    StrAllocCat(filename, ".");
		StrAllocCat(filename, suffix);
	    replace = strrchr(filename, '/')+1;	   /* Remember place */
	} else {      					     /* Use url name */
	    char *urlptr = 0;			     /* Strip off any suffix */
	    StrAllocCopy(urlptr, urlfile);
	    ptr = strrchr(urlptr, '.');
	    if (ptr)
		*ptr = '\0';
	    StrAllocCat(filename, urlptr);
	    if (suffix) {			    /* Add new suffix if any */
		if (*suffix != '.')
		    StrAllocCat(filename, ".");
		StrAllocCat(filename, suffix);
	{				   	       /* Try if file exists */
	    int cnt;
	    FILE *fp;
	    for (cnt=1; cnt<HASHTRY; cnt++) {
		if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) != NULL) {
		    if (limit) {          /* recalculate hash with new prime */
			for(ptr=urlfile, hash=0; *ptr; ptr++)
			    hash = *ptr + *(primes+cnt) * hash;
			hash %= limit;
			sprintf(hashstr, format, hash);
			*(hashstr+digits) = '\0';
			memcpy(replace, hashstr, digits);
		    } else { 		/* Add .n to the urlfile. n is a int */
			if (cnt == 1) {
			    StrAllocCat(filename, ".1");
			    replace = filename+strlen(filename)-1;
			} else
			    *replace = (char) cnt+0x30;   /* Works if cnt<10 */
		} else
		    break;		       /* File does not exist, so OK */
	    if (cnt >= HASHTRY) {      	   /* If no file name could be found */
		filename = NULL;
    return filename;

/*	Character handling
**	------------------

PRIVATE void HTFWriter_put_character ARGS2(HTStream *, me, char, c)
    fputc(c, me->fp);

/*	String handling
**	---------------
**	Strings must be smaller than this buffer size.
PRIVATE void HTFWriter_put_string ARGS2(HTStream *, me, CONST char*, s)
    if (*s)				             /* For vms :-( 10/04-94 */
	fputs(s, me->fp);

/*	Buffer write.  Buffers can (and should!) be big.
**	------------
PRIVATE void HTFWriter_write ARGS3(HTStream *, me, CONST char*, s, int, l)
    fwrite(s, 1, l, me->fp); 

/*	Free an HTML object
**	-------------------
**	Note that the SGML parsing context is freed, but the created
**	object is not,
**	as it takes on an existence of its own unless explicitly freed.
PRIVATE void HTFWriter_free ARGS1(HTStream *, me)
    if (me->cache) {
        time_t finish_time;
	me->cache->load_delay = finish_time - me->cache->load_time;
	/* Actually, ought to use draft ANSI-C difftime() */
	/* But that I bet is more portable in real life  (@@?) */

    if (me->leave_open != YES) fclose(me->fp);

    if (me->end_command) {		/* Temp file */
        HTProgress(me->end_command);	/* Tell user what's happening */
	free (me->end_command);
	if (me->remove_command) {
    if (me->callback) {
        (*me->callback)(me->request, me->filename);
    if (me->filename) free(me->filename);

/*	End writing

PRIVATE void HTFWriter_abort ARGS2(HTStream *, me, HTError, e)
    if (me->leave_open != YES) fclose(me->fp);
    if (me->end_command) {		/* Temp file */
	if (TRACE) fprintf(stderr,
		"HTFWriter: Aborting: file %s not executed.\n",
		me->filename ? me->filename : "???" );
	free (me->end_command);
	if (me->remove_command) {

    if (me->filename) free(me->filename);

/*	Structured Object Class
**	-----------------------
PRIVATE CONST HTStreamClass HTFWriter = /* As opposed to print etc */
	HTFWriter_put_character, 	HTFWriter_put_string,

/*	Subclass-specific Methods
**	-------------------------

/* PUBLIC HTStream* HTFWriter_new ARGS1(FILE *, fp) HENRIK 08/02-94 */
PUBLIC HTStream* HTFWriter_new ARGS2(FILE *, fp, BOOL, leave_open)
    HTStream* me;
    if (!fp) return NULL;

    me = (HTStream*)calloc(sizeof(*me),1);
    if (me == NULL) outofmem(__FILE__, "HTML_new");
    me->isa = &HTFWriter;       

    me->fp = fp;
    me->leave_open = leave_open;		/* HENRIK 08/02-94 */
    me->end_command = NULL;
    me->remove_command = NULL;
    me->announce = NO;
    me->callback = NULL;
    return me;

/*	Make system command from template
**	---------------------------------
**	See mailcap spec for description of template.
/* @@ to be written.  sprintfs will do for now.  */

