/* * * (c) COPYRIGHT INRIA and W3C, 1996-2005 * Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT. * */ /* * * fetchXMLname * * Authors: I. Vatton * L. Carcone * */ #define THOT_EXPORT extern #include "amaya.h" #include "parser.h" #include "HTMLnames.h" #include "MathMLnames.h" #include "SVGnames.h" #include "XLinknames.h" #include "Templatename.h" /* define some pointers to let other parser functions access the local table */ int HTML_ENTRIES = (sizeof(XHTMLElemMappingTable) / sizeof(ElemMapping)); ElemMapping *pHTMLGIMapping = XHTMLElemMappingTable; AttributeMapping *pHTMLAttributeMapping = XHTMLAttributeMappingTable; XmlEntity *pXhtmlEntityTable = XhtmlEntityTable; XmlEntity *pMathEntityTable = MathEntityTable; #include "fetchXMLname_f.h" /* Global variables used by the entity mapping */ static int XHTMLSup = 0; static int MathSup = 0; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetXHTMLSSchema returns the XHTML Thot schema for document doc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SSchema GetXHTMLSSchema (Document doc) { SSchema XHTMLSSchema; XHTMLSSchema = TtaGetSSchema ("HTML", doc); if (XHTMLSSchema == NULL) XHTMLSSchema = TtaNewNature(doc, TtaGetDocumentSSchema(doc), NULL, "HTML", "HTMLP"); return (XHTMLSSchema); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetMathMLSSchema returns the MathML Thot schema for document doc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SSchema GetMathMLSSchema (Document doc) { SSchema MathMLSSchema; MathMLSSchema = TtaGetSSchema ("MathML", doc); if (MathMLSSchema == NULL) MathMLSSchema = TtaNewNature(doc, TtaGetDocumentSSchema(doc), NULL, "MathML", "MathMLP"); return (MathMLSSchema); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetSVGSSchema returns the SVG Thot schema for document doc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SSchema GetSVGSSchema (Document doc) { SSchema SVGSSchema; SVGSSchema = TtaGetSSchema ("SVG", doc); if (SVGSSchema == NULL) SVGSSchema = TtaNewNature(doc, TtaGetDocumentSSchema(doc), NULL, "SVG", "SVGP"); return (SVGSSchema); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetXLinkSSchema returns the XLink Thot schema for document doc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SSchema GetXLinkSSchema (Document doc) { SSchema XLinkSSchema; XLinkSSchema = TtaGetSSchema ("XLink", doc); if (XLinkSSchema == NULL) XLinkSSchema = TtaNewNature(doc, TtaGetDocumentSSchema(doc), NULL, "XLink", "XLinkP"); return (XLinkSSchema); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- GetTemplateSSchema returns the Template Thot schema for document doc. --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SSchema GetTemplateSSchema (Document doc) { SSchema TemplateSSchema; TemplateSSchema = TtaGetSSchema ("Template",doc); if (TemplateSSchema == NULL) TemplateSSchema = TtaNewNature (doc, TtaGetDocumentSSchema(doc), NULL, "Template", "TemplateP"); return (TemplateSSchema); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetTextSSchema returns the TextFile Thot schema for document doc. (this is not XML, but its useful to have this function here). ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SSchema GetTextSSchema (Document doc) { SSchema XLinkSSchema; XLinkSSchema = TtaGetSSchema ("TextFile", doc); if (XLinkSSchema == NULL) XLinkSSchema = TtaNewNature(doc, TtaGetDocumentSSchema(doc), NULL, "TextFile", "TextFileP"); return (XLinkSSchema); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetGenericXMLSSchema Returns the XML Thot schema of name schemaName for the document doc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SSchema GetGenericXMLSSchema (char *schemaName, Document doc) { SSchema XMLSSchema; XMLSSchema = TtaGetSSchema (schemaName, doc); if (XMLSSchema == NULL) XMLSSchema = TtaNewNature(doc, TtaGetDocumentSSchema(doc), NULL, "XML", "XMLP"); return (XMLSSchema); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetGenericXMLSSchemaByUri Returns the XML Thot schema for the document doc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SSchema GetGenericXMLSSchemaByUri (char *uriName, Document doc, ThotBool *isnew) { SSchema XMLSSchema; if (uriName == NULL) XMLSSchema = NULL; else XMLSSchema = TtaGetSSchemaByUri (uriName, doc); if (XMLSSchema == NULL) { XMLSSchema = TtaNewNature(doc, TtaGetDocumentSSchema(doc), uriName, "XML", "XMLP"); *isnew = TRUE; } return (XMLSSchema); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetXMLSSchema returns the XML Thot schema for document doc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SSchema GetXMLSSchema (int XMLtype, Document doc) { if (XMLtype == XHTML_TYPE) return GetXHTMLSSchema (doc); else if (XMLtype == MATH_TYPE) return GetMathMLSSchema (doc); else if (XMLtype == SVG_TYPE) return GetSVGSSchema (doc); else if (XMLtype == XLINK_TYPE) return GetXLinkSSchema (doc); else if (XMLtype == Template_TYPE) return GetTemplateSSchema (doc); else return NULL; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HasNatures Check if there are MathML and/or SVG natures --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void HasNatures (Document document, ThotBool *useMathML, ThotBool *useSVG) { SSchema nature; char *ptr; /* look for a MathML or SVG nature within the document */ nature = NULL; *useMathML = FALSE; *useSVG = FALSE; if (DocumentMeta[document] && DocumentMeta[document]->compound) do { TtaNextNature (document, &nature); if (nature) { ptr = TtaGetSSchemaName (nature); if (!strcmp (ptr, "MathML")) *useMathML = TRUE; if (!strcmp (ptr, "SVG")) *useSVG = TRUE; } } while (nature); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- MapXMLElementType Generic function which searchs in the Element Mapping table, selected by the parameter XMLtype, the entry XMLname and returns the corresponding Thot element type. Returns: - ElTypeNum and ElSSchema into elType ElTypeNum = 0 if not found. - content information about this entry - checkProfile TRUE if the entry is valid for the current Doc profile. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void MapXMLElementType (int XMLtype, char *XMLname, ElementType *elType, char **mappedName, char *content, ThotBool *checkProfile, Document doc) { ElemMapping *ptr; char c; int i, profile; ThotBool xmlformat; /* Initialize variables */ *mappedName = NULL; *checkProfile = TRUE; elType->ElTypeNum = 0; profile = TtaGetDocumentProfile (doc); if (profile == L_Annot) profile = L_Other; /* case sensitive comparison for xml documents */ xmlformat = (DocumentMeta[doc] && DocumentMeta[doc]->xmlformat); /* Select the right table */ if (XMLtype == XHTML_TYPE) { ptr = XHTMLElemMappingTable; /* no case sensitive whent there is an explicit "text/html" content_type */ if (xmlformat && DocumentMeta[doc] && DocumentMeta[doc]->content_type && !strcmp (DocumentMeta[doc]->content_type, "text/html")) xmlformat = FALSE; } else if (XMLtype == MATH_TYPE) { if (profile == L_Basic && DocumentTypes[doc] == docHTML) { /* Maths are not allowed in this document */ ptr = NULL; *checkProfile = FALSE; } else ptr = MathMLElemMappingTable; } else if (XMLtype == SVG_TYPE) { if (profile == L_Basic && DocumentTypes[doc] == docHTML) { /* Graphics are not allowed in this document */ ptr = NULL; *checkProfile = FALSE; } else ptr = SVGElemMappingTable; } else if (XMLtype == Template_TYPE) { if (profile == L_Basic && DocumentTypes[doc] == docHTML) { /* Graphics are not allowed in this document */ ptr = NULL; *checkProfile = FALSE; } else ptr = TemplateElemMappingTable; } else ptr = NULL; if (ptr) { /* search in the ElemMappingTable */ i = 0; /* case insensitive for HTML */ if (!xmlformat && ptr == XHTMLElemMappingTable) c = tolower (XMLname[0]); else c = XMLname[0]; /* look for the first concerned entry in the table */ while (ptr[i].XMLname[0] < c && ptr[i].XMLname[0] != EOS) i++; /* look at all entries starting with the right character */ do if (!xmlformat && ptr == XHTMLElemMappingTable && strcasecmp (ptr[i].XMLname, XMLname)) /* it's not the tag */ i++; else if ((xmlformat || ptr != XHTMLElemMappingTable) && strcmp (ptr[i].XMLname, XMLname)) /* it's not the tag */ i++; else if (profile != L_Other && !(ptr[i].Level & profile)) { /* this tag is not valid in the document profile */ *checkProfile = FALSE; i++; } else { elType->ElTypeNum = ptr[i].ThotType; if (elType->ElSSchema == NULL) { if (XMLtype == Template_TYPE) elType->ElSSchema = GetTemplateSSchema(doc); else elType->ElSSchema = GetXMLSSchema (XMLtype, doc); } *mappedName = ptr[i].XMLname; *content = ptr[i].XMLcontents; } while (elType->ElTypeNum <= 0 && ptr[i].XMLname[0] == c); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetXMLElementName Generic function which searchs in the mapping tables the XML name for a given Thot type. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *GetXMLElementName (ElementType elType, Document doc) { ElemMapping *ptr; char *name; int i, profile; ThotBool invalid = FALSE; if (elType.ElTypeNum > 0) { i = 0; /* Select the table which matches with the element schema */ name = TtaGetSSchemaName (elType.ElSSchema); if (strcmp ("MathML", name) == 0) ptr = MathMLElemMappingTable; else if (strcmp ("SVG", name) == 0) ptr = SVGElemMappingTable; else if (strcmp ("HTML", name) == 0) ptr = XHTMLElemMappingTable; else ptr = NULL; profile = TtaGetDocumentProfile (doc); if (profile == L_Annot) profile = L_Other; if (ptr) do { if (ptr[i].ThotType == elType.ElTypeNum) { if (doc == 0 || profile == L_Other || (ptr[i].Level & profile)) return ptr[i].XMLname; else invalid = TRUE; } i++; } while (ptr[i].XMLname[0] != EOS); } if (invalid) return ""; else return "???"; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- IsXMLElementInline Generic function which searchs in the mapping tables if a given Thot type is an inline character or not ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ThotBool IsXMLElementInline (ElementType elType, Document doc) { int i; ThotBool ret = FALSE; char *name; ElemMapping *ptr; if (elType.ElTypeNum > 0) { i = 0; /* Select the table which matches with the element schema */ name = TtaGetSSchemaName (elType.ElSSchema); if (strcmp ("MathML", name) == 0) ptr = MathMLElemMappingTable; else if (strcmp ("SVG", name) == 0) ptr = SVGElemMappingTable; else if (strcmp ("HTML", name) == 0) ptr = XHTMLElemMappingTable; else ptr = NULL; if (ptr) { while (ptr[i].XMLname[0] != EOS && ptr[i].ThotType != elType.ElTypeNum) i++; if (ptr[i].ThotType == elType.ElTypeNum) ret = ptr[i].InlineElem; } } return ret; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- MapXMLAttributeValue Search in the Attribute Value Mapping Table the entry for the attribute ThotAtt and its value attVal. Returns the corresponding Thot value. