Annotation of libwww/Library/Overview.html, revision 1.137

1.130     frystyk     1: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
                      2:    "">
                      3: <html>
                      4: <head>
                      5: <meta name="robots" content="index,follow">
                      6: <title>Libwww - the W3C Sample Code Library</title>
1.135     frystyk     7: <link rel="STYLESHEET" href="/StyleSheets/libwww.css" type="text/css">
1.130     frystyk     8: </head>
1.134     frystyk     9: <body>
1.132     frystyk    10: 
                     11: <p><a href="../"><img alt="W3C" src="../Icons/WWW/w3c_home" border="0"
                     12: width="72" height="48"></a> <img border="0" alt="libwww"
                     13: src="../Icons/WWW/Lib48x"></p>
1.130     frystyk    14: 
                     15: <h1>Libwww - the W3C Sample Code Library</h1>
1.132     frystyk    16: 
                     17: <p align="center"><a href="#News">News</a> | <a href="Activity.html">Why
                     18: libwww?</a> | <a name="Installation" href="Distribution.html">Get it!</a> | <a
1.133     renaudb    19: href="../INSTALL.html">Installation</a> | <a href="Changes">Latest updates</a>
                     20: | <a href="User/ReleaseNotes.html">Release Notes</a> | <a
1.130     frystyk    21: href="User/">Documentation</a> | <a href="#Forums">Mailing list</a> | <a
                     22: href="#Legal">Legal</a> | <a href="#Authors">Authors</a> &amp; <a
                     23: href="Collaborators.html">Hackers</a></p>
1.132     frystyk    24: 
                     25: <p></p>
1.130     frystyk    26: 
                     27: <div class="intro">
1.131     frystyk    29: Libwww is a general-purpose client side Web API written in C for <a
1.130     frystyk    30: href="User/Platform/">Unix and Windows (Win32)</a>. With a highly extensible
1.131     frystyk    31: and layered API, it can accommodate many different types of client
                     32: applications including clients, robots, etc. The purpose of libwww is to
                     33: provide a <a href="../Protocols/HTTP/Performance/Pipeline.html">highly
                     34: optimized HTTP</a> sample implementation as well as other Internet protocols
                     35: and to serve as a testbed for protocol experiments.
1.130     frystyk    36: <ul>
                     37: <li>
1.137   ! frystyk    38: <big><strong>Apr 15 1999:</strong> <a href="User/ReleaseNotes.html#5.2.8">libwww 5.2.8 is out</a> - <a
1.136     frystyk    39: href="Distribution.html">come get it</a> - now also as <a
1.137   ! frystyk    40: href="Distribution.html#Source">RPMs</a>!</big>
1.134     frystyk    41: </li>
                     42: <li>
                     43: <strong>Apr 6 1999:</strong> <strong>SSL NOTICE:</strong> Because of US
1.133     renaudb    44: regulations on encryption, we don't believe we can distribute Olga's glue code
                     45: between openSSL and libwww. I hope to have a definitive answer on what is
                     46: allowed and what is not very soon.
                     47: </li>
                     48: <li>
                     49: <strong>Apr 3, 1999:</strong> Check out the <a
                     50: href="Collaborators.html#Collaborators">libwww hall of fame</a> - truly cool
                     51: hackers!
1.132     frystyk    52: </li>
                     53: <li>
1.133     renaudb    54: <strong>Apr 3, 1999:</strong> Olga Antropova: <a
                     55: href="">SSL
                     56: transport in libwww</a> - help testing!
1.132     frystyk    57: </li>
                     58: <li>
1.133     renaudb    59: <strong>Apr 3, 1999:</strong> Raffaele Sena: Added HTML4.0 support in <a
                     60: href="">libwww
                     61: HTML parser</a>
1.131     frystyk    62: </li>
1.132     frystyk    63: </ul>
1.133     renaudb    64: 
                     65: <p>Nearby: <a href="User/Applications.html">Sample Applications</a> | <a
                     66: href="">CVS Repository</a> | <a
                     67: href="User/ToDo.html">ToDo</a> | <a href="User/Guide/">Modules and
                     68: Packages</a></p>
1.132     frystyk    69: </div>
                     71: <p></p>
                     72: <hr>
                     75: <h2><a name="News">News, Updates, and Events</a></h2>
                     76: <ul>
1.131     frystyk    77: <li>
1.133     renaudb    78: <strong>Mar 31: 1999:</strong> Interested in helping porting to Macs? <a
                     79: href="">Follow
                     80: the dicussions</a>!
                     81: </li>
                     82: <li>
                     83: <strong>Mar 4, 1999:</strong> Daniel Veillard has put up a cool new version of
                     84: <a href="">cvsweb which provides Web
                     85: access</a> to the <a href="cvs.html">libwww CVS codebase</a>
                     86: </li>
                     87: <li>
1.130     frystyk    88: <strong>Feb 24, 1999:</strong> Release of <a
                     89: href="Distribution.html#tar">libwww 5.2.6</a> with lots of new features
                     90: including:
                     91: <ul>
                     92: <li>
                     93: John Punin's integration with <a href="src/HTXML.html">Integration</a> James
                     94: Clark's <a href="">Expat XML parser</a>,
                     95: </li>
                     96: <li>
                     97: Jose Kahan's <a
                     98: href="">client-side Digest
                     99: Authentication implementation</a>,
                    100: </li>
                    101: <li>
                    102: <a
                    103: href="">Tiny,
                    104: Web browser based on libwww with only a strict minimum of HTTP and HTML in
                    105: only 170K on linux (stripped) into libwww.</a>
                    106: </li>
                    107: </ul>
                    108: </li>
                    109: <li>
                    110: <strong>Feb 23, 1999:</strong> <a href="src/HTXML.html">Integration</a> of
                    111: James Clark's <a href="">Expat XML
                    112: parser</a> into libwww. Also check out the new <a href="Examples/#XML">XML
                    113: sample application</a> demonstrating how the integration works.