/*	Take action using a system command
**	----------------------------------
**	Creates temporary file, writes to it, executes system command
**	on end-document.  The suffix of the temp file can be given
**	in case the application is fussy, or so that a generic opener can
**	be used.
PUBLIC HTStream* HTSaveAndExecute ARGS5(
	HTRequest *,		request,
	void *,			param,
	HTFormat,		input_format,
	HTFormat,		output_format,
	HTStream *,		output_stream)

#ifdef unix
#define REMOVE_COMMAND "/bin/rm -f %s\n"	/* @@@ security @@@ */
#ifdef VMS
#define REMOVE_COMMAND "delete/noconfirm/nolog %s.."

    char *fnam;
    HTStream* me;
    if (HTSecure) {
        HTAlert("Can't save data to file -- please run WWW locally");
	return HTBlackHole();
    if (!HTSaveLocallyDir) {
	if (TRACE) fprintf(stderr, "Save and execute turned off");
	return HTBlackHole();
    me = (HTStream*)calloc(sizeof(*me),1);
    me = (HTStream*)calloc(sizeof(*me), 1);
    if (me == NULL) outofmem(__FILE__, "Save and execute");
    me->isa = &HTFWriter;  
#ifdef OLD_CODE
    CONST char * suffix;
    /* Save the file under a suitably suffixed name */
    suffix = HTFileSuffix(input_format);
    fnam = (char *)malloc (L_tmpnam + 16 + strlen(suffix));
    tmpnam (fnam);
    if (suffix) strcat(fnam, suffix);

    /* Let's find a hash name for this file */
    if ((fnam = HTFWriter_filename(HTSaveLocallyDir,
				   1000)) == NULL) {
	HTAlert("Can't find a suitable file name");
	return NULL;

    me->request = request;	/* won't be freed */    
    me->fp = fopen (fnam, "w");
    if (!me->fp) {
	HTAlert("Can't open temporary file!");
	return NULL;
    StrAllocCopy(me->filename, fnam);

/*	Make command to process file
    me->end_command = (char *)malloc (
    			(strlen (param) + 10+ 3*strlen(fnam))
    			 * sizeof (char));
    if (me == NULL) outofmem(__FILE__, "SaveAndExecute");
    sprintf (me->end_command, param, fnam, fnam, fnam);

    me->remove_command = NULL;	/* If needed, put into end_command */
#ifdef NOPE
/*	Make command to delete file
    me->remove_command = (char *)malloc (
    			(strlen (REMOVE_COMMAND) + 10+ strlen(fnam))
    			 * sizeof (char));
    if (me == NULL) outofmem(__FILE__, "SaveAndExecute");
    sprintf (me->remove_command, REMOVE_COMMAND, fnam);

    me->announce = NO;
    free (fnam);
    return me;

#else	/* can't do remove */
{ return NULL; }

/*	Save Locally
**	------------
**  Bugs:
**	GUI Apps should open local Save panel here really.
PUBLIC HTStream* HTSaveLocally ARGS5(
	HTRequest *,		request,
	void *,			param,
	HTFormat,		input_format,
	HTFormat,		output_format,
	HTStream *,		output_stream)	/* Not used */

    char *fnam = NULL;
    char *answer = NULL;
    HTStream* me;
    if (HTClientHost) {
        HTAlert("Can't save data to file -- please run WWW locally");
	return HTBlackHole();

    if (!HTSaveLocallyDir) {
	if (TRACE) fprintf(stderr, "Save locally turned off");
	return HTBlackHole();
    me = (HTStream*)calloc(sizeof(*me),1);
    if (me == NULL) outofmem(__FILE__, "SaveLocally");
    me->isa = &HTFWriter;  
    me->announce = YES;
#ifdef OLD_CODE
    CONST char * suffix;
    /* Save the file under a suitably suffixed name */    
    suffix = HTFileSuffix(input_format);
    fnam = (char *)malloc (L_tmpnam + 16 + strlen(suffix));
    tmpnam (fnam);
    if (suffix) strcat(fnam, suffix);
    /* Let's find a 'human' file name for this file */
    fnam = HTFWriter_filename(HTSaveLocallyDir,
    /*	Save Panel */
    answer = HTPrompt("Give name of file to save in", fnam ? fnam : "");
    me->fp = fopen (answer, "w");
    if (!me->fp) {
	HTAlert("Can't open local file to write into.");
	return NULL;
    me->callback = NULL;
    me->request = request;	/* won't be freed */
    me->filename = answer;	/* Will be freed */
    return me;

/*	HTThroughLine
**	-------------
** This function is a dummy function that returns the same output stream
** as given as a parameter. Henrik 01/03-94
PUBLIC HTStream* HTThroughLine ARGS5(
	HTRequest *,		request,
	void *,			param,
	HTFormat,		input_format,
	HTFormat,		output_format,
	HTStream *,		output_stream)	            /* Only one used */
    return output_stream;