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void MapXMLAttributeValue (int XMLtype, char *attVal, const AttributeType *attrType, int *value) { AttrValueMapping *ptr; int i; /* Select the right table */ if (XMLtype == XHTML_TYPE) ptr = XhtmlAttrValueMappingTable; else if (XMLtype == MATH_TYPE) ptr = MathMLAttrValueMappingTable; else if (XMLtype == SVG_TYPE) ptr = SVGAttrValueMappingTable; else ptr = NULL; *value = 0; i = 0; if (ptr == NULL) return; while (ptr[i].ThotAttr != attrType->AttrTypeNum && ptr[i].ThotAttr != 0) i++; if (ptr[i].ThotAttr == attrType->AttrTypeNum) do if (!strcmp (ptr[i].XMLattrValue, attVal)) *value = ptr[i].ThotAttrValue; else i++; while (*value == 0 && ptr[i].ThotAttr == attrType->AttrTypeNum); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- MapXMLAttribute Generic function which searchs in the Attribute Mapping Table (table) the entry attrName associated to the element elementName. Returns the corresponding entry or -1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int MapXMLAttribute (int XMLtype, char *attrName, char *elementName, ThotBool *checkProfile, Document doc, int *thotType) { AttributeMapping *ptr; char c; int i, profile; ThotBool xmlformat; /* Initialization */ *checkProfile = TRUE; i = 1; *thotType = 0; /* case sensitive comparison for xml documents */ xmlformat = (DocumentMeta[doc] && DocumentMeta[doc]->xmlformat); /* Select the right table */ if (XMLtype == XHTML_TYPE) { ptr = XHTMLAttributeMappingTable; /* no case sensitive whent there is an explicit "text/html" content_type */ if (xmlformat && DocumentMeta[doc] && DocumentMeta[doc]->content_type && !strcmp (DocumentMeta[doc]->content_type, "text/html")) xmlformat = FALSE; } else if (XMLtype == MATH_TYPE) ptr = MathMLAttributeMappingTable; else if (XMLtype == SVG_TYPE) ptr = SVGAttributeMappingTable; #ifdef TEMPLATES else if (XMLtype == Template_TYPE) ptr = TemplateAttributeMappingTable; #endif /* TEMPLATES */ else if (XMLtype == XLINK_TYPE) ptr = XLinkAttributeMappingTable; else ptr = NULL; if (ptr == NULL) return -1; if (strcmp (attrName, "unknown_attr") == 0) { *thotType = ptr[0].ThotAttribute; return 0; } /* case insensitive for HTML */ if (!xmlformat && ptr == XHTMLAttributeMappingTable) c = tolower (attrName[0]); else c = attrName[0]; profile = TtaGetDocumentProfile (doc); if (profile == L_Annot) profile = L_Other; /* look for the first concerned entry in the table */ while (ptr[i].XMLattribute[0] < c && ptr[i].XMLattribute[0] != EOS) i++; while (ptr[i].XMLattribute[0] == c) { if (!xmlformat && ptr == XHTMLAttributeMappingTable && (strcasecmp (ptr[i].XMLattribute, attrName) || (ptr[i].XMLelement[0] != EOS && elementName && strcasecmp (ptr[i].XMLelement, elementName)))) i++; else if ((xmlformat || ptr != XHTMLAttributeMappingTable) && (strcmp (ptr[i].XMLattribute, attrName) || (ptr[i].XMLelement[0] != EOS && elementName && strcmp (ptr[i].XMLelement, elementName)))) i++; else if (profile != L_Other && !(ptr[i].Level & profile)) { *checkProfile = FALSE; i++; } else { /* Special case for the 'name' attribute for elements 'a' and 'map' in xhtml1.1 profile */ if ((profile == L_Xhtml11) && !strcmp (attrName, "name") && elementName && (!strcmp (elementName, "a") || !strcmp (elementName, "map"))) *checkProfile = FALSE; else *thotType = ptr[i].ThotAttribute; return (i); } } return (-1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetXMLAttributeName Generic function which searchs in the mapping tables the XML name for a given Thot type. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *GetXMLAttributeName (AttributeType attrType, ElementType elType, Document doc) { AttributeMapping *ptr; char *name, *tag; int i, profile; ThotBool invalid = FALSE; if (attrType.AttrTypeNum > 0) { /* get the specific element tag */ if (elType.ElTypeNum > 0) tag = GetXMLElementName (elType, doc); else tag = ""; i = 0; /* Select the table which matches with the element schema */ name = TtaGetSSchemaName (attrType.AttrSSchema); if (strcmp ("MathML", name) == 0) ptr = MathMLAttributeMappingTable; #ifdef _SVG else if (strcmp ("SVG", name) == 0) ptr = SVGAttributeMappingTable; #endif /* _SVG */ else if (strcmp ("XLink", name) == 0) ptr = XLinkAttributeMappingTable; #ifdef TEMPLATES else if (strcmp ("Template",name) == 0) ptr = TemplateAttributeMappingTable; #endif /* TEMPLATES */ else ptr = XHTMLAttributeMappingTable; profile = TtaGetDocumentProfile (doc); if (profile == L_Annot) profile = L_Other; if (ptr) do { if (ptr[i].ThotAttribute == attrType.AttrTypeNum && (ptr[i].XMLelement[0] == EOS || !strcmp (ptr[i].XMLelement, tag))) { if (doc != 0 && profile != L_Other && !