                    114: </li>
                    115: <li>
                    116: <strong>Feb 16, 1999:</strong> New set of <a
                    117: href="">MSVC
                    118: makefiles for all of the libwww and its sample applications</a>
                    119: </li>
                    120: <li>
                    121: <strong>Feb 9, 1999:</strong><a
                    122: href="">New
                    123: tiny, Web browser with only a strict minimum of HTTP and HTML committed to
                    124: CVS</a> in only 170K on linux (stripped)
                    125: </li>
                    126: <li>
                    127: <strong>Jan 6, 1999</strong>: Improved <a href="src/HTML.html">libwww HTML
                    128: parser</a> and <a href="src/HText.html">new callback interface</a> committed
                    129: to <a href="cvs.html">CVS</a>
                    130: </li>
                    131: </ul>
1.132     frystyk   133: See also the <a href="OldEvents.html">libwww timeline</a> for past news items
                    134: and events
1.130     frystyk   136: <h2><a name="Forums">Libwww Mailinglist</a></h2>
1.132     frystyk   137: 
                    138: <p>Please send all requests regarding libwww to &lt;<a
1.131     frystyk   139: href=""></a>>
                    140: public mailing list. This list is <a
                    141: href="">archived at W3C</a> and
                    142: also at <a href="">findmail</a>. Note,
                    143: you <b>MUST</b> be subscribed in order to post to the mailing list. Follow
                    144: these shortcuts to <a
1.130     frystyk   145: href=""><strong>quick
                    146: subscribe</strong></a> or <a
                    147: href=""><strong>quick
                    148: unsubscribe</strong></a> or see the <a href="../Mail/Request.html">information
                    149: on mailing&nbsp;lists</a> for more details.</p>
                    151: <h2><a name="Legal">Legal Stuff</a></h2>
                    152: <ul>
                    153: <li>
                    154: Libwww is covered by this <a
                    155: href="../Consortium/Legal/libwww-copyright-notice-19980720.html">copyright
                    156: notice</a> as well as the <a
                    157: href="/Consortium/Legal/copyright-software.html">full W3C license</a>
                    158: </li>
                    159: <li>
                    160: Any IPR questions? Please check our <a
                    161: href="/Consortium/Legal/IPR-FAQ.html">Intellectual Property FAQ for
                    162: answers</a>
                    163: </li>
                    164: <li>
                    165: If you like to get contribute changes so that they can be incorporated into
                    166: our code base then please fill out the <a href="../PATCHES.html">Corrections,
                    167: Modifications, and Patches</a> form and send it to us. Otherwise we can not
                    168: use the patch!
                    169: </li>
                    170: </ul>
                    172: <h2><a name="Authors">Authors</a></h2>
1.132     frystyk   173: 
                    174: <p>The development of libwww depends on <b>YOU</b>! The more people who
1.122     frystyk   175: are&nbsp;contributing and helping the development, the more useful the code
1.130     frystyk   176: base gets. Check out the <a href="Collaborators.html"><b>list of libwww
                    177: hackers</b></a> who provide invaluable contributions to the libwww code base
                    178: and find out how you can help!</p>
                    179: <dl>
                    180: <dt><a href="/People/Frystyk/">Henrik Frystyk Nielsen</a></dt>
                    181: <dd>
                    182: Designed and implemented libwww from version 2.17 up to the latest version
                    183: </dd>
                    184: <dt><a href="../People/#BernersLee">Tim Berners-Lee</a> and <a
                    185: href="../People.html#Groff">Jean-Francois Groff</a></dt>
                    186: <dd>
                    187: Came up with the initial design and implementation of libwww
                    188: </dd>
                    189: </dl>
1.132     frystyk   190: 
                    191: <p></p>
1.130     frystyk   192: <hr>
                    194: <address>
                    195: <a href="/People/Frystyk/">Henrik Frystyk Nielsen</a>,<br>
1.137   ! frystyk   196: @(#) $Id: Overview.html,v 1.136 1999/04/15 19:45:27 frystyk Exp $ </address>
1.132     frystyk   197: 
                    198: <p class="policyfooter"><small><a
                    199: href="../Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice.html#Copyright">Copyright</a>
1.130     frystyk   200: &nbsp;&copy;&nbsp; 1997 <a href="">W3C</a> (<a
                    201: href="">MIT</a>, <a
                    202: href="">INRIA</a>, <a
                    203: href="">Keio</a> ), All Rights Reserved. W3C <a
                    204: href="../Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice.html#Legal Disclaimer">liability,</a> <a
                    205: href="../Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice.html#W3C Trademarks">trademark</a>, <a
                    206: href="../Consortium/Legal/copyright-documents.html">document use </a>and <a
                    207: href="../Consortium/Legal/copyright-software.html">software licensing
                    208: </a>rules apply. Your interactions with this site are in accordance with our
                    209: <a href="../Consortium/Legal/privacy-statement.html#Public">public</a> and <a
                    210: href="../Consortium/Legal/privacy-statement.html#Members">Member</a> privacy
                    211: statements.</small></p>
                    212: </body>
                    213: </html>