/*	Cache handling
**	--------------


PRIVATE void HTCache_remove ARGS2(HTList *, list, HTCacheItem *, item)
    if (TRACE) fprintf(stderr, "Cache: Removing %s\n", item->filename);
    HTList_removeObject(list, item);
    HTList_removeObject(item->anchor->cacheItems, item);

/* This can be called for the main list or an anchor's list

PUBLIC void HTCacheClear ARGS1(HTList *, list)
    HTCacheItem * item;
    while ((item=HTList_objectAt(list, 0)) != NULL) {
        HTCache_remove(list, item);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
   This function removes ALL cache files known to this session. The anchors
   ARE updated, but normally this function is for exiting purposes.
   Henrik 09/03-94
   ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
PUBLIC void HTCacheDeleteAll NOARGS
    HTCacheItem * item;
    while ((item=HTList_objectAt(HTCache, 0)) != NULL) {
        HTCache_remove(HTCache, item);

/*  Remove a file from the cache to prevent too many files from being cached
PRIVATE void limit_cache ARGS1(HTList * , list)
    HTList * cur = list;
    HTCacheItem * item;
    time_t best_delay = 0;   /* time_t in principle can be any arith type */
    HTCacheItem* best_item = NULL;

    if (HTList_count(list) < HTCacheLimit) return;   /* Limit not reached */

    while (NULL != (item = (HTCacheItem*)HTList_nextObject(cur))) {
        if (best_delay == 0  ||  item->load_delay < best_delay) {
            best_delay = item->load_delay;
            best_item = item;

    if (best_item) HTCache_remove(list, best_item);

/*	Save and Call Back
**	------------------
PUBLIC HTStream* HTCacheWriter ARGS5(
	HTRequest *,		request,
	void *,			param,
	HTFormat,		input_format,
	HTFormat,		output_format,
	HTStream *,		output_stream)

    char *fnam;
    CONST char * suffix;
    HTStream* me;

    if (HTClientHost) {
	if (TRACE) fprintf(stderr, "Only caching if WWW is run locally.\n");
	return HTBlackHole();

       RUNNING. THEN IT SHOULD USE (char *) HTCacheDir from HTAccess.c. 
       FOR NOW, JUST RETURN BLACK HOLE, Henrik 09/03-94 */
    if (TRACE)
	fprintf (stderr, "HTFCacheWriter: Caching is turned OFF...\n");
    return HTBlackHole();
    me = (HTStream*)calloc(sizeof(*me),1);
    if (me == NULL) outofmem(__FILE__, "CacheWriter");
    me->isa = &HTFWriter;  
    me->end_command = NULL;
    me->remove_command = NULL;	/* If needed, put into end_command */
    me->announce = NO;
    /* Save the file under a suitably suffixed name */
    suffix = HTFileSuffix(input_format);

    fnam = (char *)malloc (L_tmpnam + 16 + strlen(suffix));
    tmpnam (fnam);
    if (suffix) strcat(fnam, suffix);
    me->filename = NULL;
    limit_cache(HTCache);		/* Limit number (not size) of files */
    me->fp = fopen (fnam, "w");
    if (!me->fp) {
	HTAlert("Can't open local file to write into for callback.");
	return NULL;
    /* Set up a cache record */
    if (TRACE) fprintf(stderr, "Cache: Creating file %s\n", fnam);
    me->cache = (HTCacheItem*)calloc(sizeof(*me->cache),1);
    if (!me->cache)outofmem(__FILE__, "cache");
    StrAllocCopy(me->cache->filename, fnam);
    me->cache->anchor = request->anchor;
    if (!request->anchor->cacheItems)
    	request->anchor->cacheItems = HTList_new();
    HTList_addObject(request->anchor->cacheItems, me->cache);
    me->cache->format = input_format;
    if (!HTCache) HTCache = HTList_new();
    HTList_addObject(HTCache, me->cache);
    me->callback = request->callback;
    me->request = request;	/* won't be freed */
    me->filename = fnam;   /* will be freed */
    return me;

/*	Save and Call Back
**	------------------
**	The special case is a kludge. Better is everything uses streams
**	and nothing uses files.  Then this routine will go too. :-))

PUBLIC HTStream* HTSaveAndCallBack ARGS5(
	HTRequest *,		request,
	void *,			param,
	HTFormat,		input_format,
	HTFormat,		output_format,
	HTStream *,		output_stream)
   HTStream * me;
   if (request->using_cache) {  /* Special case! file wanted && cache hit */
	return &HTBlackHoleInstance;	/* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ */
   } else {
   	me = HTCacheWriter(request, param,
			    input_format, output_format, output_stream);
	if (me) {
	    me->callback = request->callback;
   return me;   