(ptr[i].Level & profile)) invalid = TRUE; else return ptr[i].XMLattribute; } i++; } while (ptr[i].XMLattribute[0] != EOS); } if (invalid) return ""; else return "???"; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- HasADoctype returns TRUE if the document includes a DocType ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void HasADoctype (Document doc, ThotBool *found, ThotBool *useMath) { Element el_doc, el_doctype; ElementType elType; char *s; ThotBool useSVG; /* Look for a doctype */ el_doc = TtaGetMainRoot (doc); elType = TtaGetElementType (el_doc); /* Search the doctype declaration according to the main schema */ s = TtaGetSSchemaName (elType.ElSSchema); if (strcmp (s, "HTML") == 0) elType.ElTypeNum = HTML_EL_DOCTYPE; else if (strcmp (s, "SVG") == 0) elType.ElTypeNum = SVG_EL_DOCTYPE; else if (strcmp (s, "MathML") == 0) elType.ElTypeNum = MathML_EL_DOCTYPE; else elType.ElTypeNum = XML_EL_doctype; el_doctype = TtaSearchTypedElement (elType, SearchInTree, el_doc); *found = (el_doctype != NULL); HasNatures (doc, useMath, &useSVG); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- MapXMLEntity Generic function which searchs in the Entity Mapping Table (table) the entry entityName and give the corresponding decimal value. Returns FALSE if entityName is not found. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ThotBool MapXMLEntity (int XMLtype, char *entityName, int *entityValue) { XmlEntity *ptr; ThotBool found; int inf, sup, med, rescomp; /* Initialization */ found = FALSE; sup = 0; /* Select the right table */ if (XMLtype == XHTML_TYPE || XMLtype == Template_TYPE) { ptr = XhtmlEntityTable; if (XHTMLSup == 0) for (XHTMLSup = 0; ptr[XHTMLSup].charCode > 0; XHTMLSup++); sup = XHTMLSup; } else if (XMLtype == MATH_TYPE) { ptr = MathEntityTable; if (MathSup == 0) for (MathSup = 0; ptr[MathSup].charCode > 0; MathSup++); sup = MathSup; } else ptr = NULL; if (ptr) { inf = 0; while (sup >= inf && !found) /* Dichotomic research */ { med = (sup + inf) / 2; rescomp = strcmp (ptr[med].charName, entityName); if (rescomp == 0) { /* entity found */ *entityValue = ptr[med].charCode; found = TRUE; } else { if (rescomp > 0) sup = med - 1; else inf = med + 1; } } } if (!found && ptr == XhtmlEntityTable) // check MathML entities return MapXMLEntity (MATH_TYPE, entityName, entityValue); return found; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- MapEntityByCode Generic function which searchs in the Entity Mapping Table (table) the entry with code entityValue and give the corresponding name. withMath is TRUE when MathML entities are accepted. Returns FALSE if entityValue is not found. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void MapEntityByCode (int entityValue, Document doc, ThotBool withMath, char **entityName) { XmlEntity *ptr; ThotBool found; int i; /* Select the right table */ ptr = XhtmlEntityTable; if (ptr) { /* look for in the HTML entities table */ found = FALSE; while (ptr && !found) { for (i = 0; ptr[i].charCode != 0 && !found; i++) found = (ptr[i].charCode == entityValue); if (found) { /* entity value found */ i--; *entityName = (char *) (ptr[i].charName); } else if (withMath && ptr != MathEntityTable) /* look for in the Math entities table */ ptr = MathEntityTable; else { *entityName = NULL; ptr = NULL; } } } else *entityName = NULL; }